Weekly Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)

jTTK WEEKLY TOWN TALK, ALEXANDRIA, RAPIDES PARISH. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 PAGE SEVEN iOCRATS WIN IN New from Deville Weekly Subscriptions. During the past week we have re BIRTHS Woodson, Mlfs Martha Smith, Mr Sam Wilson, Mr. Manue and, Miss Eunice Belgard. XX.

ceived subscriptions to The Weekly Town Talk from the following: JOHNSON Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Johnson of Bunkle, announce the L. M.

Connella, Mrs. Dan Johnson, JERSEY; ELECT NEW YORK MAYOR Mrs. J. Cutts, John Bohannon, Cyril Fftral, Charles Roberts, 3. birth of a daughter, Patsy Ruth, on Wednesday, October 28, 1915, at the GIRL DENIES SHE AIDED JBANDITS Padlock Petitions Against Seven New Orleans Establishments BIRTHS Milton Roberts, Philip Paul, Mrs.

Roy Loehleer, Mlsa Mary Johnson, home of Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Lee Fogieman, 30 Bolton avenue, C. A. Holbert, Adolph Loyd, C.

C. Alexandria, La. km. DEVILLE, Nor. C.

Syrup making ls the order of the day here. Mr. Sam Smith and wife have moved Into their own horsiO. We are getting tlreJ? of too much rain, but want a little cold weather. Miss Myrtle xlelgard ls spending a rew weeks with her frisnds at Deville.

Miss Gertrudo Bolgard is visiting in Shrevplrt Mr, Jimmle Woodson's friends hope to see him up and well Again soon. A large crowd called at the home of Mr. Ed McNrrly Sunday. Among them Were Mr. and Mrs.

Monroe Clark, Otis Beauboeut. M. K. Fisher, P. P.

Akins, M. P. Vernon, W. H. Riddle, Joe Beauregard, Mrs.

W. T. wounded in gun fights In the mountain districts of Kentucky, and armed election celebrants last njght slightly wounded five persons with hni- Imith Appears win- CRUMP. Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Crump, of Enterprise Addition, Alexandria, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, Oct. 25, 1925, at 5:15 a. m.

His name will be Rogers Ray. Allen, E. H. Head, J. B.

Phillips lets. BALTEAT Mr. find Mrs. B. A Balyeat of Elliott street, Alexandria announce the birth of a son at Baptist Hospital, at 6:15 a.

to. No vcmber 5, 1925. COLE Mr. and Mrs. C.

Cole bf Bayou Rapides, Alexandria, an nounce the birth of a son at a. on Sunday, October 25, and Miss Fannie Ewlng. to be" at the school building on the night of October 31, was necessarily abandoned on account of weather conditions. As soon as the bad weathor Is ovsr however, other plans will be mads and som kind of an autumn festival will be given for the benefit of the school. The Forest Hill reporter has been out of town so much recently that news notes have not been sent in regularly.

This little city, howeer, has been quite as much alive as usual, and has had Us shar of the good things as well as some of the unpleasant. The reaction that set up after the fair has been "dapmen-ed" a little by weather conditions, but when the sun comes out again there ig no doubt that Nature's smile will be contagious. Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Savage returned Sunday night" from a motor trip to Arkansas where Mrs. SdV ags visited friends and relatives, while J. looked after business Interests. They report a good trip with the exception of a few "mud holes" In Arkansas, which caused sufficient Inconvenience to make theme appreciate the splendid Louisiana highways.

PERSONALS CLAY Mr. and Mrs. Philip 3. Clay (nee Gladys Prlngle, of Lecompte), of 1128 LaveU Terrace, Los Angeles, Cat, announce the birth of a daughter' oh Friday, October 80, 1M6. HOLT Mr.

and Mrs. R. T. Holt, of Prospect street, announce the birth of a son, weighing 11 pounds, on Sunday, November 1, 1955. Elidate in Detroit.

