Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWS : February 29, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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any problems. kick the seat. don't hate. don't hate. >>neil: six days until super tuesday and what if i said it is the president who could number a super pickle! william, everyone, i am neil cavuto and what the buckeye, gas prices soaring in ohio, one of ten states holding crucial primaries on tuesday, and they are big swing states and states all feeling the pinch at the punch. and how. more than wiping out the pickup in the economy. because, while things were improving last quarter, here is what has not since. gas prices. rocketing. and, oddly, in a lot of the super tuesday states more than the national average. and, given the fact a bunch of them are, indeed, electoral vote rich, more than the average pain in the gas, to the white house, and the hill's bob, who says the

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problem could have a problem. what do you make of that? >>guest: the white house is nervous. as well as congressional democrats because, in 2008 john mccain was right there with obama because of this issue and you had the financial implosion. this is going to be a major issue because, remember, when you drive to work you go to school, you see the gas prices and you make a note, well, they are over $4. if they are at $5, this is a major problem, and president obama says there is more production in the united states than ever has been, but i don't think voters care about that they care about the bottom line, the dollars they pay for gas. >> in our coverage in the arizona and michigan primary another democrat said we don't think they will attach this to the democrats or the president because we have been used to as a country high gas prices for a while and you are right, maybe you put a four or a five on it all bets are off but actually it

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is a damning commentary to say we are used to the pain and it has to be significantly more pain than this. what do you think of that? >>guest: this is a good issue for republicans, they have been pummeled on the payroll tax and a divisive republican primary, and, obama has a lot of good things going for him. unemployment rate is down and the stock market is up but this issue resonates because the men from the payroll tax cut, they are having to pay for gas, so, this is not going to go away and how the president deals with this issue is going to be fascinating because in 2008 he adjust the his policies because he was dropping in the polls. >>neil: do people extrapolate bad gas prices, president's fault or hold it to a different standard blaming a president as much as, say, jobs, that it appears that the president has more control over that, than

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what happens at the pump? >>guest: i think if you are president, you get the blame. like a quaterback in football. you get the blame. or the credit. if gas prices go down you get the credit even though the if the cannot criminal. on jobs, too, there is no magic bullet. voters are impatient. the approval ratings are at an all time low and they want results, not excuses and republicans have something they can talk about to gain major traction over the next several months on this. >>neil: thank you very much. good to talk to you. not a great day today, but very good month for tocks. remember, we had an extra day of trading and the dow surging 2.5 percent in the face of the high gas prices, and all that, if it amounted to a 22en straight day of rising prices does not stop, soon, but it ain't stopping, so, now what? >>guest: the economic data has been better.

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we see improving jobs and improving g.d.p. and it is positive so the consumer feels confident and we have seen the dow crossing 13,000 which is important threshhold but this could be short-lived. we know the number one issue in the election has been the economy. well, there could be a new number one issue and it could be rising gas prices and the consumer will not stand for it. that could change the entire psychology, that is rising confidence in the consumer could be changed, and we could see a consumer that feels a victim when they go to the pump, when they fell up their car and we will see that consumer will focus on the inaction, whether a lack of energy policy or just a weak dollar because we have rising national debt. the consumer will not stand for it and the good news comes at long term expense. >>neil: what is interesting gas would be the latest in the inflation argument because you talk about folk at the grocery

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store they see it in milk, juice, in meat, numbers that defy the government data and even of the federal reserve chairman saying inflation is under control, would there be a mass revolt and everyone in washington, republicans and democrats, if this goes unabated? >>guest: well, it has been going unabated. we see the rising cost of education, two or three times inflation rate. and the rising cost of food, far in excess of what consumers take home. and this is impacting our standard of living. what we see, it comes back to the dollar and weakening dollar, the weakening purchasing power, we buy our gasoline we buy in dollars and the national debt has been skyrocketed and with all the talk in washington, little is really done to address the core issue. and there is a lot of hullabaloo but we will have a political issue for the current administration and for everyone involved. >>neil: good stuff, larry, thank you very much.

