Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (2024)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (1)wild infusion of the sneak (res 23%; mental; dur 3; cd 13)
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: scroll / infusion

When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 13
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a nature gift
Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random mental effect and reduce all damage taken by 23% for 3 turns.
Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free.
Its effects scale with your Cunning stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion.Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent.

wild infusion of the sneak (res 23%; mental; dur 3; cd 13)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (2)Mirror Image Rune (dur 6; cd 24)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create up to 3 images of yourself that taunt nearby enemies each turn and immediately after being summoned.
Only one image can be created per enemy in radius 10 with the first being created near the closest enemy.
Images inherit all of your life, resistance, armor, defense, and armor hardiness.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Mirror Image Rune (dur 6; cd 24)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (3)Rune of Dissipation ( )
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to remove 8 beneficial magical sustains from an enemy target or all magical debuffs from you.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Rune of Dissipation ( )

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (4)Rune of Reflection (--)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune ; tier 3
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing and reflecting at most 205 damage for 5 turns.
Its effects scale with your Magic stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.You can see your own image mirrored in the surface of this silvery rune.

Rune of Reflection (--)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (5)blink rune of the duelist (range 6; phase 16; cd 20)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1

When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 6
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to teleport up to 6 spaces within line of sight. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 3 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 16%, your defense is increased by 16 and all your resistances by 16%.
Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

blink rune of the duelist (range 6; phase 16; cd 20)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (6)Withering Orbs
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
5 mind
Damage (Ranged):
5 mind
+5 (+3 eff.)
See stealth:
See invisible:
Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.These opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows.
If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see...

Withering Orbs

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (7)copper amulet
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1

Amulets make your neck look great!

copper amulet

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (8)gold amulet
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3

Amulets make your neck look great!

gold amulet

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (9)restful gold amulet
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Life regen:
+2.00Amulets make your neck look great!

restful gold amulet

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (10)starlit gold amulet of vision
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+13% light / +16% darkness
Blindness immunity:
Infravision radius:
Sight radius:
See invisible:
+7Amulets make your neck look great!

starlit gold amulet of vision

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (11)Plaguecut the copper ring
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
10% chance to slow global speed by 44%
Changes resistances:
+22% cold / +3% light / +5% arcane
Changes damage:
+11% cold
Spell save:
+6 (+3 eff.)Rings make your fingers look great!

Plaguecut the copper ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (12)copper ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1

Rings make your fingers look great!

copper ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (13)gold ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3

Rings make your fingers look great!

gold ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (14)gold ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3

Rings make your fingers look great!

gold ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (15)psionicist's steel ring of nature (+24%)
Infused by
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Wil
Changes resistances:
+24% nature
Changes damage:
+12% nature
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)Rings make your fingers look great!

psionicist's steel ring of nature (+24%)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (16)steel ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

Rings make your fingers look great!

steel ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (17)steel ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

Rings make your fingers look great!

steel ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (18)steel ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

Rings make your fingers look great!

steel ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (19)steel ring
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

Rings make your fingers look great!

steel ring

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (20)Stormfront (30-45 power, 15 apr)
- Strength 16

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 30.0 - 45.0
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* inflicts either shocked or wet, chosen at random
Damage (Melee):
+15 lightning / +15 cold
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+12% lightning / +12% coldThe blade glows faintly blue, and reflects a sky full of stormy clouds.

Stormfront (30-45 power, 15 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (21)Dagger of the Past (25-32 power, 20 apr)
- Magic 24
- Dexterity 24

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
Potentially it would go with a sword in the future.
Base power: 25.0 - 32.5
Uses stats: 50% Mag, 50% Dex
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
Damage (Melee):
+5 temporal
Damage conversion:
30% temporal
When wielded/worn:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Changes damage:
+5% temporal
Talent masteries:
+0.10 Chronomancy / Blade Threading +0.10 Chronomancy / Temporal Guardian
Spell save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Movement speed:
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
+15%Legend has it this blade is one of a pair: twin blades forged in the earliest of days of the Wardens. To an untrained wielder it is less than perfect; to a Warden, it represents the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of the past.

Dagger of the Past (25-32 power, 20 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (22)Star (10-13 power, 0 apr)
- Cunning 24
- Dexterity 24

Powered by

arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3
It is part of a set of items.
The star shines alone in a moonless sky.
Base power: 10.0 - 13.0
Uses stats: 20% Str, 20% Dex
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* Deal 70 Light damage.
When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
+1Legend tells of a blade, shining bright as a star. Forged from a material fallen from the skies, it glows.

