The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Auction Td Oog 1 See AiTtrtkMMMi rage G. Fcit setle jnemeroos Rqura ud Lota of Grouca. all situated in the Third District, i and well known a the Llzardi Property," at it o'clock. at the St. Charles Auction Exchange.

D. E. Morydy sens an assortment of Groceries, Provision. Liquors, etc, at 10 o'clock, at hia auction alro ni. No.

47 Magealne Bourbon WlJittJ, at 11 o'clock, et 108 and 110 Poydras street. B. J. Montgomery sells fine Saddle and Harness Horaea and Mares, Work Male, Top, Open and other Buggies, and Harness, old, at 10 o'clock, at Spearlng's Stables, 213 and 213 Gravier street A general assortment of Household and Kitoheu Furniture, Stoves, Carpet, Mirrors, Planoa, ettv. at 11 o'clock, at the Old A notion Mart.

87 Camp street. sella a Luge number of elegant Saddle and Harness Horaea, Moles, Bug giea, Hwmbv etv, at 10 o'clock, at P. UMrt Stables, on Gravier street, between Carondeiet and Baronne streets. Karti Co. sell a large assortment of Pine Winter Clothing, Bats and i'urat hing, Goods, at 10 o'clock, at their salesroom, 0 Chartres street "Vincent 4c Co.

sell a large and varied assortment PaB Foreign and Domestio Staple Cry Goods, Cotton Goods, Fancy Articles, Hosiery, and flaunt U. ublas. Shawls, etc, at 10 o'clock, at salesrooms. 82 and 64 Customhouse street. K.

Roger A Co. sell a well assorted stock of fine Boots, Shoes and Brogaos. at 10 o'clock, at their salesroom. 46 and 47 Old Levee street. Joseph Holx sells a large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Nubian, Shawls, Hosiery, Notions, at 10 o'clock, at his mw store, 66 Customhouse street.

O. Valeton sella India Bagging and Plows, at II o'clock, at 14 Natches street, between Tchoopitonlaa and Magaziue. JS Advertleeaaeate Face 7. Texa CITY OP NORFOLK. 7hA M.

AUSTIN. FarwelL 7 A. M. Lake Coast LAURA, Walker, 10 A. M.

cars. Mandeville LAD RA. 10 A. M. cars.

Mobile BOAT. 4 P.M. cars. Pearl River EARLY BIRDfcPoltevent. Lower Coast.

MYRTIK, Baasett, 12 M. Upper Coast 'L. HODGE No. 2. 10 A.M.

Donaldsonviae.CLE.ONA. King, 12 M. Lafourche LA. BELLE, Dugas. 12 M.

Lafourche BAN NICOLAS, 5 P.M. Vlckaborg BELLK LEE, White, 5 P. M. ay. BISMARCK, Entriken.

5 P. M. Ohio River INDIANA. NeaL 6 P. M.

Ohio River. MARY HOUSTON, 5 P. M. Ouachita River.MAYFLOWER, iP.M Red River JULIA A. RUDOLPH, 5 P.

M. Sled River RIGHT WAY, 5 P.M. fHaajrau ting's tjia Joening DELTA ROYAL ARCn CHAPTER No. 15, A. F.

and A. Grand Lodge, Masonio HalL corner St. Charles and Pcrdido streets, at 7 $4 o'clock. MARION LODGE No. 68, F.

and A. Grand Lodge, Masonio Hall, corner St. Charles and Perdido streets, at 7 o'clock. JJLANKET BAGGING Ml hales Heavy 47 Inch BLANKET BAGGING. 100 46 inch INDIA For sale low, In lots to suit, by CHISM BOYD, n4 3t 82 Poydras street PLANTERS, MERCHANTS AND GARDNERS.

MAUPAVS NEW SEED STORE. 76 Gravier street. Pnre and fresh SEEDS of aH descriptions, ami table for Planters, Gardners, etc, at tha iow eat prices, by the dozen, hundred or thousand papers, and in bulk. Send for Seed MannaL W. A.

MAUPAY, 76 Gravier street ARDEN AND PLANTATION SEEDS 76 Gravier street. Red Clover, Timothy and Hnrd's Grass Seads; Red Mediterranean wheat. Seed Oats, Seed Rve, Purple and White Top Turnip, Carrot, Beet, Radish Heed. Guaranteed genuine and the crop 1869. W.

A. MAUPAY. sS fit 76 Gravier street. c. PARKS fc BANKERS AND BROKERS, No.

33 BROAD and 34 NEW STREET, Je9 tfawflm NEW YORK. 9 Punctual attendance. 7 P. Tharsday, Not. 4.

j4 2t IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS The demand for or PORTABLE PLANTATION CABINS, STORES, SUGAR HOUSES, having increased to such an extent, we hare been compelled to add extensive machinery to our factory, thereby enabling us to turn them ant much more rapidly, and of 'a superior quality, all framed and fitted, ready to put oj without the aid of a carpenter. We would also can special attention to our large assortment of Rough and Dressed Pine and Cypress LunTber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors ana Blinds, Brick, etc Addreas Lock Box 244. Pont Office, 10 Union sjtreet. W. W.

CA RRE CO oil lm dW 850 Delord street. New MALAGA RAISINS Whole, halves and quarters. Just received and for sale by A. F. COCHRAN 68 and 60 New Levee street.

2 3t PORTABLE ENGINES 8, 10, 12 and 15 horse power. For sale, to arrive, by B. J. WEST. 2 119, 121, 123 and 125 Mazarine street.

HEET IRON 500 bundle. 10 to 16 gauge. For sale by B. J. WEST, n2 118, 121, 123 and 125 Magazine street.

gHEET COPPER A lull stock, for sale, for account of manufac turers, by B. J. WEST, n26t 119, 121. 123 and 12SKagazlne street. 8T LANDED Kz steamer Saxonia, from Havre Xomche Tils Co CARTS BLANCHE CHAMPAGNE, dry.