Jocrats swept to victory in the New Jersey guber- and the New York (iftACUlar contests the '111 tlected a mayor of Bo-first time since 1907; won frn In Pennsylvania State iEtoftl' elections-, regained Lrf tM municipal machinery of Indiana cities and had elected a mayor of Can You Beat My Prices On Pecans? NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 4. Dry-eyed, exoept for tears that came immediately with mention of her family, Edna Stewart, black-haired girl who was lodged in parish prison yesterday on the chwrge of accessory In a hold-up alleged to have occurred at Decatur and Madison streets about 1:30 a. rn. Tuesday, reiterated her Innocence.

Following a visit yeaterdny afternoon from two men, and a woman believed to be her sister, officials believed bond of $5,000 would soon be arranged for her release. The girl was accused by Louis Rodrlgues and Jote Bautista, members of the crew of the Mexican I DON'T THINK SO (from Rtrdy's Dsfly) Miss Mary Prlnglo and Mrs. N. J. Davis of Lecompte, were visitors to Alexandria today.

(From Monday1! IHIly) Mr. M. IC. Fisher of Deville, Li, was a visitor to the city today. Mr.

J. W. Sanders of Hutton, Is in ths city today. (From. WednsMsy'g Dully) Mrs.

A. Calcote ot Bunkle, Is etlll at the bedstde of her daughter, Mrs. M. S. Trimble, in this city.

Mrs. Ralph Graser, of Lafayette, HANLET Mr. and Mrs. C. L.

Hanley, of 1628 Gould avenue, Alex-ndria, anndunee the birth of a daughter Sunday night, November 1, 192JV win, kj held Its own -the 0111 N. GAMBURG Twelfth and Washington Streets Twelfth mni Lee Streets PHONES 1121 AND 1799 i retaining control of the gunboat Anahuao, at anchor at the 4 lncreaw of $43,828,638 in Bank Resources NEW ORLEANS (By A. An Increase of $43,828,538.62 In total resources, believed to be the greatest in ths history of Louisiana, was made by the 214 banks of this State sines September, 1924, according to the quarterly report of J. S. Brock, State bank examiner.

Mr. Brock attributes this phenomenal growth to the successful crops, especially of cotton, which are now being marketed, and to the price levels of farm products which have reached a peak this year higher than that of several past years. A total of $40,670,783 in resources was reported by the State banks since the report of the State examiner on June 80, 1925, which is mora than double the amount of Increase during the same period last year, and more than $3 per cent of the the close of the last quarter, being total increase for the whole year. Reserves, on the whole, in the 214 State banks, which are four less than the number of Louisiana banks last year, are 5 per cent higher than at approximately 38 per cent of demand obligations. The total amount of deposits for the past year show an Increase of $35,709,320.88, of which $28,000,000 have been received since Juno 30 last.

The deposit increase during the Port street docks, of driving a car from which they said a dark-com iVe dlSOTCX ana mo irilnn successful In Weekly Weather and Crop Review DEATHS has returned to be with her plexioned man jumped out, held them up with a pistol and robbed WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 (By A. Crop and weather conditions In them of $25. sister, Mrs. s.

Trimble, who is iii-TWO WOMEN KILLED AT R. R. CROSSING (co*kTISTJED FROM PAOS OWE) The mysterious disappearance of I Southern States for the week ending the proprietor of a soft drink estab EG LIN In Alexandria, on Wednesday afternoon, November 4, 192K, at 1:45 o'clock, Miss Marian Eglin, daughter of Mrs. Eglin. Arrangement for the funeral had not been made up to the time of Town Talk going to press this afternoon.

Kentucky district, fj the only State besides ft, to elect a governor, v. Btraisht Democratic slate UW Jnn M- Purce11 won Fhtte treasurer over JohnB. U. Rfpubllcan, In ft contest much, more than because Purcell's ffh the Catholic Church L-rtt into the campaign. Tuesday were summaried by the Department of Agriculture as fol lows: i TRADE AT a curvs at CampM.

Belmo Trlchel, an aged prominent citizen of Camptl, dropped dead when he saw Miss Eglin was operated upon last Monday at the Baptist hospital for ths accident Coroner M. IX. Phelps appendicitis. The many friends of trinr Klan became the I v. the family wlU be pained to learn of Mil In the non-paruaan nuiy- her passing away.

