Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWSW : December 11, 2020 1:00pm-2:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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investigation since hunter biden and the transition team with the president-elect made their statements public. so more of that coming up throughout the day. back here on monday. 3:00 eastern. set the dvr. never miss a report. meantime, here's neil to take you through on a friday. almost there. >> neil: sorry we are closed. in new york and in baltimore, that today or by monday will be the rule of thumb for indoor dining in the case of baltimore for both indoor and outdoor dining amid a spike in cases that has gone on in baltimore. in new york, indoor dining. the new york metropolitan area effective monday. how long all of this could go on? anyone's guess. it comes at a time that ironically vaccines are on the way. so are speaks in cases. what to make of this? a fast-moving news day. we're looking at the hope of a vaccine that could be out in america's hands and arms on monday morning.

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well, just against a spike in cases that has folks worrying about whether we will be hanging around the delays and more in the weeks and months to come. let's go to david lee miller on however this goes. david lee? >> neil, andrew cuomo says he's decision to halt all indoor dining in the city is because of an increase in the number of infections, transmission as well as the surge in the number of hospitalizations. he says the density of the city's population makes eating indoors at risk, in his words, too risky. the city was the epicenter of the pandemic. capacity was limited to 25%. monday, they'll be restricted to offering only outdoor dining. according to state statistics, restaurants are the fifth highest cause of covid spread. the governor called on

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washington to provide financial help for the struggling industry. >> i believe the federal government should include subsidies for bars and restaurants in their relief package. today we will extent the commercial eviction moratorium. so a landlord can't evict a commercial enterprise because they haven't paid the rent. >> bill: an industry trade group, the new york city hospitality alliance called the governor's decision a last straw for countless restaurants and jobs. the group says restaurants in the city have taken precautions to keep people safe. one restaurant owner said the forced shut down is bad for the overall economy. >> it's coming to the point that it's hurting people. you have taken the five boroughs, 24,000 restaurants in the five boroughs. they employ close to 320,000

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people. look what it's doing to them right now, right before the holidays when they need the money the most. >> new york city is not alone in halting indoor dining. a similar ban will take place in pennsylvania. in a little less than an hour, baltimore will put a halt to all indoor as well as outdoor dining as the virus continues to surge. neil? >> neil: incredible. two restaurant owners in new york are worried and how long this will drag on. amanda cohens has a great restaurant in downtown new york. very well-regarded french restaurant. tommy greco from greco's steakhouse on ninth avenue in new york city. great to have you with us. amanda, what do you do?

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>> i don't know what we're doing. i don't know what we're doing the last couple months. having indoor dining -- from what i can tell, it wasn't that great being here anyway. we need financial help from the federal government. the only thing that will save us. 25% indoor dining won't save the restaurant industry. we need government help. we need them to past the restaurant act. >> neil: all right. don't hold your breath for that. they're having trouble on that. let me ask you. your steakhouse, obviously you have delivery and all that. but i got to imagine that is tough when it comes to doing that with steak, right? so what do you do? >> yeah, steak in my genre of the steakhouse fine dining that i am, you can't deliver porter houses and tomahawks.

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you know, folks right now that are tight with money are not ordering that. they're ordering more fast casual, inexpensive stuff. it's difficult. it's difficult for us. to allow us just to have outdoor dining with the weather being in the 30s with possible snow, who will sit outside? >> neil: it's freezing out. so let's get your thinking on this, amanda. you talked about the hope for help out of washington. i'm sure you're looking for the same thing, tommy. they're having a devil of a time coming up with a package regarding covid-19 relief. increasingly looking more unlikely every day. if you don't get that and if this drags on weeks, amanda, then what? >> then i close. then every restaurant starts to close. i've been open for 12 years. eight months ago, i was making

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10, $12,000 a night. enough to cover my coast -- costs. now it's $500 a night. i have nothing left in my bank account. i will close. i will put my employees on unemployment. the jobs will disappear permanently and i also will be out after a job. >> neil: goodness. tommy, the rationale behind these shut downs from the governor of new york and his counter parts and places like california, maryland, is that the spikes do happen at restaurants. even though the data is inconsistent on it. you're doing everything, you and amanda, and -- have you had any reported cases that have come from your restaurant? >> no. we've had no reported cases come from our restaurant. okay? just like amanda said, we're not

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even making money. we're just going through the motions here. what he said today was 74% of these cases come from in-home gatherings. with 1.4% coming from restaurants. you close the restaurants, you're forcing people to do more in-home gatherings. makes no sense. >> bill: . >> neil: what is weird about it, we're preparing to see a vaccine monday. maybe another one thursday or friday. so in the middle of this hopeful news, you're shutting down. it's weird. >> yeah. it's hopeful news. the fight of really depressing news. we need help. by the time we get the vaccine, it would be a couple months down the road. we need help now. >> neil: hang in there, guys. we'll get an update on that.