Star (10-13 power, 0 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (23)Swordbreaker (25-32 power, 20 apr)
- Cunning 10
- Dexterity 10

Crafted by

a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3

Base power: 25.0 - 32.5
Uses stats: 50% Cun, 50% Dex
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* Breaks enemy weapon.
When wielded/worn:
Armour Hardiness:
+15 (+5 eff.)
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +8 Dex
Talent granted:
+1 Dagger Block
Physical save:
+15 (+7 eff.)
Disarm immunity:
Can block like a shield, potentially disarming the enemy.This ordinary blade is made of fine, sturdy voratun and outfitted with jagged hooks along the edge. This simple appearance belies a great power - the hooked maw of this dagger broke many a blade and the stride of many would-be warriors.

Swordbreaker (25-32 power, 20 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (24)truestriking dwarven-steel greatmaul (44-67 power, 2 apr)
- Strength 24

Crafted by

a master
5.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 44.5 - 66.8
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Armour penetration:
Changes resistances penetration:
+7% physicalMassive two-handed mauls.

truestriking dwarven-steel greatmaul (44-67 power, 2 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (25)Arimadar (34-55 power, 2 apr)
- Strength 16

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
Infused by
psionic forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 34.5 - 55.2
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
7% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 14
* 50% chance to put 1 talent on cooldown for 3 turns (checks Confusion immunity)
Damage (Melee):
+9 blight
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+5% arcane
Changes resistances penetration:
+20% arcane
Changes damage:
+3% arcaneMassive two-handed swords.

Arimadar (34-55 power, 2 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (26)Barynarindil the Brandsmash (37-59 power, 2 apr)
- Strength 24

Powered by

arcane forces
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
3.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 37.0 - 59.2
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* Splash the target with acid dealing 64 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 8
When wielded/worn:
Physical power:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
4 fire
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +10 Wil / +13 Con
Changes resistances:
+9% fire
Changes resistances penetration:
+16% physical
Changes damage:
+3% physical
Disarm immunity:
Maximum life:
+19.00Massive two-handed swords.

Barynarindil the Brandsmash (37-59 power, 2 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (27)Bloomsoul (8-9 power, 13 apr, nature damage)
- Willpower 18

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 2

Base power: 8.0 - 8.8
Uses stats: 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Talent mastery:
+0.30 Wild-gift / Fungus
Life regen:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Mental crit. chance:
Healing mod.:
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to activate talent Bloom Heal (costing 34 power out of 40/40) :
Effective talent level: 1.0
Power cost: 34 out of 40/40.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Call upon the power of nature to regenerate your body for 20 life every turn for 6 turns.
The life healed will increase with the Willpower stat.
Pristine flowers coat the surface of this mindstar. Touching it fills you with a sense of calm and refreshes your body.

Bloomsoul (8-9 power, 13 apr, nature damage)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (28)Kor's Fall (10-12 power, 0 apr, darkness element)
- Magic 25

Powered by

arcane forces
5.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 1
It must be held with both hands.

Base power: 10.0 - 12.0
Uses stat: 110% Mag
Damage type:

Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus:
+2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+10% acid / +10% fire / +10% darkness / +10% blight
Talent mastery:
+0.10 Corruption / Bone
Talent granted:
+1 Command Staff
+7 (+4 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
See invisible:
It can be used to activate talent Bone Spear (costing 6 power out of 6/6) :
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost: 6 out of 6/6.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a spear of bones, doing 89.37 physical damage to all targets in a line. Each target takes an additional 20% damage for each magical debuff they are afflicted with up to a max of 100% (179).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Made from the bones of many creatures, this staff glows with power. You can feel its evil presence even from a distance.