(taction in t'eiroii, wiui ivin.j'- ear Smltn apparency r-. -ictor over Charles Bowles, FOR SALE CjuDDorted candidate. FOB SAIiB oil tf tfiTmi n4 very rnnnp, igrte nouna ana hlf-sour SfOu lishment In Bloomingdale Court, apparently last Friday, was being Investigated by police last night. The mnn's name is unknown to them. Two squads of detectives were trying to learn his identity and ascertain his whereabouts.

A number of persons In the neighborhood were questioned but to no avail, police said. Deserted two months ago by her husband, and now left penniless with an 8-day-old daughter, Mrs. R. C. Pluger, ill at her home, 2123 Canal street, has asked aid in finding her son, 11.

C- Pluger, 17 years old, who has not been heard from for three weeks. Successful demonstration by the police yesterday of a bullet-proof vest resulted In the determination by Superintendent Healy to put into service six of tho vests which have been lying idle at police headquarters for several years. He also decided to ask the commission council 09 Kiilton itrt. Sa moixir by Mln tho ownfir S'ufford HerWt. fhons 1SST or 18.

lO-ao-tM-tlAw was the out and out tl New Jersey guberna-Jnrt, but In the victory A. fjloore, Demorcat, over State Arthur Whitney, who had Umwrt of the Antl Saloon Where You Get More for Your Money It conlntued unfavorable for gathering the cotton crop In moat sections of the belt where harvest has not been completed. There was also considerable lowering of grade and damage by rain to unpicked cotton, and, in the northwestern portion of the belt by freeslng. The growth of late cotton was stopped by freezing weather in the northwestern and much of the western portions of Texas while picking and ginning were delayed by unfavorable weather, with some further lowering of grade. In Oklahoma much damage to Immature bolls was caused by the freeze and picking was greatly retarded, while growth of late plants was stopped in Arkansas; in the western portion of the latter State conditions for picking were somewhat better.

In Tennesse the rains of the last three weeks have been very damaging to unpicked cotton, and that remaining In the fields in the Central Gulf States was unfavorably affected. Rains Interrupt-j ed picking also in the northeastern FOB BALB Twrety ar farm Horttuho I)rif; Impforemtntl honn. ete. Tri to uit purchaaar. Addreaa "Tha Owner," car Town Talk.

M4 tM tlw ft Democrats pointed to .1.. oto Ann and sheriff J. W. Payne went to Camptl and held sn Inquest ovsr the bodies. The Jury returned a verdict of an unavoidable accident.

H. S. Wlfflford was engineer in charge of the train, extra 139. Mr. John Stathem, who ha been employed here by MeConnell A Me-Connell, working on the Nakatoeh Hotel, left for his home In ghreve-port.

He was taken sick with the flu. Mr. L. Levy, president of the People's Bank, Is in New Orleans for a few days. Judge Wllllnar, of New Orleans, was a visitor In Natchitoches this week Mr.

Howard Thomas, an employee of the Texas and Pacific railroad, left the Natchitoches sanitarium for Marshall, Texas, sanitarium Saturday. He Is suffering from a sprained neck and back caused by his foot slipping frflm a passenger train while backing, Ijjyen president Coolldge last last quarter are $15,000,000 more than the Increase during the same period last year. Total resources of all State banks at the end of the third quarter of this year as shown by Mr. Brock's report are $420,374,448, of which the New Orleans banks are reported to hold $260,119,277 and the 206 banks In other sections of the State Total savings deposits show a decrease of $283,081.09 from September, 1924, to September, 1925. Cash and money due from other banks Increased loans and discounts an Increase of bills payable and rediscounts an Increase of and surplus and undivided profits an increase of $1,152,072.25.

FOR SALS Loiilalaat Red Rust proof aeod oata; warranted no Johnaon graas nor bad wead J1.00 par bushel f. o. b. AlaxMidrls W. Imidilc and finna, Libtina, Ls.