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might strike you as odd, i'm familiar with best of your restaurants. i know i don't look like a restaurant visitor but i am. i'm a big fan. hang in there. i'm sure better days are ahead. man, it seems like you've been unfairly targeted here. we'll watch it closely. we have your back. we both took out the latest to these managers interests here. what is happening on the vaccine front is retidy -- ready common. it's deciding who gets it and when and how it gets to you period. it's a little tricky. we'll explain. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪

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it's not about the toys or the ornaments but about coming together. santa, santa, you're on mute! just wanted to say thanks. thanks for believing. >> neil: teasing, but not quite done. the official write-up from the food and drug administration on

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that pfizer covid-19 vaccine could come any moment. mark meredith in maryland with what happens after that. hey, mark. >> neil, good afternoon. will it be tonight or tomorrow. that's the question. dr. stephen hahn is denying reports that his job was threatened over whether or not it would get done today. there's questions about what's going on behind the scenes here at the fda. president trump made it clear he wants it moved as fast as possible. he called the fda a big old slow turtle and wanted the damn vaccines out now. on thursday, 24 hours ago, an fda advisory approved the vaccine. we're still waiting on the final green light from the fda for emergency authorization. canada and the u.k. have already approved it for use. and you may be wondering what is

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the hold-up? we're getting an idea from dr. hahn himself who said the fda is finalizing the necessary documents to be sure that patients and providers have the information that they need to make informed decisions and safely administer the vaccine. this is a critical part of what the agency does to promote and protect the public health. while they are still waiting to give that final green light today, the fda told the cdc and operation warp speed to get ready to make sure that the vaccine disfusion facilities and plans were ready to go. all indications are that they are and still waiting to get the injections started potentially as early as monday. so monday looks like the first vaccinations. that won't be going to you and me. it will be going to the first responders, the people on the front line and continue to roll out early 2021. neil? >> neil: i hate to break it to you, you're so young, you're going to be last in line for this. i get yours.

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that's the plan. mark meredith, great seeing you. great reporting on this. mike tobin in michigan. i understand that they're all set up with the manufacturing to get this out. but that's going to be a big project, isn't it? >> it will be a huge project. if approval of this emergency use authorization goes through friday, if it goes through saturday, they can start moving vaccines out of this massive facility here in kalamazoo in 24 hours. 2.9 million doses can move right away. the supply has to stay here and stay here in cold storage. the pfizer vaccine in particular requires a follow up shot. the trial shows one shot was 50% effective at fighting the virus. the second shot proved 95% effective. alex azar said if the eua approves it, shots could go into people's arms monday or tuesday.

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other officials say the pandemic is not over but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel. >> it mean we can see the end of the pandemic. it's really in our sight. with 20 million people being able to be vaccinated in december, 30 million in january and another 50 million in february, just with the 2 vaccines that we know about now, pfizer and moderna, we know the end is in sight but we still have a lot of work to do until most people can get vaccinated and the pandemic goes away. >> ups and fed ex will handle this sophisticated super cold supply or shipping chain that will get the vaccine out to its point of use. once it's at the point of use, states will have control over who gets the vaccine first. as you talked about with mark meredith, the priority will be the healthcare workers and at-risk populations like people in nursing homes. neil? >> neil: got it. thanks, mike. mike tobin in michigan. want to go to warner thomas.

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thomas is the oxner ceo, one of the biggest in louisiana. the largest nonprofit healthcare company. how they will go about getting this distributed to folks. mr. thomas, thanks for taking the time here. how do you go about getting this out to folks? because it's one thing to approve something but another to get it out in people's arms. how do you do it? >> neil, thanks for letting me be with you today. we've been preparing this for months for this day that hopefully is coming next week. we have five of the ultra cold minus 80 freezers that are deployed across louisiana. we have 26 of the minus 20 freezers deployed across louisiana. we anticipate hopefully with the emergency authorization to get 9,400 doses approximately on monday. that's our anticipation. we would begin vaccinating our

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healthcare workers immediately upon receipt of the vaccine. we've worked on this for some time. we're ready today, or monday for the approval to be done and receive the vaccine on monday. >> you know, apparently enormous pressure on the fda to get this out. in fact, do so and give the green light today. "the washington post" was reporting that the white house chief of staff, mark meadows told the fda commissioner, stephen hahn, to submit his resignation if the agency does not clear the vaccine by day's that true? does that worry you? >> yeah, i don't know a lot about that. i think the important thing here is that this is done right. that the appropriate process is followed. i think as we heard from patients and heard from our healthcare workers, i think folks want to make sure there's no corners cut.