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as americans get hit at the point, does the energy secretary say the administration's goal is not we to bring down the gas prices? >> the goal is to decrease our dependence on oil and build and strengthen our economy. >>neil: which means higher prices at the purpose, that is how ron johnson heard it. what did you think, senator? >>guest: i heard your statement, this president does not have an energy policy, he does have an energy policy but it is a bad energy policy. we have a de facto moratorium in the gulf, he will not drill in anwar, and he will not allow the pipeline to succeed, and back when europe was $6 a gallon and we paid $1.88, and now it is

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$3.70 and europe is at $8 a gallon, and this president has the energy policy but it is to not use light america's natural energy resources and that is a shame. >>neil: now, we know that house and senate leaders, republican leaders, are talking to the president about their plans to deal with this issue and their strategy for the year but the rap against republicans is you are not consistent either, in dealing with crisis and oil exploration you are for more drilling but you are happy if the oil companies shift that abroad. would you put a limit on that and say oil companies, make sure your first customer is us, here? >>guest: well, i am new here, i have not been involved in this in the past. >>neil: what do you think of that? >>guest: it is a free market and oil is very fungible and it will go where it will go. >>neil: but we need it here.

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i understand that. if we need it here the argument is if you are for the usa and you are looking for eager customers you have them right here. >>guest: i don't think where it is sold will afebruary the world price of oil because it will flow where it is needed so we need to expand the supply of oil by utilizing our own natural resources. that is the key. we talk about our balance of trade, it is good that the united states is exporting refined products which is creating jobs in america and helping our balance of payments. >>neil: i hear what you are saying, i am just saying, look, if you want to increase the supply in the world i am all for that but if we are hurting here, i would like to help what situation. you will be just making more money that is here. >>guest: i don't think it will affect the price in terms of where it is utilized. you will have the world price.

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>>neil: so you think the extra supply hit manage the market no matter where it hits is going to be ultimate --. >>guest: it will be, based on world rice for oil and it is extremely high part of the reason in terms of dollars, this president has pursued a policy of printing money of high gift spending and that is the other part of the equation and why the price are so high. >>neil: that weakened the dollars and that lifted the cost thank you. >>guest: the other tip-off here is when president obama was running as a candidate he said because of his policies the electricity rates would skyrocket, and this is their stated policy, they are getting what they want it and is a shape. >>neil: thank you, senator. they pledged their support to president obama why so, ahead of super tuesday, are they rallying for rick santorum?

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seven dollar trades are just the start. try our easy-to-use scottrader streaming quotes. it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. >>neil: see this, a public sector union teaming up with rick santorum, i kid you not, and the american federation of state, county, employees sent in half a million on this ad in ohio, slamming mitt romney for dissing the auto bailout and the goal is to help rick roll and get mitt to have fits but g.o.p. fundraiser says this is the proof you need to know that mitt romney is the guy they fear. we did reach out to ask but they declined to comment.

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this failed approach in michigan, at least, but romney won, how will it go here? >>guest: well, it is going to be very difficult here, because romney has the home state advantage which helped him inch over a little bit. let me tell you what, this is so obvious. this is chicago pay to play politics 101 going on and if this isn't obvious to people in ohio about to go to the box to see that the unions are basically pushing ads against romney, this should do a public of things, and it should inform the voter to make a good choice on someone that can beat obama and he is worried about romney and it will zoom up fundraising for romney super pacs because they have to have ads to ball this out and a lot of ads need to come forth and that will be are the romney super pac so it

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will be a heck of a lot of money in ohio which santorum is banking on winning. so, this is, really, coming down --. >>neil: how do you think ohio looks? >>guest: dead even but i think mitt romney will pull it off and i predicted he would squeak by in michigan and i think he will do the same in ohio. this is not going to be easy and you have, obviously, money, being spent on the opposite side, meaning the democrat, the union side, against mitt romney. is almost like a super hero. >>neil: but a method to the madness and you are more astute, but here is my view of this. that even if it does not make a difference in the state race, in other words, say romney pulls out ohio it weakens him in the general election as in the polls in michigan, where a majority of republicans in that state were against the bailouts and that surprised me but it was what it was, and, it reinforced and