For sale by VREDXNBCRGH 4 Agent, n2 tt 28 Peters street, near Cuatomnoiise. r.LLB TURPENTINE, BOTTLES, KTO. 60 barrels coal oil. 10 CASTOR OIL, ZS TUBPKNTINR. 25 boxes OLD CABIN BITTERS.

100 WIN ES 68, 6's and 7's. 6 IT DRAKFTfi PLANTATION BITTHR3. 25 barrels BRIMSTONE. For sale br HATHORN 4 PIERSON, oe im Or vior street. WANTEr A IJVE MAN, WrTn A CAP talot 1000.

wtobes to ent or into prtn' hlp in Mome paying No Per Puaks neod apply. Apply ati3 o4 WKlifu VVASTH' BY A DKV 'V1H HIltKE TT in Baton Rouge, good SMe man. ol perm 1 cutuatv u. BeM referenotsa repaired. Apply to Km.

46 hartres street. at it VT AMM) TO BENT. WITH Olt WI Tfl TV out ooenl, two large UafurnlMhed a0oLlng ex other, on the floor. A. Hue fu.

ni ln on the c.ud Uior. No. Magazine Ktrret. balf bi'wk aboo her can. fjoni CMUai street iiup ou'y one Tin Xtmilv i mail ai private; have nw boarders.

Wed Slfc ANTED IMMI DIATKLY. AT Wtihl inplon Millluery snd Dro ma on iLnraDUFonieiit uoiu Kfcreeu, oue uooa Mil liner and nix Flr MlneM Iriw maker; oonHt nit employment ana goou waees given. o29 WANTED A GOOD KKMAN Gl A Chi d's nun e. inquire at2o0 Wah ngt Avenue. yxvANTED A SITUATION.

BYAYOCNQ man of large acQtuuntancs in the Went and Northwest, in some Wl.oloealc Flour and Corn miSHion House. Can influence trade for the honse Address CI r'. G1s I64S. n2 5t AnTKu I.M'OKM lTiDK IP THIK 11 Should meet thnmnnf Mr H7. Utt nf Clones, County Monaghan.

Ireland, it won Id le to rtis auvantage to addre TUoiuas BnlttncU, iao a MMXrr street, Philadelphia 3t WASTED EVERYWHERE. AGENTO 100 to 82SOper month, male and female, to iiltio ooce xue genuine lfrpioveii common KtK FAMILY 8ewinff Mu umlerfMed ami over. feed styles. I rice only $18. TheM machines will Mitch, tern, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, gather anu emoroiuer.

'ltie cloth cannot be puiu a iiarx, even alter every otner stiicn in cut. If very machine warrant live years. We will pay the above salaiy. or a commission, from hirh twice the amonnt may be made. Address lor terms to agents, ic, W.

H. BEATON 4 5o and 57 Magazine xtreet. 2d floor. Entrance, 67 Magazine street. CAUTION Do riot belmposd nKn by other parties pninung on wortnieMH caat iron niacmaes, under the name name, or otherwise.

Oni ia the oDly genuine ad practical machine manufactured. 12 lm eod yjTANTED THREE BOYS TO LEARN Gas Fitting Apply to JOHN O. FLEMMINtJ. 144 Poydras street. n2 St VAMKD THKEK GENTLEMEN their wive can be accommodated with Uia and pleasant rooms and tho comforts of a borne in a private family by applying at ls' St.

Charles street, between Oirud and Julia References exchanged. n3 St "WANTED AGENT MALE AND FE male, for the city and country. Tern ttt fifteen dollar a day to lie made by Holicitini for paieiiteo articles of every dencription. New articles leceiveddai 1 v. Inquire at the SOUTHERN PATENT AGNt'Y.

comer Canal and St. Charles Htreeta. D. H. MLASCOW.

General Agont. By fording for circulars include a poBtage stamp, and they will be immediately attended to. o3l fit TITASTK1' A WHITE WOMAN TO WASH 1 1 and iron for a family. Apply at once to am St. Char en street.

021 WANTED TWO WHITE SERVANTS, 11 one to cook, wash and iion, the other to housework in a private family in Western 1 msh. None but those having good recomraen latiori need arp'v. Application to be made to T1.08. Kil.g, 2 Tchoupitonlaa street. o31 TV ANTED PER MONTH.

TO VT sell the only gennin improved Common fense Family Sewing MaelTine. Pri only Sit. Great Inducements to Agents. This is the mont popular newing Machine of the day makes the anions Elastic Lock Stltrh. Will do any kind of work that ran be done on any machine.

1 no, 000 polri and the demand constantly lncrranint. Now is the time to take an Acency. Hend for circulars. Beware of in fringe is. Address 8ECO.MB Boston, Pittsburgh, Pa.

or SL Lnn a. Mo. o3l lira AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHKRE, TO sell the American Knitting Machine, the only practical Family Knitting Ma hine ever invented. Price 25. Will knit 20.000 stitches per minute.

Address AMEKICAN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston, or Ht. Louis, Ma o3l 3in WANTED A SMART BOY, ONE WHO 11 can write a good hand, and make himself generally useluL Apply at 261 Magazine ttreet. oji i WANTED A CAPABLE, GENTKKL. CO II ored Dinlngroom Servant, for a private family. No one need apply who cannot bring good recommendations for honesty and sobriety.

Call at the office of the St. Charles Hotel. oai 6t "7 AKTKD A WET NUB SE NoSK other than a neat and reapeotable white woman need apply. Call inunediatelr at No. 116 Kerierec or iilhlory street, 'intra uiatnci.

030 tt IVANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG Man speaking and writing the French and Ej glirh language. well acnuaiutd with the countiy in a wholesale or hardware establixh mtut Reference mven if necessary. Adtlres Clt mente at this office. o30 fit LABORERS WASTED 'iW ABLE AND erlieiert laborers wanted by the nonton and Texan Central Railroad Company. For p.irticiu Iai call at No.

44 caronoeiet street, tmr i noor. O. ALLEN, Agent i jr It. R. Co.

o2 ICt IT ffi TO tH PER MONTH IS MAUK f) J. by agents selling the great and important work foi the pple by an eminent author finely illustrated to which we have given thee years of careful prepanttion. Highly endorsed iy profefslonsl and actentiflo men. It nieti a long felt necessity. Sells to all clastes, without regard to politics, religion or occupatoa.