Kor's Fall (10-12 power, 0 apr, darkness element)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (29)hardened leather belt 'Vorama'
Powered by
arcane forces
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: armor / belt ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Changes stats:
+6 Mag
Changes resistances:
+6% acid / +6% temporal / +7% fire / +13% cold / +7% lightning
Stealth bonus:
Confusion immunity:
Mana each turn:
Maximum mana:
+37.00A belt that goes around your waist.

hardened leather belt 'Vorama'

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (30)insulating hardened leather belt of unlife
Powered by
arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / belt ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+8% blight / +9% cold / +7% fire
The wearer is treated as an undead.
The wearer no longer has to breathe.
A belt that goes around your waist.

insulating hardened leather belt of unlife

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (31)Aryssra the Dawnmoon (7 def, 0 armour)
Crafted by
a master
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / cloak ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+20 (+6 eff.)
+7 (+2 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
2 light
Changes stats:
+1 Str
Changes damage:
+3% physical
Reduces incoming crit damage:
Physical save:
+5 (+3 eff.)A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

Aryssra the Dawnmoon (7 def, 0 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (32)cashmere cloak of the voidstalker (2 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / cloak ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Changes resistances:
+16% darkness / +14% temporal
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
It can be used to blink randomly (up to range 8) within 2 spaces of a target hostile creature

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 9 turns.

A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

cashmere cloak of the voidstalker (2 def, 0 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (33)thick cashmere cloak of the Shaloren (2 def, 7 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / cloak ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Changes stats:
+1 Mag / +2 Wil
Changes resistances:
+17% coldA cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

thick cashmere cloak of the Shaloren (2 def, 7 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (34)Eden's Guile (2 def, 1 armour)
Crafted by
a master
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / feet ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Cun
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Cunning / Survival
It can be used to boost speed by 40% (based on Cunning)

Activation costs 43 power out of 50/50.

The boots of a Rogue outcast, who knew that the best way to deal with a problem was to run from it.

Eden's Guile (2 def, 1 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (35)Gloridhenor the Torchwreck (20 def, 1 armour)
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+20 (+6 eff.)
Changes stats:
+2 Dex / +3 Wil / +2 Con
Changes resistances penetration:
+25% fire / +6% physical
Changes damage:
+6% fire
Maximum stamina:
+4 (+2 eff.)
It can be used to activate talent Blindside, placing all other charms into a 22 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 22 out of 25/25.
Range: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: With blinding speed, you suddenly appear next to a target up to 6 spaces away and attack for 44% (at 0 Hate) to 146% (at 100+ Hate) damage. Your sudden appearance catches everyone off-guard, giving you 28 extra Defense for 1 turn.
The Defense boost improves with your Strength.
A pair of boots made of leather.

Gloridhenor the Torchwreck (20 def, 1 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (36)undeterred pair of dwarven-steel boots (0 def, 4 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Powered by

arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Silence immunity:
Confusion immunity:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
+25%Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm.

undeterred pair of dwarven-steel boots (0 def, 4 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (37)Storm Bringer's Gauntlets (0 def, 5 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Powered by

arcane forces
1.50 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / hands ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Mag
Changes resistances:
+15% lightning
Changes damage:
+15% lightning
Critical mult.:
+12 (+6 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Talent level: +1 to all lightning damage spells.
Talent on hit(spell): Lightning (10% chance level 1).This pair of fine mesh voratun gauntlets is covered with glyphs of power that spark with azure energy. The metal is supple and light so as not to interfere with spell-casting. When and where these gauntlets were forged is a mystery, but odds are the crafter knew a thing or two about magic.

Storm Bringer's Gauntlets (0 def, 5 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (38)dwarven-steel gauntlets 'Hettylar' (0 def, 2 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Crafted by

a master
1.50 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / hands ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Physical power:
+5 (+2 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +1 Dex
Changes damage:
+9% acid / +9% physical
Spell save:
+3 (+2 eff.)
Stamina each turn:
Vim when firing critical spell:
+15 (+8 eff.)
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm.

dwarven-steel gauntlets 'Hettylar' (0 def, 2 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (39)heroic hardened leather gloves of the juggernaut (0 def, 6 armour)
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / hands ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+2 Con
Physical save:
+14 (+6 eff.)
Spell save:
+5 (+3 eff.)
Mental save:
+11 (+4 eff.)
Disarm immunity:
Maximum life:
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to activate talent Juggernaut, placing all other charms into a 26 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 3.9
Power cost: 26 out of 30/30.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Concentrate on the battle, ignoring some of the damage you take.
Improves physical damage reduction by 31% and provides a 17% chance to shrug off critical damage for 20 turns.
Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat.

heroic hardened leather gloves of the juggernaut (0 def, 6 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (40)Helm of the Dwarven Emperors (0 def, 6 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Crafted by

a master
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / head ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Wil / +4 Mag
Changes resistances:
+10% darkness
Changes damage:
+10% light
Blindness immunity:
Confusion immunity:
Light radius:
+6A Dwarven helm embedded with a single diamond that can banish all underground shadows.