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lengthened the president's lead over mitt romney in that state, assuming michigan, then, tips to the president again as it did four years ago. it could be the same deal here, it is enough to drain his support among all voters in the state just enough to tip ohio, a crucial state use know to the president come november. here is the deal. >>guest: romney is about what we have right now and a lot of people or, blah, he doesn't excite me but he is the guy that we think, or most of the people think, can beat obama. and, is this weakening him? >>neil: do you feel that way? >>guest: i do. >>neil: but you are resigning yourself to that it sounds like. >>guest: rick santorum, his, the far right orderologist versus level liberalism, so you will would have far right movement ideology versus the

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left, and if you are in the middle, if you are a moderate, independent swing voter, you are probably, first, not going to vote from the far far right, or --. >>neil: so romney is the give you settled on. >>guest: he is a guy that basically is ... he was a businessman, he has great qualities. is he igniting the base? not so much. >>neil: that was the career my home dating career. i was the guy you settled on. >>guest: why tell everyone. >>neil: because it shocks you. i see what you are saying. always a pleasure. thank you. forget trying to bring down mitt pick me up on fbn, former comptroller feared public employee unions may we actually be threatening to bring down something much, much, bigger. beyond any of the candidates. or politics. with 63 delegateses at stake, it

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is super tuesday's biggest prizes and who is jockeying to make ohio theirs. carl? >>carl: the people who are jockeying were jockeying last night, rick santorum and mitt romney are trying to find ways to find silver lines in the clouds of the wolverine primary. romney won with 3.2 percent advantage in the popular but rick santorum is arguing for the delegate counts which fundamentally is what the race for the nomination is about, it is a tie, santorum argues he will end up with half of the 30 deaths at stake last night. that is not confirmed or addressed by republican officials in michigan and they acknowledged it is likely that romney has 11 of the delegates, and son inform, perhaps, 11 but eight are "unallocated," so it is in the air although santorum says it will be a tie in the

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delegate account. they are concentrating on ohio, and this is the premiere bellweather swing state in both general elections and primaries for democrats and republicans alike, ohio always sends a signal where the country sentiment is which is why it is a big deal. two of the four candidates are not putting in a serious effort in ohio. for newt gingrich it is about georgia where he began his political career, his native state. he is way ahead in the polls in georgia and looking for that to be a big opportunity to get back in the game and back in the headlines and restore momentum and for ron paul, he actually is back in congress in washington, today, as a hearing with fed chairman bernanke talking about the gold standard but he is campaigning, already, on the air in washington state, where there will be a caucus before super tuesday on this coming saturday. it is a caucus, so it is a lengthy process just getting the delegate selection going there in that state but ron paul there

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is playing for a wins his first, while he has collected delegates he has yet to win a state. >>neil: coming up ... >> refreshing. >> blessing. >> cannot help but be star struck. >> a good, solid show. >> a celebration. >> you are thinking they are not talking about me, but, they are, they saw my coverage of arizona and the michigan primaries and they cannot wait until super tuesday because i will kick it all over again, and the only place you can see the results which market reaction simultaneously from around the world, remember, your money is primary and we are on it, and you don't get fbn? demand it. your money, your life, your very survival on this planet could depend on it. occupying are leaping back into action in hopes of shutting

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>>neil: they are back, occupy wall street staging protests nationwide, way beyond new york. in new york, their target? >> calling out red flags on bank of america which has committed help numerable crimes, literally, innumerable crimes. >>neil: business owner says

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the real crime is that these folks will not fine jobs. can we show in portland, oregon, the protest going on, so, this is nation-wide, it is sort of a target, some of the financial titans, but, here we go again. >>guest: i love the fact, this is being stirred now they will raise money, they need money because they knee infrastructure and they process and receipts all the things that basic business needs and they do not like the corporate way of thing and we do not want you to tell us how to use our money, and we are anticorporation. but it is not anticorporation, a lot of corporation dozen good things, a lot of corporations do bad things. if you want to take other people's money, those people have a say on how you use the money, especially since this specific group has a bad track record of return on invest president and focus and what do we stand for, all the business things, admission statements, objective, return. >>neil: they are saying the