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i think the fda working in conjunction with the white house and the administration, i know they'll get this right and do it appropriately. once that is done, we're ready to take the vaccine and vaccinate folks. so i think everybody wants to make sure this is done appropriately. we know that there's a certain percentage of the population that is worried about getting the vaccine because they feel like it's been done too quickly. once again, i think the appropriate process is being followed and that's what we want to see. >> neil: you do raise a good point. the questions started when the united kingdom approved it for their citizens. bahrain came after them and canada a couple days ago. we're still waiting for fda. do you trust then that the fda is being very careful, certainly not rushing and this report about pressure coming from the white house to get it out by the end of the day is unnecessary?

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>> yeah, it's hard -- i can't comment whether that is necessary or unnecessary. what i'd say is we're confident the be fda is going through the right process. our physicians have reviewed the documentation from the fda and feel very confident about what they're seeing. the fact that we need the right guidance on storage and any other concerns about how we administer the vaccine is important. we're part of the pfizer trial. so we're very familiar with the ultra cold storage and how to handle that and do the vaccine. once again, i think making sure that we can ensure the american public that this is done right and all of the processes are done appropriately is very important. >> neil: you would honor -- obviously you heard me, but you'd honor the protocols of whatever the governor is calling for? protocols about the healthcare workers, nursing homes, older, more vulnerable patients and theest are. that seems to be the guidelines

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that folks are getting no matter where they live, right? >> correct. we're going to follow the cdc guidelines. we've been in contact with the governor's office here in louisiana. we've identified or first wave. approximately 10,000 healthcare workers. we have those folks identify. we think we can vaccinate them within ten days. we can get that group done. as we get the second shipment of vaccine in the second week, we'll continue to vaccinate folks to 1 b. once again, we'll follow the cdc guidelines. we've had close connections with the governor of louisiana. he's done a great job with the plans and the distribution of the vaccine. we're ready to go as soon as we get approval. >> neil: real quickly, the ten-daytime target is for both doses, right? the first dose and some days later the second dose, correct? >> no, actually a 21-day delay between the first dose and the second dose. the ten days i'm talking about

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is that would be the period of time to take us to vaccinate the first 10,000 people. we want to do this in a wave progression just because we're concerned there could be some side effects and we don't want to vaccinate all of our people in one or two days. we're doing this in a few days. we deploy the right nurses and technicians to help us in this process and we'll be doing this across all of our facilities in louisiana. >> neil: understood, sir. thanks for clarifying that for me. they're going to have a big responsibility here getting it out to the fine folks there that have been waiting a long time. sometime tonight we might get the official fda clearance of whether this goes through. tomorrow we'll know officially one way or the other either now or wait until monday. 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, we'll be

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all over it. meantime, all over hunter biden. his father commented on all of this just a few minutes ago with peter doocy after this. this year you got it done. now walmart can help check off your gift list with free curbside pickup,

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and soo much icing. let's end the year deliciously. ♪ >> neil: the big apple has a big worry. what if there's no help coming from washington? no covid-19 relief? then what. restaurants shutting down, people firing up. even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm on top of that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? getting out there. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve

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theater where he was holding an event this afternoon, i did manage to get the first direct response of any kind from the president-elect about this federal investigation into his son's tax affairs. >> did hunter biden commit a crime? have you spoken to your son, mr. president-elect? >> i'm proud of my son. >> he said "i'm proud of my son." the only other comment is attributing to the transition team. they hosted a brief via zoom. the transition calls on correspondence of these things that say that they have a question. they called on a handful of people today but notably nobody asked about hunter biden or this investigation. questions instead came about the vaccine and about diversity in the cabinet. nothing concerning tax affairs or hunter biden. that is fair game. the taxpayer funded transition team sent out hunter's statement