10 3Dtd Stw Mi Moore rolled up a plurality FOR 8 ALB -580 serea at Moreland on T. P. oitht mls from Alarandrla: IRS SCraa bilh atam nlKv.flnn. We carry everything that's good to eat. Our enormous buying power enables us to sell cheaper Read Our List of Every Day Prices woodland, fivg rood honaaa.

'with tin- nirirrniind efaterna; SOi55 two atnry barn. Boaaonable raah payment j' balanre to aim pnreheaer Bloch, P. O. Box 478, Alexandria, La. 10-28-8t-tI-8td-2tw portion of the belt, with some lower either to purchase or authorize remodeling of three police automobiles Into armored cars equipped with bullet-proof windshield glass for use in wars on banditry.

Tadlock petitions against seven alleged New Orleans bootleg establishments were filed yesterday In federal court by Assistant United States Attorney Arthur de la Houssaye. Temporary restraining orders were signed by Judge Louis H. Burns. proximately largely the heavy vote cast for him a bom county, Hudson, the trims not as sweeping as some ritlc leaders had predicted, forecast running as high as Democratic victory in New I City was overwhelming. State iar James J.

Walker defeated D. Waterman by votes out of a total (jjhtly more than one million Kith Walker, the Democrats nidi five borough presidents, a tint of the board of alderman poller, all four district attor-iiad along lint of lesser officials. ten candidates seven Dem-k iiwt three Republicans run-llBoiton's nominally Malcolm E. Nichols, FOR 8 ALB Complete dairy propoai-tlon; nlnatefn cowa, on fine Jprney bull, a good Ford trnrk, ill cen, bottlea and otbar eqnipment needed in dairy bua-Infaa, tothT with a paid lee npon abont lift arraa of land for next year, now paylnc $150 net per month. Price $1,200.

Small eeah payment; balance monhl Buckner Broumard Realty 11S Murray atreet. Office phone 93; residence 365 and 1550. 11 8 2td-ltw "The growth of our banks Is indicative of the trend southward of commerce and induetry, thereby a recognition hy foreign capital of the many opportunities for profitable investment offered In the South, and by LouisiAta In particular," declared Mr. Erock. ing of grade.

Citrus fruits are maturing rapidly in all sections and shipments have begun. Tobacco stripping made good advance in ths Ohio valley and Ten-nesseee while fall truck in south' eastern States was favorably affected by increastd soil moisture. Truck needs more warmth and ol 45 pounds $6.25 Compound throwing him from the train and down the embankment. Mrs. W.

B. Gill has returned from a trip to New Orleans. A Hallowe'en party was given st the home of Mrs. J. B.

Wire Hallowe'en night. All the furniture was draped in white, which gave a ghastly appearance. The living room and dining room were decor FOB SALE Water proofed tarpaullna. J. J.

Stent Auto Tap Company. Phone 406. 10 0 6td-8tw sunshine In the west gulf area, but FOREST HILL NEWS NOTES in Louisiana a continuation of cool WILLIAM WELLS DIES OF INJURY FOR 8 ALB Ho and hominy 800 TOMATOES 11c No. 2 Red Croat weather would be favorable for sugar cane. isilcan, wag elected mayor of (CONTHniD FHOM PAGE ONE) Special to Town Talk FOREST HILL, Nov.

5. A r. The main Democratic vote tvldrd between Theodore acres land at twelve dollar and half per acre part.caah; balance In ten yeara at 6 per cent Interest; SO acrea open; barn home and groond cistern all under fence; can fence off woodland for hoga and raise 40 bushels corn per acre on open land. No Johnaon grass. Not of mile from gravel road three and half miles below Cheneyvllle, the cotton center of Rapides parish.

Come and ee Oharlet Tanner, CheneTvlllo, Ls. lrt-17-ntw Lott. In some unaccountable manner a wild duck, which it is said "last minute" party at the home or Mrs. Jess Perkins was the result of the failure to carry out the Hallowe'en plans at the school building. mwho had the backing of JKCurley, and Joseph II.