Agems can guarantee to their sulmcribera vaiuo received, with intei est for their iu vestment. Send for full pai Uculars. JAB. H. HUMMEL.

PnblUher, olG 106 Camp 1. "VXT A TE A VOt'NU GENTLEMAN IT aged atiout 20, a situation as Junior Clerk In some commercial house. He in well educated, speaks French and German, and of active habit. A situation in which he can acquire business knowledge is of more importance than salary. Address H.

at this orllce oil WANTED IMMEUI A I ELY TWENTY 1 1 Good. Steady Laborers, to go to the conn try to ww on Charles street. Otl Plantation. Apply at 17 St. J.

CAMPBELL JONES. "WANTED GENTLEMEN OCCUPANTS for Two Rooms, in a private family, in the First District. The house is writhln ten minutes' walk of Canal atreet, and convenient to two lines of cars. References expected. Address Box 965.

023 tf "WANTED TO SELL A LARGE AND commodious HOUSE, suitable for a School, Hotel or Boarding House, situated in one of the healthiest localities on the Jackson Railroad, with garden, orchard and eighty acres of land. The bonne is one of the best built on tho line of the Jackson Railroad, will be sold at a bargain if application is made at once to II. Q. at this office. 17 lot TTANTED PART FES IN WANT OF TWO 11 pleasant Rooms, with board in a private family, can procure the same In a pleasant locality in the Fourth District.

Address, with reference. Lock Box 646, Poet Office. 01O tf jyjECHANICS WANTED AT THE BATON Rouge Steam Plow and Wagon Factory Five or Six Good Blacksmiths and aa many Wheelwrights can find steady employment at good wages at our Factory. None bat good workmen need apply. Apply to H.

IDD, at Stauffer, Kent A 71 Canal street. au20 3m HART, ARBOUR fe CO. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Wire ftmtumg tmr EBeleelaw Cob etery Lots, Cottages, wire uuaraa for store Fronts.

Factories, Asylums, Wire Webbing, Bice Cloth and Wire Work. Every infbrmatloB by sA fling M. WALKER ft SONS, North Sixth street, JaS'SS ly htiade)ohl Ha. leader's Hair Dye. This apleBstlsI Hair Dye Is the best in the world the only true and perfect Dye harmless, reliable.

Instant neons bo disappointment no ridiculous tints remedies nte ill effects of bed dyes I Invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold try an Drug gists and Perfumers and properly applied at the Wig Factory, i Bond street. New York. nth 17 ly jpHOTOGBAPHB SUN PEAHLS TRIUMPHS OP THE ART. The pnhllc ar reapeatfully invited to visit the rooms of the subset Um and tlfr theiusei v.

as to the superior, qnalitv of Ids Pictures, Pla and Colored Photographs. Copies and every other st le executed with promptuera and pro feMion8l skill. The SUN PEARL, one of the softest and mo it beautiful pictures, has been made spee.ia'ty, and has universal'y excited ad mi rat on Persia are requenled only to Call, before Siting other Galleries at S. ANDEKHuN'S. Oil mm 183 Canal streut.

jSKCiAL NOTICES. v.wi, im nroi oiei. Ur i. TiK ie will i KVrNlNi. I 4lU 1 at If past 7 orlK k.

Punctual a' ten tuu r' quadM aiic will be fau mted nn'M nf ww i.t 1 r' V. MrlEAN.Hecie ar I an inrm re freour ulr Ilia atn 1 a 1 kara 1. "iuin. woo nn re i.rna''i M.U level me r.nnlm. ...,1 nutinif ill lm nioa aiil Krlmui: c.

i. uH.f wo. ma. ara ai.o pjurf In tl ab lonien. wi ui.

11 are at endan i lircMuwj ut tUrM ii.ii.t r. hi.Mcu sappria aul sitiitH shiwild rmeniber fiat debiys are al j.iruK' 1 Ity up' araii) of Vi iL 1 A IJ TOC VKIt 1 oe iniftt nd iMiinmii.ttely 11 rl. billed in il ope ration, and Oiu n.t injme the tender st lntant tjreHi aaii ion unst be unel by every purnhatfr juoge id one sfiiH ami to exauii'o ey rv bottle he t.u of it. The simple i.amtof rmut, IMlVrUIUCICIil He till. Hi 1HX IO tK Iv si.d c.Miefull..

ti s. Imt the initial a a B. A. muuisiocK, anil be latiaUod with uotliUig eUe. l4 Imeod entrnl llanoork Club.

A ei ui uiu u'eiwbve uniiiuiMii' (il ti ls 1 iZHtiou is raJUVt for FRIDAY, li at 7S 1. lue meiul ra are urgentlr riiiiH nii ut atreiia ior me tiaimai tion of important busiae.s. jr oilier 01 uie reaitieni. A. W.

ROBERTS. Socretniy ami Trramror. Not ire 1 he shipper of one box. marked U. IIuIiImH, Ir Kteaji.hlup (iKOKnE WAS IXGIUX, is re iuun.

10 caji on tne nmlm iiitrn.l. AU'Kht) MulLTO.V, 41 tvet. ntnn will please copv. n.1 To Ouachita Kiver The new paeiigti'MeuierAt At ELo Vv" It. W.

W. Hialier. mu.t in now receiving freight at t'i he 1 1 of ('iiHtoinitoiiHe street, and leaves positive! i iwiUflUAY, 4th ln for Trent n. Monroe and all inteimedi. itn laii'Im 011 Ouachita and Rivers.

'I he Mavilower will leae on every Wednesday hei efler. For fur liier pai'ticulais nipl ou or to GEO. I. IIITE, nl ECtM2t 17 Tcl oupitool im et. INollce.