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same of the banks. >>guest: but their message is all over the board. >>neil: you could tell them to focus. >>guest: tell me what would you like to accomplish? your interest statement? do not ask for the money, money, money, right? and then think you are going to be in 100 percent control because you have no experience controlling money. you do not know how to control the money because you have a huge infrastructure. if you are as big as you say, thousands across the united states, you are acting like a corporation. which means you need someone with experience on how to control thousands people under one mission to hit your object i. news news a lost tea party when they started, they were not happy with the products of the system, the people we develop elected so working in the system they threw a lost those guys out. >>guest: and i have in problem --. >>neil: do we need that, or, no? >>guest: they have to have a structure. they have to say this is what we stand for and this is what we want, to be able to monitor progress. how can you monitor if you are going in the right direction and

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getting what you want if we do not know what they stand for? depending who you interview you get a different answer. can you not run anything successfully, no matter a corporation, business, or the family, if the family does not know what it stands for, for values and what they want, you don't get it. they have to have some bake 101 business nolte and it is business philosophy, good --. >>neil: do you worry this is a preview of the stuff we have seen in greece, portugal and london but it gets much bigger, potentially, i hope not, potentially? >>guest: wildfire. why? because these group of people do not, have not been spoked to, they have been in constant entitlement so they do not understand there is a consequence, if you make this decision, this is what will happen. if you do not get an education, and you do not get fire in your belly to get a job you don't have a job, if you don't have a job you do not get cars, houses and other things. this are consequences. we waited an entire generation

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that has no consequences to any thing they do. do they want to show up and go, i want to live if a big house, a big car, i want a free education. >>neil: you have talked to my daughter. >>guest: it doesn't work that way. you have to sweat. the american dream is about wet. >>neil: that is what i do 24/7. that's not right. thank you very much. don't you feel energized just talking to her? is the federal government looking to join the occupy movement at 6:00 p.m. on fbn in wall street is, indeed, the target and she could be the target of the find out, why. the snow storm in maine has the senator snowe putting the supreme courtnd fire from congress.

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>>guest: they are wrong, the tea party people in maine and the conservatives have been looking for a candidate would believes conservative principle and values and maine, remember, for the first time in 40 years went red during the last election with a republican governor and republican house and senate. >>neil: was that working into ear equation she felt you have this whole argument that it has been open season on moderates and we have fewer of them, and we have pore liberals on the left, extreme conservatives on the right, but very too in between? and she lamented that. >>guest: yes, she did. you know, again, what we have been doing as we have been speaking to everyone, the fact that people concerned across the economy, concerned about social issues, and a lot of other issues, of course, but she has voted moderate to liberal, and

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she would say one thing to maine and come back to washington, dc, and vote a different way and that upset the base with the fact that her not voting conservative. >>neil: now, as someone who supported stimulus, i'm not sure call if i am program wrong on the health care plan, is there a sense that you get that the tip for you would be just the opposite. no more stimulus. dismantle health care. your message, would it be even right of some in the tea party? >>guest: well, we are along lines of most tea party and conservatives. i don't agree with the health care bill. i work in the health care field. and i own my own small business, but, i think the problem she found senate state of maine and the maine people are very smart up there and she said she voted against the obamacare. which in essence she did but she voted for it before she voted

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against it. >>neil: that is right, there were a series of votes. you are right, right. >>guest: her vote brought it out of committee and people in maine do not forget that. >>neil: we will watch that closely and whoever merges as a democratic opponent is always welcomed on this show. fair and balanced. to the supreme court smack down the house of representatives voted to overturn a decision on eminent domain giving state and local governments the right to seize private property, like your home, for someone else's economic development and use and no word if the senate will take this up but to the judge on why he thinks it should, and fast. >>judge napolitano: this is abominable decision, saying the government can condemn property and pay fair market value against the wishes of the owner and sell it to the developer and make the profit and that profit

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it makes goes into the government's coffers and the government treasury, and that is a public benefit which is acceptable. so, it is basically saying the government can take property from anyone it wants and sell it to someone else even if that someone else is not going to use it for a public use. >>neil: a wide definition. >>judge napolitano: very wide of governmental government. the constitution uses the phrase public use, if the government has to build a road, library or post office they can take the property so that the public can use it in its new iteration, the supreme court changed that and said as long as more money comes in to the government treasury, they can take that property. the house of representatives has passed a bill which would prohibit states from doing that. the vote was by a votes vote but it was overwhelming and as many liberal democrats as conservative republicans supported it. question: what will the senate do? what will the president do?