O'Nell, BAKING POWDER 29c 1 tb. Calumet ired by Former Mayor John When Mrs. Perkins found that Appleby, eon of the late the program had been called off, she realized that no little disappointment would be felt by the youngsters, who mtttlve-Eloct T. Frank Ap- FOR RENT elected to Congress from had been eagerly looking forward ated with the Hallowe'en colors. The refreshments sreved were hot chocolate with marshmallow cake and candy.

Small pumpkins were used as place cards. Those present were Misses Ruby Williams, Nell Glass, Agnes Barber, Amelia, Stella and Mary Wire, Messrs. Jack Holt, Rarle Manning, Edgar Huddloaton, John Marvin Taylor, Martin Phenix, Elbert Huddleston. Every one expressed themselves as having a nice time. Mr.

and Mrs. John Peterson were visitors of Many, this week. Rev, H. L. John and Henry Rickey are visitors in Alexandria this week.

Sunday evening, Nov. 8, there will a Joint meeting at the Methodist church of B. Y. P. U.

and Epworth League. An especially good program is expected. Mr. Lewis, of Dallas, ls a business visitor of Natchitoches, La. MM New Jersey district over to the great event.

Her resourceful SOAP 36c White Crystal 10 bars Kenmouth, Democrat. Conditions by States: Louisiana: Mostly cold, cloudy and wet weather unfavorable for most crops, and rains further damaged rice, some corn and little remaining cotton in fields, and delayed harvesting. Truck, pastures and minor crops fair to good. Sugar cane needs further cool weather for ripening; grinding becoming more general, but stalks green. Texas: Unfavorable for field work and plant growth with damaging frost in northwest and northern portions of west Texas.

Conditions of pastures, early wheat, and oats very good; trucks needs sunshine and warmth. Late cotton growth stopped by killing frost in northwest and much of wheat; picking and ginning delayed by frequent showers, excessive cloudiness and cold, with FOB RENT 75 acres good farm land, suitable for cane, corn, cotton; under fence, with houaea, barn, situated right at I.amonrie Station. Apply Mrs. M.S. Disch.

Franklin, L. 10-81 Stdltw third Kentucky district, presented by the late Robert ness was equal to the occasion, and going to the telephone she broadcast the invitation, to all who could come, to be on hand at her home that eve pnu, veteran Democrat, John WANTED if! riiM ilM tore, Democrat, apparently toi returned a winner over ning and enjoy a portion of the good JuB. Dlxnn, Republican. eats that had been prepared for the party, and otherwise take part in an 36c GOLD DUST 10 package WANTED Experienced lady atenogra-pher desirea temporary or permanent work at once. Can furnish good references.

Phone 843, Winnfield, La. 11-7-ltw Wells had In his hand, was thrown on the running board of the Lott car, so that when the latter drove into the McKenzlo-Elllngton filling station at Jackson and Fourth sreets a few minutes later, the duck was discovered on the car. The victim was a member of the Woodmen of the World. Funeral services will be held from the lato residence of tho deceased in Pino-vllle tomorrow at 2 o'clock, with burial at Greenwood Memorial Park. Rev.

Father J. V. Plauche will officiate. Hlxson Brothers, undertakers, prepared the body for burial. Decedent is survived by his widow and two sons, two and four years old; his mother, Mrs.

Overton Wells; eight brothers, Thomas of Alexandria; Moore of El Dorado; Walter and James of Monroe, and Alfred, Joseph, Jullen and Caesar; throe sisters, Mrs. Keener Nugent, El Dorado, Mrs. Rollo Lawrence of Plneville, and Mrs. Harry Duke of Oakland, Calif. Mr.

Wells had been In the employ of McKenzie-Elllngton company since it was formed several years Triumph frAl Smith Impromptu program of her own. Hie Invitation was accepted by all who were brave enough to face the threatening elements and had a way f' IORK, Nov. A. nor Smith has had an- triumph at the polls. WANTED To loan $10,000.00 on improved city property or farm lands.