Neither theCHptain uor under. aignetl arents ot Britinii AvKULK ami CO HON ET will lie respoiinible for any dubts couuaciea oy i crew 01 asm vessels. MEEK KB, KNilX A n2 3t ('annul. let street, corner Union. Oftlrr Const nnd Lafourche Packet t'o.

rtuiMileoiiville. (ct. 1. li" Notice is heroiiv gien that a special meeting of the Mtockholdr.s 01 tins omtiMDV will Iwluld at Napoleon vine on NATCItlmV, Novemner 2n, 1 for tho pnr or anu uilmg. niaKlug inHincittlo iH.

audi or cluiiiifia 10 the Act of Imoryoritioa of sain company. ju.i r.M, oec y. 4. rand 4'ntenu.

St. 'harle College. I.a. 1U V. L.

I KIO. will leave the i llv for tliilt well known institution ou HTC RDAY. Uh of November next, with the students entrusted to him. For fnrther information, applv to Uev. 1 CXT lilU0.

i iirner ot oinnion aim Barmine sireeta. or to P. FOURSINK fe US Natchez strict. ht I CCilIOZ, Socretary. Life Aanorlalion ot America.

LoniNinnn Texas Department. I he olhce of hum Ii partmerit i removed to No. 46 Ciiro'idelet. atre t. a gent.

wan tea. j. n. iinnii, oD 1st llerw ick's liny and Texan Knilrond Coinpanv. The Biitiscrihera to tiie cauital rcc of thin i.iiniiany are notified that au election of tire Direeioi nreorilinir to tiieact incorpora tion, will be held at the Hank of Amertci.

on SATl'Hl'AY. ov. 13, Between tlie ho.ira of I and 3F. M. Commissioner are'reanested to return their aubacrintion book) to either of the uii'term ci is! ou or befoie Saturday, the fitli ilay of vexu'it r.

GEO. JON sMiTir. JNH. U.ilAI KS. el td CoiniiiiMiiiiers of Eleetion A Card A clergvmnn, while reaHIng In onth Anierica aa a iliscovereit a safe ard slniple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diae es of the Urinary Seminal Organs, and the wh'i'e train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vici ma habits.

Great nnmtiers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the aflUcted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any oue who needair, tree of charge. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bible House, ttt dAW3m New York City.

Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer. is the 01. ly infallible Hair Preparatlou for re storing gray hair to its original col an i pro motlna its arowtn. It la the cheaiieat prepara. tion ever offered to the public, a one bottle wid last longer ana aceomuiiHii mete ttian tnree bottles of any other preparation, our ttenewer la not a live: it will not a's the akin a othors It will keep the hair from falling: out.

It cleanse the acaip and makes the hair aofr. luatroua and silken, tiur treatl on the hir iw nt fr re hv mad. R. P. HALL Naah'ia, N.

11.. pro prietors. For sale hv all di uggixta. Ii3 TuThSa 1 u'l It ts important that warm should be eradicated lietoie tin liave 1 ir ili ami iintutod the stu'oaeh, for S. ere ii no telling where their raHgB nia.v en.L 'l'liey not.

con line themselves exclu.H'i ely to the stiriin ii a el lMiwela. as mai auj.pM., for they have even the eoats of t'le i ti. 1 MK'n found in the liver and bladder. the nirat ilitiering es. which of en iw iiio: lie renmvid so lung aa the iriitiitin; e.iue Is Jollied in those oiaim.

Ai.le Iiumi lie ilm gin. 11a lonsiiiueiices, which result f. Cieir iiiiilifturbeit isisaesidnii of th" st uiiu''. tin cause an unwonted secretion of mucus, which is fi uilful iu Iri th a rim. us th live multiply, causing it cotistautly to uccii.iiiilate.

ttnil indiiciiig foul atoiiia indi' Hii 'ti, ami of uisaeTeeable att nil n'a, wim li irrnxv iu violence until they either end in a and incurable cLronic all'ectiun, or tho 111.1 are i movt d. In view tif becomes hi Imitative duty of eveiy parent to tlii ilih of hia child, ai to provide himself with dial itunt sjfeitic, B. A. Fahnestoi U's rest caution must be used by every pttrchas'r to be hia own Jmlge in onu aense. and to ex nine e.i ry tot tie he buys of it.

Tho sunple name of Eahiiestork la not siittlcient. lie must look loselv and earpftillr to t' at th lniti lis aie B. A.Valaieatock, and be satisfied wit'i nothing else. ol 'Sodb of TetoperMure." felicon Division No. 1, meets every FK1DA km 1 No, in Hall 163 Camp street, lover Bible House) ar 7 o'cliH k.

Officers for the present qnarter John Abbott, W. W. McKeever, W. It. Thre.t ler.

Thomas A. Mllco*ck, A. R. King. F.

Henry McUregor, A. Doolv, Cliap D. DreHcnll. G. P.

Farwell, A. A. W. tTehbin, I. Joseph Thorn (ison, O.

W. W. McGarity, P. W. P.

You are in dutv bound to attend onr stated meetings. R. THREDDER. Recording Scribe. THOMAS H.

JONKH. D. M. W. P.

0UV9 The Western Union Telegraph Company, Bout hem Division, (superintendent's Twelfth District, NewOrleans, ocUiber 14, 1W9 Branch Offices of this Company are now open at the following points in this city No. 1 Carondelet street, corner of Gravier. No. 2 On the' Levee, corner of Common street, in Conery'a building.

No. 8. Poydras street, near Tchoupitonlaa. No. 4 Tcboupitou las street, cornorof Robin.

No. 6 Stock Laxduig, Jefferson City, near tho Elevator. No. 6 Jackson Railroad Depot. The tariff from these offices to ail points in the United States and abroad Is the same as.

from the main office, 57 Camp street, and tho business wiil be done in a prompt and efficient manner. On messages between these offices, for delivery within the city, including Algiers, the tariff la for ten or lass words 25 cents, and each additional word 2 cents. DAVID FLANERY, 014 lm superintendent. Howard Temple ef Heaer. No.

'A, sneete every WEDNESDAY EVBNING, at 8 o'clock, at Franklin Temperarce HalL corner of Love and 8pain streets. Third District. The officers for the present term are: Henry Shnlta, W. O. Thoe.