Helm of the Dwarven Emperors (0 def, 6 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (41)dwarven-steel helm 'Relgylathafast' (0 def, 4 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Infused by

3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / head ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 18
Changes stats:
+2 Cun / +2 Dex
Changes resistances:
+12% light / +12% darkness
Changes resistances penetration:
+15% mind
Infravision radius:
+3A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however.

dwarven-steel helm 'Relgylathafast' (0 def, 4 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (42)grounding iron helm of constitution (+3) (0 def, 3 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Infused by

Crafted by
a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / head ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Con
Changes resistances:
+6% lightning / +5% temporalA large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however.

grounding iron helm of constitution (+3) (0 def, 3 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (43)fortifying steel mail armour of resilience (2 def, 6 armour)
- Heavy armour training
- Strength 20

Infused by

Crafted by
a master
14.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / heavy ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +3 Con
Maximum life:
+60.00A suit of armour made of mail.

fortifying steel mail armour of resilience (2 def, 6 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (44)Eel-skin armour (16 def, 0 armour)
Infused by
9.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / light ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
+16 (+5 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Cun / +2 Dex
Changes resistances:
+15% lightning
Poison immunity:
Pinning immunity:
Talent on hit(nature): Call Lightning (10% chance level 2).
It can be used to activate talent Call Lightning (costing 22 power out of 50/50) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 22 out of 50/50.
Range: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a nature gift
Description: Calls forth a powerful beam of lightning doing 35.84 to 107.52 lightning damage (71.68 average).
The damage will increase with your Mindpower.
This armour seems to have been patched together from many eels. Yuck.

Eel-skin armour (16 def, 0 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (45)Skin of Many (12 def, 6 armour)
- Strength 16

Crafted by

a master
9.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / light ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Changes stats:
+4 Con
Talent mastery:
-0.20 Cunning / Stealth
Maximum life:
Infravision radius:
+3The stitched-together skins of many creatures. Some eyes and mouths still decorate the robe, and some still live, screaming in tortured agony.

Skin of Many (12 def, 6 armour)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (46)Black Mesh (8 def, 2 armour, 120 block)
- Shield usage training
- Strength 20

Infused by

7.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / shield ; tier 3
Learn shield attack talent or enable 'Always show shield combat' to see combat stats.
When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Ranged Defense:
+8 (+2 eff.)
On shield block:
* Up to once per turn, pull an attacker up to 15 spaces away into melee range, pinning and asphyxiating it
Changes stats:
+5 Wil
Changes resistances:
+25% blight / +25% darkness
Talent granted:
+1 Block
Special effect on block: Up to once per turn, pull an attacker up to 15 spaces away into melee range, pinning and asphyxiating itBlack, interwoven tendrils form this mesh that can be used as a shield. It reacts visibly to your touch, clinging to your arm and engulfing it in a warm, black mass.

Black Mesh (8 def, 2 armour, 120 block)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (47)quiver of ash arrows 'Gloommark' (16/16, 33-46 power, 7 apr)
- Dexterity 16

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
3.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 2

Base power: 33.0 - 46.2
Uses stats: 70% Dex, 50% Str
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Turns elapse between self-loadings:
On weapon hit:
20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 15%
On weapon crit:
* Wound the target dealing 275 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50%
Damage (Ranged):
+8 darknessArrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death.

quiver of ash arrows 'Gloommark' (16/16, 33-46 power, 7 apr)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (48)2 agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 agate

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (49)175 alchemist agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: alchemist-gem / black ; tier 1

When used as an alchemist bomb:
Bomb damage +5%
Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

175 alchemist agate

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (50)5 onyx
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

5 onyx

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (51)7 aquamarine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

7 aquamarine

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (52)2 lapis lazuli
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 lapis lazuli

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (53)11 opal
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

11 opal

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (54)9 topaz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 topaz

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (55)Tooth of the Mouth (dig speed 12 turns)
Powered by
unknown forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: tool / digger ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Armour penetration:
Damage when hit (Melee):
10 draining blight
Changes damage:
+5% blight
When carried:
Talent granted:
+1 Dig A huge tooth taken from the Mouth, in the Deep Bellow.