One to fire years. Will purchase vendor's lien or first mortgage notea P. O. Box 4T8, city. 10-26 8t tl-3td-2tw at Protege, State Senator Jamefl Mr, who defeated Mayor Hy-F the Democratic nomination primary battle, was elect- of New yesterday by "Wous plurality over Frank WANTED To receive bida until noon on November 18, 1925, for furnishing and installing a boiler in the Boyce High School building.

Specifications may be had at my office W. J. Avery, Superintendent. li-7-2tw WANTED To buy oat aeeder with fertiliser attachment, or will exchange plain oat seeder and pay the difference J. W.

Drudlk and Hons. Llbus. La. 10124td4tw 'wrman, Pnubllcan and Crystal damage to staple. Mississippi: Progress of cotton picking poor with moderate damage to staple.

Light to moderate damage, unhoused corn. Considerable damage to unhoused forsge. Progress of pastures generally good. Arkansas: Cotton opening, but growth stopped by freeze middle of week; weather Improved and picking progressing In west where rain-fail very light, but deterioration continues and picking badly delayed by rain in central and eastern portions. Unfavorable for late truck and rice harvest.

piurer. to get there. The assembly consisted of small and great, old and young, and a general good time was enjoyed. Bryan Adams returned last night from a trip to Baton Rouge, where he had been on business. Mrs.

Hollinshcad's mother and aunt, Mrs. P. A. Cloutler and Mrs. S.

J. Marlcelli, of Camptl, are here this week. They will be with Mrs. Hollinshead until Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. Marshall have moved to Selper, where they will take charge of the hotel there, It ls understood that better business conditions there make the move an ad Proposed smendmontu in ihei HWItutton for which the gov- (5 ruampea the state and which w. mm a mm Tar i (Weed by the Republican approved by the voters. WANTED Four-foot green pine pulp wood on Missouri Pacific railroad P. J.

Turregano. Phone 1878, Alexandria, Ls. JUDICIAL 8 AXE. iw proof of the political Nth governor Is valedictory ffles out his pre-election He said he would return vantageous one for Mr. and Mrs.

-'ewnen Ms term as gov- NEW SUITS FILED Spires a year from next Jan- ago, and was one of the most popular men In the service of that company. He was well known by a large number of patrons of the firm, and was thought highly of by all who knew him. Many customers made a practice of asking for him to serve them when they drove to the Bolton and Lee street station, and It was common knowledge that when "Willie" Wells cared for the wants of a customer, the customer got Just what he wanted. He was manager at the accessory station, and his employers valued highly his services. The station was closed today In his honor.

His popularity was not limited to the customers, but tour years beginning January in flKtr.fi .1 1. iu, -im-i executive oi mo L''tt city will be a Tam- For Saturday "ci who arose, much as iimiBBir, irom tho sioe- State of Louisiana, Parish of Rapides, Ninth Jndiclal Dlatrict Court. Wade E. Plauche va. B.

W. Harknese No. 17.14U. By irtu of and to aatiafy writ of fieri facias issued from the Honorable Ninth Judicial Ifatrict Court, and to ma directed aa Kheriff and ex -Officio Auctioneer of Rapides Ferlsh, Louisiana, directing and commanding me to seise and sell the property, rights and credits of the defendant, I have seized the within described property and will offer for aale to the faat and bigheat bidder at public auction at the front door of the court house in Alexandria, Louisiana, between the hours prescribed hr law, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1ST, 192S, the following described property, to-wtt: One Oldsmobile tnnring car. One new Essex coach automobile, model 1925; motor No.

826,655. Terms of Sale: Cash. Snhiect to appraisem*nt. U. T.

IOWN8. ll-5-ltd-2tw Sheriff. Yor1 A semi-pro ball ess in urn 9 Peter D. Smith et al vs. Intemrban Transfer Company, Inc.

Avoyelles Bank and Trust Company vs. T. F. Davis. Avoyelles Bank and Trust Company vs.