Keats, W. V. Joseph Hughes, W. Jobn C. Jones, W.

A. John Houlgrave, W. F. John MoWhlrter, W. George Brewer.

W. Leonard Darsom, W. Conrad D. Uj Henry Rotheram, W. AnsmKeeee.

W. 14.: Andrew jjrysoaie, r. v. C.T. myi4 'm Ry New Orleans Ma tun! Inaarance Cam ran comer Canal and itemp streets, October 15, 1869.

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Scrip holders of the Company will be held at this office, on SATURDAY, the 20th November, 1819, at 6 o'clock, p. for the purpose of amending the Charter. Br order of the Board of Directors. ol td J. W.

HINCJZS, Sec'y. Special Notice It having been reported that the steamer COUNTESS, running In Yasoo River in connection with the HENRY AMES, betnir anseaworthy. by reference to the books of the Home Insurance Company shippers wiil find she Injures as well as any boat in tne Yasoo River. C. O.

WAYNE, s23 otf Agent Steamer Henrv Ames. Perfect Mnahsadr Easayi ter Yaang men on the evils of self enervatlnn, with certalu help for the erring and unfortunate. Seat ia si alcd letter envelopes, free ot charif. Address Howard Association, Box Philadelphia Penna lyanla. n2H am Pbllosephy ef inarrlauve A New Caorae of lectures, ae dellvereii at the New York Museum of A natomy, embracing the subjects How to Live and What to Live for; Youth.

Maturity and Old Age: Manhood Generally Reviewed; The Cause 1 ludiireetiou Flatulence aud Nerv ous Itiseases accounted for; Marriaire Philosophl. cally Conitern. ilc iiiese iwtures will for artied on receipt of fonr stamps by aldrf.s Uig: SEC'Y BALTIMORE MlTSKUM OP anatomy. 74 west Baltimore sweet. Haiti.

more, MA apd'SB ly ffKMT. RENT STORR NO. 1M ORAVim Mrnt. ween Camp and Ht. Oviaii ciiwt'.

"I Htorn lit iM pit iii ceroylo u'er, niid well iocuil. v'y to F. (iO.NTH I Hilt, 81 1 1' iraviex tj eet. NT Hoi SK It Kit OK CO I ai.d St. Andrew ro 11.

iiisin lliig. BAfi Ml NT. a hal! and 01m 11 4 I i Uic rr em. Kl Pit OR ti.ts three parlors, thrrfe i.M ti.H ami a g. illery fv vt 'e Willi IliiH' ilnimim it.

'till ITU' 1: 1 a 11 nl f.iur verv ln; d.i ins. ail well vent I 1 Mi. vith bedooini. k'ti lien, aeiv I'lits'iMiil' ro.mi a asii r.i'i 11. tth 11 privies, re.

ei ei 11s galloi also taM. and ken house. tin 111. da hv 2.T. fe with tinea'iate trees.

Fur teruis, ply to ALFRED KKVRSY, rS 6t iuMxine street. HO ltt NT SKi 1 i.N li. TltlRii Ni tinrth floors of No. Tt Commeicial Plac wi 11 mlapii for lawyer's or otho urofeaai'iual i lives. Jnoi04iiate poasi'Hion end riioerat.e nut Apply to It.

H. RUCKNKK, oSI i Nil. 137 Gravier street. TOK Rl 1 'i If Buihting or the STtlliY IOIC er nt ront. Ku' on an I Nitre Dame streets, known as the War lioi se." Apply to JOHN HRNDRRSON, o2ft lot Tchonpi'oula i street.

INO Ulsf. SK AM) SfullKs lil lent. Die inrir. and iiintntnrs lwe'lnir iionae. puitl' No.

10' I'aiuii streot. fii ni the 1st of Novenitio' next. Also, the No 22 Natcher street, anil the Store No. New Levee street. ill tie r'nted 011 ronHonahie te ms respon sll 11 ti l.i nl.

i. apiiy in M. HSK, i'J4 df JZ Natchez street, up stairs IJOK Hh NT TH SECOND ASO THIItti S'ories nf Nok. 13 and 15 Ciimn strnet, with iih 01 Hnlendid balconv. a fine and cmivea eni location tor insiuance or Railroad Joiup iu Oflii e.

riln rrlr opposite City lintel. IiiMiii of 'lj HSf)N hews, 13 and 15 Camp stient. 024 otf fl'O RENT SIX) it No. 1 DUNK OK I'lioil and Ralu atreera. In tliaf ra nnex priotiable ot rter Apply V.

It INO sfeet oil o'f HI NT ONE FINE NEWTW IHI' Honisi'. one square from MagaKiue street, and near ahiiigioii street, with is and flxtu complete: flower ganlen in fnmt and in tho rear i or rnrttier oartieui.irs aunlv on the Dreinisis. iNo. vxi Lnnstance street. I'osaession eiven im nieillatelv.

20 11 RENT THE FOITR STORV BRK'K 1 Inilliling, 12? Com moil atr. et. Poaaosaion given lumiediati ly. Apolv GAINES RE LP, "10 f'anal street. 017 otf "VFFICFSTO RENT PARTIES DESIRING fine, comfortable Oftlces, with every convenlenc and In a good location, will do well to examine in Fleming's Buildings, corner Magazine and Natchez streets.

Only a few more left. Ol4 1 Tit TOOMS TO KENT ROOMS IN A tRI AV vate family. For rent anDlv at 8 Liberty sueet, rorner 01 iraio. riO IU A FINE THREE HTORV BRICK no A Store, known aa No. 14 Cro a'reef fronting on Crosaman aud Customhouse streets.

n.r pai tlculars apply to r. j. ti otf 75 Tohonpitonlns St REN 1 1 HE WELL KXuW. AND I dean a le Stores. Noa.

48. 50 and 52 Old Levee. ronur nf Bienville street occupied for a of years by A. I. Grieff Co.