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are they interested in preserving people's properties right or do they not care? >>neil: that could be a dicey call of ethics for politicians. in the senate is it a simple majority? >>judge napolitano: to pass it, but if president vetoes --. the president has been mysteriously silent. the democrats in the senate have been quiet because the vote if the house of representatives was so overwhelming with huge number of democrats and republicans, we did not know the numbers because they did it by voice vote but from those in the chamber when the vote was taken there was no one saying "nay," they all said "yeah," so that would mean the same reaction in the senate. this particular supreme court decision has unleashed those who think the government has a higher right to your property than you do, to seize it from people, for no discernible public use. >>neil: i ask you a dumb

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question and you are very patient, how often is a supreme court decision reversed? >>guest: almost never if you for give that odd phrase. it is almost impossible for the congress to reverse a supreme court decision so what the congress is doing here is not saying the decision is no good, it is just saying to the states, if you do this, if you follow what the supreme court has done we will let people sue it and that will be a deterrent to the states. or so it is hoped. >>neil: now i understand. one minute with the judge on the most complicated legal issues. he's the man. he's the guy. thank you, judge. and now, tie this together, hulk hogan, burt reynolds, super mario, and geraldo, would knew looking this good cost so much? why else would a group of

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mustached americans be asking washington for help? are they about to get it? @=h

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and you can get these strips for a $15 monthly co-pay simply by joining the freestyle promise program. alright! looks like i'm going to be testg and saving at the same time. call or click today and join for free. test easy. >>neil: you want a $250 tax break, the answer could be under the nose. a report that was sent to the house committee that gives americans an extra tax credit to help trim grooming costs. the chairman of the american mustache institute, would knew, the group behind this. good to have you. >>guest: thank you for having me, you are looking well with one major exception. >>neil: i imagine that is the lack of a stash. is it that expensive have a mustache? >>guest: it can be.

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it can be. anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 a year depending on the mustached american in question but it is important to note that this applied to any american with facial hair including women would have costs relative to waxing and facial hair removal. >>neil: but for the most part, you are right, this is something they don't want but they have but for the vast majority it is a choice thing, so, you have a choice, right? >>guest: there are certain churches in alabama and mississippi that lead you to believe it is a choice but it is part of your bloodline and heritage and not a choice, it is part of the essence of who you are and that is why the american mustache institute is getting to have true consideration for this bill to be passed as law and we have a lot of great partners that are helping us to bring this to fruition. >>neil: but you know we are

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broke, as a country, right, and we are nose deep in this right above the mustache, but, we don't have the money for it, say it is a good cause and you seem like a nice guy but this seems silly we don't have the money if we were serious, right >>guest? consider this as a stimulus. because essentially --. >>neil: for what? >>guest: if you are giving $250 back to people with mustached american heritage they are big spender and what we are doing is reinvesting in the economy which is what this is --. >>neil: what will they reinvest in? >>guest: u.s. made products for grooming wax, bacon grease, karate training devices, dynamite, all things that make up the mustacheed american lifestyle. >>neil: bacon grease and mayo? what did you do with that? >>guest: it is very

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complicated. >>neil: well i asked and i don't really want to know the answer, that is all right. i wonder where this goes this could be other groups that say, well, we are the long to nail group or we are the tattoo group, or we want our allowances, too, and, i have a lot of good friends of mine who have mustaches and that is great, but that is on them not on me to pay for them. >>guest: there are some precedence if you go back to the job creation, teachers were given set aside for school supplies, we believe mustached americans should share similar benefit and we talk about tax authority and h&r block is supporting this effort and they are making charitable contributions --. >>neil: h&r block is support this? >>guest: yes, and --. >>neil: does the person that runs h&r mustache have a mustache?

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>>guest: they do not but they believe americans should never settle for this and this is part of that so you go to they will deliver clean drinking waters for those that need it so if you are on the fence, there is still a benefit for good news, a charitable contribution, and we believe that ultimately this makes good sense and it is based on a past predicate set by other case law. >>neil: okay, it seems cookie -- crazy to me, but, thank you. >> another $5 billion kick in the panty from fannie mae.