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even though hunter biden does not work for the transition. the press pool that is traveling in the biden motorcade today reports back that two or three minutes ago, he exited the theater to head home and did not answer any other questions. what we played is what we have for today, neil. >> neil: very impressive, peter. you got it out there. peter doocy in wilmington, delaware. jim is here, the former federal prosecutor. where do you think this entire hunter biden thing is going? >> well, these a good question. it's interesting that this information finally surfaces because of the bidens. they're getting in front of an issue. they know that perhaps an indictment is coming in the near future. they wanted to get it out of the trial balloon. it something to do with taxes. the other thing that is a possibility here, not saying

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it's a probability. but it's possible there's a deal in the works. a tax case that will be filed as a guilty plea with hunter biden that will have the effective truncating the other issues about foreign money and other possible federal statutes. so you could see a biden christmas present towards the end of the year of a hunter biden plea. this was a trial balloon to get everybody ready for it. so something is moving for them to be acknowledging it publicly at this point and could be one of those two things. >> neil: i'm way ahead of myself here. but could a president biden pardon his son? >> sure. i mean, we've had interfamily pardons before. there's always a political calculation to that. how terrible does that look for a president to first day in office to say by the way, i'm pardoning my son. it's available to a president biden if he felt the need to to it. >> neil: meantime, we're also hearing that bill barr was at

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least aware of all of this sort of percolating before the election. i'm sure that is not sitting well with the president, if true. your thoughts? >> well, you know, probably not -- it wasn't politically helpful to have the hunter biden story completely quiet. you know, the issue is more whether the press walked away from congressional investigations than the department of justice. prosecutors are supposed to be ethical and announce their actions through indictment, through court. they do their talking in court. what the attorney general did for all the criticism from the left, he knew there was an investigation, he knew it could have political repercussions but he did the right thing. as the attorney general of the united states, to not dignify it or talk about it until you get to a point that it's public. by natural course of events. so he's doing the right thing. somehow his critics have lost track of that. i understand politically it's a

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frustrating moment to know this is out there and to not be able to use it. that's why we have hopefully an independent attorney general that knows his ethics. >> neil: five or six weeks left of this administration, but we do know the president is still angry at mr. barr over his dismissing of some of the claims about the elections, that even though they're real, some are real, they wouldn't have tipped the outcome. what is the likelihood and what would be the fallout if the president did dismiss him? >> well, if he dismissed the attorney general at this point, might be a very momentary thing. right? if trump doesn't pull out with this litigation or if the state legislatures don't find a way to inject different electors, you're talking about a six-week period of an interim or acting attorney general. normally would be the deputy attorney general. so again, that is a possibility

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here, but i don't think barr has earned it. i think he's done his job the right way even though sometimes it doesn't always benefit the president politically. >> neil: i'll flip it around. talk about that barr himself the a little, you know, just chagrinned by this, wants to quit. what if he resigned? >> same thing. he has that option. he could resign. i don't know that it's anything more than a foot note in terms of his career overall. i would hope that he sticks it out and sticks around until he's ready to leave on his own accord. >> neil: thanks, jim. former federal prosecutor. we were mentioning hunter biden, whether that issue was going to be an issue in the run-off race in gone gone. the president-elect will head down there. so what will the impact be if this comes up? will it come up? i guess it depends on the media. t people remember

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>> neil: all right. it's getting crowded in georgia. a host of who's who players showing up for the twin elections that could decide the future of the united states senate. right now keep in mind, the democrats would have to take both seats from the incumbent republicans to gain control of the senate. president-elect biden himself will be there next week. let's get the read from our panel. susan, there's so many things swirling around as these visits are planned. you have the release of these vaccines, imminent release, pretty soon, for what pfizer has come up with. the moderna vaccine, reports that it's a go.

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the administration has agreed to purchase 100 million doses of that pfizer -- of the moderna vaccine for next week. it will be out there and fast. how is that affecting or will it affect these georgia races? >> if the trump administration can talk about the upcoming vaccines in terms of the successes of his administration, the success of the republican party and if republicans can try to translate that in to holding on to the two senate seats, it's really important to get that message out. president trump has taken a lot of blame for the state of coronavirus right now in america. fairly or not, unfairly or not. the vaccine development was under operation warp speed, all in part for these vaccines developed. the president has not been really awarded to him. it's all been drowned out by

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this fight over the elections and the belief that the president was not given a fair shot on november 3. that is drowned out so much of this. but for republicans, if they can drill home that message that it was their party that pushed for the development of this vaccine and can continue to help the country survive this pandemic and bounce back from it in a healthy way economically and physically, that is a plus for them right now. a lot of this is getting drowned out by this dissatisfaction with the election results by the president. vice president mike pence's campaign there, biden is going next week. it's an extension of the campaign season that just ended. they're still duking it out. >> neil: it can go both ways. to that point, it was the president visiting last week. i'm wondering whether he hurt himself and that if you're going to question the legitimacy of