Fur inner in. formation, apply to C. SKILER aus i orr o. 44 rnlon atreet. OR KENT OK LEASE TK FotIK story brick Stoie, corner of t'atnn and Pv diss streets, at rresent occupied as au tun lor stand, loa giMMl tenant it will be leas'd for a term of vears.

Poisefcaion rvm on the 1st iv totier unit Apply to HEN PACK. a 11 1 orf LOTTERY DRAWIMOS. RAWING OP LOUISIANA STATE LOT TERY. Far November 3. Chtae st63.

oo it? I cri ti cri 4 37 30 58 6 67 5 4' 7 19 09 9 The drawings are published in all the principal papers, and are drawn in public dally at tne rooms of the company. C. T. HOWA RD. President, St.

Charles street, corner Union, N. Witness onr hands at New Orleans, thl 'Ml day of November. Lss9. UIPKR JOHN LEWIS, F. F.

WILDER, Cmr.mlastoners. K.w of Bo us Loltertea 1 I liulBlAfiA STATK UiTaHi UUMf AS) 1 corporal! August 17, Iban. HAS T. HOWARD PRESIDENT SINGLE fN UBKa LOTTKR. CAPIT AL PRIZK CLASS M.

TO BE DRAWN AT NEW OHlEANS Hi, OS November SCHEME 1 I tt.tmf) irheu Ml Prlee I 4irl of 1 1 jm.e 1 of 1 10.1JI of e' prir.e 1 of of of of of of of of of (. in l.t'O X) 1,0 I.0..O 1 Hire 1 1 I 1 pine art 1 pure 1 piine 1 tit i7e 1 urize of 50 prize of 2 arc 01 APPROXIMATION PH1Zfi.i1 il approxi jiauona r.f 20neaoii for the. rvruiuumg unns 01 same uin 01 imuiiair drawing the fcio.utiu rne ale approxiniations of fluO eauh for the nine remaining units of the same ten of ennmtier drawing the 410,000 prize are apptoxtniaaons of flOO eacJi for the nine remaining units of Uie ten of LSOt 9V tne nuniDer drawing tne es.oun pnw are aac 2TJ5 prises amounting to mV I.I W. Eighths, IlC EXPLANATION OP APPROXIMATION PRIZES: The nine remainina units of the same ten ot the numbers drawing the first three full price wui oe entitled to the Z7 approximation pnses. For exaiuple.

if ticket No. ilia draws the prize, those tickets numbered 1241, 1242, IZU, 1244. 1245, 1247, 1248, 119 and 1250, Will eaol be entitled to $300. If ticket No. 231 draws the 10,000 prtee, those tickets numbered 232, Z3S, 234.

236. 2aa. 237. 239 and 240 will eauh be entl tied to fcOO. If ticket No.

4S0 draws the t6UV tliose tickets nam he red 441. 442. 448. 444. 446.

ha. 447, 448 and 449 will each be entitled to fiou, anu so cm aoooruing to tne above scheme. Prutea payable In full without deduotion. Orders tor tickets to be addressed to CHAR. T.

HOWARD, President, Lock Bex 8W2 post OtBoe. F28f ly apiraa lyw New Orleans. RCK.ETT fc SON GROCERS, HO Camp Street, Have now in store, and are receiving: Sew BUCKWHEAT, iu boxoa, bags, half bags and bhls. Mess MACKEREL. No.


Pealed PEACHES. Seedless CHERRIES. Turkish PRUNES. And a varied aud choice stock of TEAS, SUGAR and everything; comprised In their line, which they sell at prices within the reach of every uyer. We invite our friends and the public geu emllj to call and examine our goods and pricea.

o3t a JH. E. MULLE 132 CANAL STREET. OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 10 A. M.

and 2 to 3 P.M. RESIDENCE 161 St. Louis street, corner of Rampart street. ell tin Frank Wsccuer. Loilia Meyer.

FRENCH AND GKRMAN LOOKING OI.AH8 DEPOT. WAGENER A MKYEIt, manufa jtnrers of I 00k In Glass, 1'ortrsit and Picture Frames; iirjmrtera of French. English and Geimau Ka giaMiiga, Lithographs and oil Paint.ii gs, Window Cornices, Curtain B.nds and Shados, Cords and Tassels, 166 Canal street, Now Orleos, 031, '69 ly JO A'MOJSEMEWTS. academ? of music. Urarfday Evralng.

Jber 4, UW9. THIS I YTN'NO wnitp'entedthe thrill ii Militsiy Spi ciacle, ins cV, entitled THE TI.VEEGUaIIdSMEN; OR TiJKQKEN, 'I 3 'AVMNAL, AND TUB ADVEN IV li K. Ki.W'i FVENINO Unuanal l. Hh WELL BEN IT OF MR. FRAkyK A o.

when will be presented the FavoriU' 1 iim n. DON CJESA.K DE BAZAN, aud the Iirama, BLACK EYEU SUSAN. SATUKDAT NOiN LAST MAYO MATINEE When will be produced by particular Pqi'i'H, THE STSEETB Of NEW YORK. UtiMiAY, 6th lust. First aipearancc of the SUSAN OALToN ENGLISH erRA 1 ROrPE, and the beautiful and urn Aerial Queens, M'lle LIOLAand U'lle ZOE DE I AVE, the most graceful, ilaring and fearless Aerial Artists in the weil.

n4 VAHIETIKS THEATRE. W. R. FLOYD Leasee and Manager iageniei't of the Bean tif ul and Accomplished Artiste, MISS RACHEL JOHNSON. Itlonday, Nov.

1. 1N09, AND KVEUY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. After the most careful preparation, will bo pre sented Roucii aull's Great Dramatic Picture illnatratlve nf Modem Ufe in the British metropolis and suburbs, entitled FOH.llOlHA. A OR, THE RAILROAD TO RUfN. Witli New and Beautiful Scenery, Costumes and Appointments.

FORMOSA, (' The Most Beantif 3I MISS RACHEL JOHNSON. VARIETIES THEATRE. EXTRA CARD. Friday Evenlnc, Nov. 4, 1S09, BINEFIT OP MISS RACHEL JOHNSON When will be presented in a superb manner Sheridan's Brilliant Comedy of the SCHOOL, FOR 8C A.N DAL.