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>>neil: the day after president obama praises bailouts, did we just get proof they don't work? bailed out fannie mae is pleading money. again. and wants taxpayers to bail it out. again. this time, to the tune of $4.6 billion. and tack that on to the $185 billion we have already given fannie mae and freddie mac. my guest says you are throwing money down a deep hole. but we keep doing it because, i think, these guys represent 80 percent or mine percent of all the mortgages and if we hurt them we hurt those mortgages. what do you say? >>guest: well, that is what the president would say, we have to keep these people around or you do not get a mortgage, but the problem is, these has made a lot of promises to the firms and the companies that want this money. so he feels like he has things he has to uphold there. but, the other issue, neil, when

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you look at a bailout and you throw money at a failing industry, a falling businesslike the housing market, for example, you could run the risk of ringing out of money and the auto companies did the same thing and that is where we are with fannie mae and freddie mac. >>neil: i would entertain if, if, if, if, scott, they were part of the big restructuring, the big investigations that have gone after banks and everyone but fannie mae and freddie mac. in other words they were not ex-health from so much of the so-called corrections that have gone out, because it is glaring in its omission. >>guest: it is. and don't forget the s.e.c. finally came to the game at end of last year. they were talking december of 2011 the s.e.c. finally said, mr. and mrs. executive at fannie mae and freddie mac we will charge you with fraud because you lied to the american taxpayer and the regulators how

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much subprime and bad loan exposure you had and it took two years for them to figure out to bring it to light. >>neil: but we had the $26 billion plan of president where the banks pay, essentially, for, rewarding people who were roboed out of their homes fannie mae and freddie mac make up 80 percent or nine percent of the mortgages including the vast majority of the ones that are underwater, they were not part of this. why was that? >>guest: neil, it is hard to say. it goes back to some of the things going on in washington that are not privy to the public, but, you make a good point about the different friends of public sector lending like fannie mae and freddie mac, there is becoming more of an tight among private investors, people that want to helped to homeowners and do this type of private financing but the problem is there is high interest rates there which people do not want to pay because the rates are low and it

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is expensive, and, also, there is not a lot of interest in the investors to take the homeowner risks and it is hard to fix the market when the housing sector is in such rough shape. >>neil: well said, scott, thank you, asset manager. thank you scott, very much. >> this president is pretty good at pointing fingers. this president really was not, maybe, well, because this president never did. what president obama could learn what president obama could learn from jack when we are back. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules.

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that's fine. but every bit of bad news, it takes a pass. that's not fine. when the bad employment number comes out it's part of the mess we've inherited. a good one surfaces it's thanks to the fix we initiated. it's human nature, i suppose. the white house made it almost an art form. they're up against a deadline, and they're not getting their way because the republicans are blocking them. when republicans agree to white house demands, press conference to announce they're caving in to the demands. they can't win. the president does. that's what presidents do. he's right to say he inherited a mess. he did. leaving aside a democratic congress for most of the time before had a hand in that mess. congress buy the way, of which one senator obama was part. but again, back to this inherited thing. what is the statute of limitations on it? one year, two, years, years? until the number gets good no matter year?

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recovery that looked like a mess a month before because the other guy turned suddenly better next month because of you, the new guy, suddenly getting it done guy. here is the beauty of the strategy. you can keep using it as things get ber. for those times that some things do not. then when the bad stuff happens, well, it's an earthquake in japan. or unrest in egypt. or riots in greece. or a partial eclipse of the moon. or a full eclipse of the sun. you get my point. there is really no point here. like the retailer who blames bad weather when sales are good but never mentions good weather when sales are good. that is good management. john kennedy once said victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan. but this didn't stop him from owning up to the bad pace we had where he could have said i had company. jfk chose not to go that route. no talk from this young new

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president about a young new president and the mess he just inherited. just a young new president admitting to the american people that he regretted. you think the guy who quotes him a lot today would remember that a lot today. then again, there's probably some aide or associate to blame for that, for never giving this president that quote from that president. otherwise it would be on this president to read it. and this president to understand it. hardly likely. makes you wonder why he would hardly bother. i suspect he wouldn't. that is like me trying, you know, it's a thyroid thing, the whole weight thing. which it is. occupiers are back on the street. federal government could be going on a witch hunt. this could be very, very bad for your money. we're all over it. one hour from now on fox business network. let's say you

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