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the vote in georgia, a lot of people that are very loyal to him would say i'm not going to vote in this senate election because obviously it's a rigged game. so could it boomerang on him? >> well, that's the issue that republicans are really struggling with in the state of georgia right now. the president himself in that rally said that essentially, if you want to get revenge, his word, revenge on democrats, come out and vote in the senate elections. both sides believe their presidential candidates are the ones that are really going to juice the vote in the turnout in that state. you did see president trump go down there. joe biden will go down there next week. i'm told that joe biden will largely have the message that he did when he ran for president, that he will talk about unity, his vision for the nation and why he would need the help of the democrats to complete that that are running for this election. >> neil: susan, the hunter biden

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issue might come up maybe during his stay there. i'm just wondering how that plays. given the scant coverage it's been getting, i'm wondering if he mentions it or even asked about it. what kind of impact could it have on that race? >> as you say, it doesn't get a lot of media coverage. biden is not really getting asked about it directly. hits handlers don't allow it. i don't think he will bring it up. the biden -- incoming biden wants this to go away. they're hoping it fades away. people are tired of hearing about it. they don't make a big deal of it. i don't think democrats will bring it up at a campaign rally certainly. i don't know if anybody will ever question the administration about it either. i blame the media for that. fox has covered it. but it deserves as much attention as it would have gotten has it been one of

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trump's children or trump's brother who was wrapped up in this. >> neil: franchesca, in the closeness of the race, the issue comes up, what other big guns come? the guy will be the next president. you've had sarah palin, the past presidents, luminaries. in the end, the polls still seem very tight. what will decide it? what do you think will decide it? >> well, the fear for both sides is that the turnout that you saw in the presidential election won't be repeated in these run-off elections. all of this nationally might be focused on this. locally they're concerned that they just won't come out. because run-off elections that's been the case. so both sides really trying to get as many of their voters as they can out. democrats had told me that they were not as focused bringing out the big guns but they're not turning down help from former president obama when he wants to

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give it to them. republicans are getting out the people you just named. kelly loeffler has been rallying senators to come out and support her as well as david purdue. >> neil: all right. we'll watch closely. be safe this weekend and through the holidays. i appreciate it, susan and franchesca. meantime when it positively has to be there overnight, i'm talking about a vaccine, you can call fed ex or ups or call all the major airlines and dhl. that's what this comes down to. once approved, getting it out and fast. you will not believe the marshall-like plan to do just that with this vaccine and the others to come after this.

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>> neil: all right. we are just getting word right now that oracle, the big database software concern is moving out of silicon valley for the friendlier tax regulation confines of texas. we don't have much more than that. follows on the heels of hewlett-packard enterprises leaving for houston, texas. this continues a theme of companies that are opting out of a pricey golden state to see if they can find better confines in

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texas. they're a popular local. we'll keep you posted on how many will be going there. meantime, getting ready right now for a vaccine and vaccines to come. one thing when they release it. one thing going to governors saying here's your allotment. how do you get that shipped out nationwide, worldwide? you call a lot of people with planes and distributions system to do that. casey stegall in dallas fort worth airport. casey? >> neil, you're right about calling a lot of people. this is a partnership between the federal government and private industry. getting the vaccine from point a to point b frankly is a very carefully choreographed and rehearsed set of steps that have to go in to motion. pfizer says that really companies like ups, dhl and

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fed ex will fly the initial doses to their designated airport hubs across the country. like your holiday packages, a lot of people can argue they're more important. the precious cargo loaded on vehicles and taken to the awaiting point of care locations or the dosing centers. then right in to the first americans' arms. >> we've informed all of our drivers across the country what is in the boxes and how important it is. our goal is to have 100% accuracy in delivering those. >> now, as if it couldn't be challenging enough, we've also talked about some restrictions. pfizer's formula, it has to be kept, stored and transported at 96 degrees fahrenheit below

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zero. this freezer will be used for that purpose at the fed ex center. packaging has had to be implemented. they're manufacturing dry ice like crazy. they can't keep up. commercial airlines will eventually have a role in distributing some of these vaccines. a couple of the carriers will help with pfizer. however, because of all of the dry ice and certain restrictions because passengers are also on the airplanes, they're under more scrutiny and restrictions with the faa. so they won't be able to distribute as much of the vaccine as carriers like ups and fed ex and the others will play. however, commercial carriers will in fact be hauling vaccines especially down the line when moderna and others release theirs and if they get approved. because they have less stringent requirements for storage and transportation. a lot goes into this, neil.