W. E. Carter. Avoyelles Bank and Trust Company vs. J.

W. Williams, Jr. Avoyelles Bank and Trust Company vs. L. C.

Dupuy, et al. Avoyelles Bank and Trust Company vs. C. B. Gray.

Anthony P. O'Carroll vs. Emma O'Carroll. 45-Pound Gin LARD a stage manager $6.24 ph ft er, Walker has also among his fellow-employes he r-sisiature for 16 years. 8-Pound Bucket LARD SoTi lpKlslatlon.

He was Uws Permitting boxing. i movie $1.24 64c mm eunaay De.se- was well liked, and those with whom he worked had good words for him this morning when they were seen by a Town Talk representative, Fire Destroys For" OLTMPIA. As a result of forest fires which swept areas from north 4-Pound Pail LARD first tim i' HI us nistory me iH, wnrran member of Marsnall and their friends here wish them the best of success in the new venture. The Dixie Filling Station here has recently changed hands, Mr. Conway having sold his interests to Mr.

Stalszy of Hlnrston. Mr. Conway's family will remain In Forest Hill until he Is permanently located. Tbe big potato house located near tho Missouri Pacific tracks. Is rapidly being filled with potatoes from the four corners of the community.

Farmers around here aro harvesting one of the largest potato crops iii the history of Forest Hill. Tile potatoes are of fine quality and are abundant In quantity. Some Individual farmers have already placed as much as two hundred bushels of their products In the potato house. It is understood that the crop ls only partially harvested and the greater percentage is yet to be brought in. Prof.

Hollinshead has developed a unique idea for financing a recent invesemcnt in books for the- school library. The set of books were purchased on the Installment plan, with the initial payment and the plan as the only tangible security. Feeling that the school needs Justified htm In shouldering such a responsibility, Mr. Hollinshead signed up for the books before putting his plans before tho pupils; but when he requested their co-operation to the extent of "one egg a week each," the response was enthusiastic; and while some have been a little dilatory in coming up each week with their contribution, sufficient Interest has per 1 7 Pounds Granulated $1 SUGAR d' She ls a sodpty loader and ern British Columbia to southern Jilta. no- running on the Oregon last summer, this section will Thrift Makes Possible uchet in the "silk stock- ku me unner Fast Hide.

SOAP Laundry, 7 Bars produce less fur this year than many years. The dense smoke and fires came at a time when most of the fur-bearing animals were rearing former Senator FRESH VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS their young. tm. i- -U1M MARRIAGE LICENSES ilntUCky returred the "1 t0 contro1 the Tth Blihtly in" fci In each. TTm RA In CRISTA WHITE Robert B.

Derrough and Mary rvNrni 4ritiio Sannier and Mrs. s- The Third district elected aDom- ll Moor ot Morgnn-iocrst. The RnUbll- Your Own Home Education, Success, Travel, Luxuries Save at This Bank RAPIDES BANK TRUST COMPANY ALEXANDRIA LOUISIANA Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 Resource orer $4,000,000.00 Safety Courtesy Service GR0CE RY, INC Lucinda Bonnette. Clint Eaves and Dettie Lee Henry. Warren B.

Leatherman and Josephine Votaw. E. Frank Pearson and Lillian Mc- r.tntv. bkZ COntrnl Louisville. btZA Wm- mayor, but sisted and the school children have Randolph O.

Fuglaar and Beatrice Vrt. 9 bcfn by j0B Who Plnn to contest Ucan PHONE 528 Pineville, La. Berthamae Campbell. Roscoe F. Beachum and Mrs.

Bes io h. nivnn. MAIN STREET John A. O'Neal, Manager NEXT TO OWL DRUG STORE 2 h'T the board of sold enough eggs to easily meet tne monthly Installments as they come due. Mr.

Hollinshead was congratulated by the P. T. A. on his plan which they thought wag a capital one for building up the school library. The Hallowe'en party which "was Steven Hayes and Addie Nu VHf Whlch 'Glared the of two gent.

John H. Forest and Mattle Collins. James C. Hilton and Minnie O. Aiken.

were killed and four.

Weekly Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.