Lady Teazle Miss Rachel Johnson. Chaih Surface Mr. W. R. Floyd.

URST AND ONLY FORMOSA MATINEE, Hatnrday at l'st o'clock. MISS RACHEL JOHNSON AS FORMOSA. IN REHEARSAL "London Assurance," "East Lynne," and Tie Unequal Match." nl NATIONAL. THEATRE. Thursday, Nov.


Letghton. Box i ttlce open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.


Saturdny AHernoon and Nijiht, Nov, 6, PORT LIVELY THE LAST PERFORM ANCH Of this INCOMPARABLE COMPANY, IN THIS CITY. r4 SUGAR PLANTERS Cane Shed and Sugar House LANTERNS. The best article over offered in thla market For salo by GAINES RELF, 100 Canal street. GAS FIXTURES AND GAS FITTINGS At Cost, to close out this branch of business. For salo by GAINES A RELP, 100 Canal street.

S1 LVER WARE The balance of our stock will be sold at Cost, to close. GAINES fe RELF, 100 Canal street. JpRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS AND Bronzes A large assortment, at less than Im portation cost, to dose. For sale by GAINES RELP, 100 Canal street. ECO RATED CHINA "lflana, unni fast Tea and ToUet Sets, and a large variety of Fancy Articles, at very reduced ricos.

Fer sale GAINES RELF, 100 Canal street. JJLATED WARE Sheffield, Blrtnlnghain and American nxana factrtre; every article required In family, hotel or steamboat use at the lowest prices For 1 by GAINES fc RELF, 100 Canal street. GAINES RELF, Importers of EARTHENWARE, CHINA, GLASS, CX7TLEBY, 833 4meod3da Qaaa street. 3 ST. CIIAKLJ2S THEATRE.

B. Proprietor. CHAB. POPE. Lessee and Manager.

BRILLIANT ENGAGEMENT of the lemons Iiish (V median and Vocalist, AIR. JOHN COLLINN. nleM'y rtci ivid with thunders of applause, and his songs with repeated eneoree. ThoTdy Evening, November 4, 1869. THE IhlSU AMBABSSADOR Sir Patriok O'l lentjsi.

with songs, Mr. John Collins. THE WRt'jXG PASSENGER Dermis Vr aitln, with songs. Wire, Bright Wine Slid '1 mat to Look Mr Julia I Slina FRIDAY Beien of John Collins THE COLLI KN A VTN. SATURDAY Nt'ONFlrst Collins Matinee.

W. Stage Manager. NEW OPERA HOUSE. OPEN TNG OP THE THEATRICAL SEA Tbarsday, NovembtE 4, 1S69, Meyerbeer's Grand Opera, in Five Acts. THE IIUOUBiYOTS.

N. B. Box Office open on Mon day, Nov. 1, 18(59. w.m 11 A m.a1aw Prices of Seats, reserved to Subscribers and In vited Guests: Orchestra Stalls f2 00 l'arquette Stalls 1 60 Latticed Paiqnette Boxes 2 00 First Tier Jl 00 Second Tier Stans 2 00 Latticed Boxes .2 00 Third and Fourth Tier reserved to the pab lic.

1 mi ner 75 Other Hiats 60 FoutthTier 30 A discount will be allowed to adjunct Subscrib ers taking a box for at least two nig htsnei we ex. HOME AUA1N." COL. C. T. AMES'S NEW ORLEANS CIRCUS AND MENAGBRIE, After having completed a successful summer excursion by railway, vial tine most of the principal cities in the United States, will return and open on TIVOLI CIRCLE for one week, com mencing Monday, Nov.

1869, IVING TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, At 12 and 7i P. M. Presenting many New and Interesting' Features never before exhibited under canvas. Fifteenth week of the great sensational Female ymnast. MILLIE TORNOIK.

For Particulars see company's various publica tions. f. T. AMES, Manager and Proprietor. "apt.

J. L. PRESSE, Treasurer. Capt. J.

EINSLOW, Leader. H. J. LEECH, Ageut. 0 n4 tf ROLLER SKATING.

SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION At MECIIANICS INSTITUTE HALL, Open from 10 A. M. to 1 P. exclusively for Ladies. Open from 4 P.

M. to 6 P. M. for Ladies and Children. Open from 7H to 10 P.

M. tor Ladies, Gentle men and Children. SATURDAY MATINEE For Children from 10 A. M. to 1 P.

M. Admission to Matinee 2oc MR. ST. CLAIR, The accomplished Skater, will be in attend, ance to giye INSTRUCTION FREE OF CHARGE, And will at each evening assembly give an exhibition of FANCY SKATING. Admission For Lai lies and Children, morning and afternoon.

Free. Admission to Evening Assembly, 60c Children under fourteen, Sc. Package tickets (twelve) 4M. Hire of Skates 2ou. nt lm E.

D. LAWRENCE A CO. PROPOSALS. PROPOSAL" FOR BUILDING Xl It'E HOUSEm, of 12,000 tons napacltv, are wanted immediately. Plans and specification a cm be seen by applying at the ottlce of tlie un: deratgned, at the Louisiana Ice Works, on Tchoupitoulaa street, above Stock Landing.


MOORE CO. HAVE removed to Nos. 85, 87, S9 and 91 New Levee street, between Poydras and Lafayette streets. o3l st REMOVAL J. L.

DUNNICA Jt HAVE removed to the large store No, SO Tchoupitoulaa street, (formerly occupied by B. Van horn A where we have on hand a large as FLOUR of all grades, which we are offering to the ttade at lowest market rates. Purchasers would do well to give as a call. J. L.

DUNNICA A "il 6t 60 Tchoupitoulaa street. REMOVAL HAVE REMOVED FROM NO' 33 Carondelet street to 35 Carondelet, corner of Gravier street. WILLIAM CREEVY. o31 6t RIMA AND STARK, NOTARIES PUB Jt He nnri Attorneva at Law. have removed their office Irom No.