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>> neil: you're not kidding. man, this is like a huge operation. it's like a d-day for a big drug. thanks very much. casey stegall. meanwhile, take a look what's going on in washington right now in the fight of stimulus and covid-19 relief, in spied of the vaccine emergence here, not the vaccine but the stimulus, the relief. then what? y anniversary. (customer) for what? (burke) every year you're with us, you get fifty dollars toward your home deductible. it's a policy perk for being a farmers customer. (customer) do i have to do anything? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) hmm, that is really something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. see ya. (kid) may i have a balloon, too? (burke) sure. your parents have maintained a farmers home policy for twelve consecutive months, right? ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (burke) start with a quote at 1-800-farmers.

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will will. >> neil: all right, don't hold your breath for that covid-19 relief package, right now it's looking dicey or at the very least delayed. very delayed. chad pergram, where do we stand with this? >> shut down in the middle of a pandemic and that won't happen as the senate approved a one week spending plan today. but because there is no deal on covid assistance for months senator bernie sanders threatened to blow up the bill he wanted to add $1,200 direct payment checks to the spending plan. listen. >> i want to say right now i am prepared to withdrawal my objection at this moment but i will not be prepared to withdraw an objection next week. >> sanders said if there wasn't a deal for direct payments, senators should be prepared to spend christmas in washington. code aid talks are in shamables. >> if my friends actually oppose

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ppp funding, vaccine distribution money, or extending some expiring unemployment aid, let's hear why. >> so the government is funded for now. but there will be increasing pressure next week to fund the government again at this time and get a covid deal just before christmas. neil? >> neil: chad, thank you very, very much. i want to go to my buddy charles payne far on fo star on fox buss network. two business owners under a world of hurt right now. they actually shut down on monday because of these spikes in cases even though they didn't contribute to that. same thing going on in california and michigan and elsewhere. they need help and they are not getting it from washington any time soon. what do you -- what do you make of this? >> charles: it's devastating, neil, it's hard to understand, you know, and, you know, and it's one of these things where it's coming from everywhere, right? these folks out there saying, you know, does anyone see our

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plight while they play these games? i also had restaurateur on my show today and she was saying that the covid cases from what they have seen from the science, which we're all being told they use as our guiding star in all of this, less than 2%. and a lot of that is from fast food chains and that's from the employees who work there. not the diners themselves. so the science behind it, you know, the panicky feel to it all they are dropping. on monday the national restaurant association came out and said ewe got 500,000 restaurants of every kind that are right now in the economic free fall. this just makes it happen a lot quicker. of course if they have got a bridge to get through these sort of many cases arbitrary lockdowns or restrictions then that's one thing. but that money was poorly distributed. it was -- by the way it recollected would. i'm not saying it didn't work. we got a chance to use it again. i don't understand why congress it talks in both houses won't

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get this together and get it out there. >> neil: yeah, i mean the owner of this french restaurant in new york city was telling me this goes on for three weeks that's it i'm out. my business is done. it's not just limping along i'm finished. there are a lot of people like that. >> charles: 110,000 restaurant. 17% of the industry in this country already have already met that fate. the thing is, once they are gone, they are gone. they don't come back. maybe after a year or two someone will fill that void, but they are gone. their employees are gone. and that's why this are need for another round of fiscal stimulus is so important because we have seen a magnificent, amazing even inspirational rebound shows you the spirit and administration do this quickly. hats off to everyone who was involved. but the same sense of urgency is still there. >> neil: you are absolutely right, charles. thank you very much, my friend. in the meantime, we are going to be following a lot more about how far and big this impact gets

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to be. also follow up on that report i was telling you about that oracle is moving from silicon valley to austin, texas tomorrow 10:00 a.m. the phenomenon that's real all over it for two hours. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, each dana perino along with jesse watters, greg gutfeld jeanine pirro and geraldo rivera. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ are >> dana: hang on tight because we have a jam-packed hour coming your way including a major break through on the vaccine. we will tell you when americans can start getting shots. and china's infiltration of the united states going much deeper than congressman swalwell just how extensive the communist influence really is. but, first, joe biden speaking out for the first time since news broke that his son hunter is under federal investigation.

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