Tooth of the Mouth (dig speed 12 turns)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (56)Xanuritira the Dawnbiter (dig speed 24 turns)
Crafted by
a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: tool / digger ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+5 (+1 eff.)
Damage when hit (Melee):
2 light
Changes stats:
+7 Cun / +2 Str
Changes resistances penetration:
+25% mind
Changes damage:
+6% acid
Mental save:
+9 (+3 eff.)
Infravision radius:
When carried:
Talent granted:
+1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways.

Xanuritira the Dawnbiter (dig speed 24 turns)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (57)emerald
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.


Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (58)6 spinel
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 spinel

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (59)Planar Beacon
Powered by
arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: lite / lite
When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
It can be used to activate talent Fearscape Shift (costing 22 power out of 25/25) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 22 out of 25/25.
Range: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Open a gateway to the Fearscape, stepping through it to a nearby location. As you step out, a burst of fire will leave with you, dealing 66.34 demonfire damage to everyone within 3 spaces and leaving flames which will deal an additional 66.34 demonfire damage over 4 turns.
Additionally, shifting through reality enhances your awareness, allowing you to see all enemies within 8 spaces for the next 3 turns.
The damage will scale with your Spellpower and the range will increase with the talent level.
A strange orb of demonic origins. It glows with a surreal red light.

Planar Beacon

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (60)Summertide Phial
Infused by
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: lite / lite ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
15 Lite Light Burst (radius 1)
Changes resistances:
+30% light
Changes damage:
+10% light
Light radius:
Healing mod.:
When attacking in melee, deals 15 light damage and lights tiles in radius 1.
It can be used to call light, dispelling darkness and lighting tiles in radius 20.(77 power, based on Willpower)

Activation costs 9 power out of 15/15.

A small crystal phial that captured Sunlight during the Summertide.

Summertide Phial

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (61)Crystal Focus
Powered by
arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Mag
Changes damage:
+20% arcane / +20% blight
(The created item can be activated to recover the Focus.)
Latent Damage Type: Arcane
It can be used to combine with a weapon (makes a non enchanted weapon into an artifact)

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

This crystal radiates the power of the Spellblaze itself.

Crystal Focus

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (62)Scrying Orb
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:This orb will automatically identify items you find.

Scrying Orb

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (63)3 garnet
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 garnet

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (64)Rod of Recall (2/2)
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: charm / rod
It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns

Activation costs 172 power out of 400/400.

This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself.
You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel.

Rod of Recall (2/2)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (65)Transmogrification Chest
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: chest / sher'tul
When carried:
It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level)

Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000.

This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy.
The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you.

When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level.
Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them.
Items in the chest will not encumber you.

Transmogrification Chest

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (66)Eclipselace [power 260] (13 cooldown)
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / torque ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 15%
Changes stats:
+3 Dex / +3 Wil / +3 Cun
Changes resistances:
+9% mind
Infravision radius:
See invisible:
It can be used to project a gust of wind in a cone knocking all creatures back 10 spaces and dealing 268 physical damage

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 13 turns.

When used:
* Increase all damage by 22% for 2 turns.
Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers.

Eclipselace [power 260] (13 cooldown)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (67)Glitterwilder the ash totem of stinging [power 206] (13 cooldown)
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / totem ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Cun
Changes damage:
+12% light
Reduces incoming crit damage:
Infravision radius:
It can be used to sting an enemy dealing 247 nature damage over 7 turns and reducing their healing by 50%

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 13 turns.

When used:
* Reduce fatigue by 26% for 2 turns.
Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power.

Glitterwilder the ash totem of stinging [power 206] (13 cooldown)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (68)4 amethyst
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / violet ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: ArcaneGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 amethyst

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (69)ash wand of shielding [power 170] (17 cooldown)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / wand ; tier 2

It can be used to create a shield absorbing up to 170 damage on yourself and all friendly characters within 10 spaces for 4 turns

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 17 turns.

Magical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells.

ash wand of shielding [power 170] (17 cooldown)

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (70)3 quartz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
When used to imbue an object:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 quartz

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (71)ametrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.


Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (72)2 citrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
When used to imbue an object:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 citrine

Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (73)2 zircon
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 zircon
Dalomnd the level 27 Thalore Berserker by Chenzi (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.