6 Carondelet street to No. 11 Carondelet street. 00 eodun ft ttmova I MASON PILCHER, COTTON A Factor and Commission Merchant, removed to 64 Carondelet street, earner Perdido. 08 lm tt KMOVAL SCHMIDT ZM.IGLER Jtk, have reoccupied their new store, Nos. 49, 61, and 56 New Levee, between Poydras and o3 lm 6Gravier streets.

REMOVAL. W. FRANK WITH ERE LL, successor to W. H. H.

Witherell, wholesale dealers In wool, hides, and leather, has re moved to 46 and 48 Fulton street. o3 4mo R. JOHN G. AN ELL, DENTAL BURGEON, Has removed to 152 Julia street, near Camp. 85 otf REMOVAL THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Soeletv'a Offlee la ranutvad to Na a JOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI LAND, LUMBER AND TIMBER COMPANY.

I am sow ready to take orders for Rough and Dressed YeL'ow pine and Cypress Lumber. Hewed Timber, Masts, Spare, Telegraph Poles, Cross Ties, etc, to order with dispatch. Also, 28,000 acres of good Timbered Land on Green River, near Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. 11,000 acres Louisiana Cypress Swamp Land. 14,960 acres Yellow Pine Lands, on New Orleans and Jackson Railroad, and Tanglpaho and Tche tuncta Rivera.

Address J. BEN. CHANDLER, Agent, Lock Box 921 New Orleans Post Office, and Box 404 Mechanics' and Dealers Exchange, 010 lm 10 Union street. rsjiLN PLATE SHEET COPPER. BAR AND SHEET IRON.

For sale by B. J. WEST, 119, 121. 123 and 125 Magaslns street. oafit WALKER" PATENT BASH WAJOTKHmBa 11 will securely hold a sash up nr (toys, and til prevent the rattling of same.

ine Dest ana cheapest article of the kind mjeo. lWDe pi? im A awl pJa. oao or aa sasTa, 1114 nisj;" neukitit.iir KTJRSHXSDT BIKNVaV NU.Ne U4 Camp Bursts Xw "AMUsem*nTS. aKAKD FAIR IIT AID OP T. I T'S' lil FOR DESTITUTE Will Open la v.

ODD FELLOWS' HALL, CAMP BTRKHT. Thursday vealnT, Nov. 18, aaui FaUaseiaar KXECUTTVIS COMM fTTKK 5 ST. PATRICK'S Messrs. a urea smerssL.

Patrick Rowen, Edward HaydorvT Browa, AC. They. aBT. MARY'S Messrs Collhrnon, A Fttotv Delery. Comes, A Dulse.

PATRICK'S Messrs, Alfred Dams HT. JOSfcfH'S Messrs join mcnjaL ery, i maf O'Neill. James O'Dowd, Wm Hart, Bartea. ANNC VCIA1 ION Dr. Eaaile DKmniersK, Messrs A Stuart, McBride, A AroheuarcL A.

ANN'S Messrs A Delery, Jotur Tatar, A. Tnmoine, Comenger. ST. LOUIS Messrs A Robert, Jui DwresX, Oiamerrhe, A Bellaume, Lotrie Berlts ST. JOHN'S Heeare John MoNttlty, OuHBs, Bruen.

John Murray, WheemttaM, ST. PETER'S McManlgle, HoOaad, kC Toemey. Nolan, Barry. ST. 'Teresas Patrick Phflbla, Daniel Kor pny, i eter Manning, hi Meenan: Bonrke.

Blr ui Ingham, Ward, McKendxlck, Gee CONFERENCE TABLES, ST. LOUIS'S TABLES M'me Barjav ltfir A Rebert, the Misses Botaert, Mne Drotasa and naughtera, M'me Jorda and danghtara Committee Messrs Jules DureL A RolHk Louis Bartae. A Bellaume st Patrick's Table Mrs Phiiio Fite Patrick, Mrs ThoS Marker, M3 a EUeu Domnm. assisted by Miss Margaret Deve, Mlsa Jfats O'Keefe, Miss Murphy, MVss Helena Smith. Miss Mary Whitfield.

Lsd'es' Committee Mrs Brady, Mrs PmiKtM, Mrs Kerehon, Mrs Dr BrickeH, Mrs Salamen. II11HB A ley. Mrs Morgan, Mrs at Blanc, Mrs McCoard, Mrs A Dunning. Comailttee Hon Tbos Semmes. afessrs Pike.

Brady. Peterson; Thee King, Tbos Marker, Thos Dunn, John Aikens, Vtu Gilmore. Krehard MoCloskey, Marti Olrnn, I Brown. Deeves. Lincaln.

Phllln PlBe. Patrick. MAY'S TABLES 1116 1SVTU, aSalSCeT by Meedarees Bermndes, PeychJMut, A lioiz Gallier and Moutpassan. Committee Augnstin Sr. Reyne, A Bey omer, reason, Peyohand, Aug MoBtrensL Theard.A Forstall.

Wacner. Dnbrein. An guar! Jr, Deverges Jr, Logaa, A Landry. White, AUaln. ST.

JOSEPH'S TAfiLEH Mrs Ross. asMeteot by Mrs MeCaffrey. Mrs Power. Mrs Mccietiea, Mrs Neiii Jr. Mrs Wm Hart, Mrs ScanTan.

Mrs Wm Clearv. Miss O'Neill, Miss Carlon, Miss Markey, Miss JT xevet. Oommtttee Messrs McCabe. Tbos Byrnes, Hugh McManus, Geo GoebeL Wm KaUy, Berkery, John Gibbens, John Finney, MC Gleason, Curtey, O'Dowd, A Finney. Wm Byrnes.

A NNUNCIATION TABLES Mrs Brand aad Willoa, assisted by the Misaee Wilioa, Conunaaf', ixmion. ijmani ana ue Armas. Committee Messrs Laf aye, Frank Leeta. Alride Willos, John Mioton. Deals Dr De Beaumont, Adam, ST.

PETER'S TABLES Mrs Sweeney, as sisted bv Mrs Vlnett. Mrs O'Neill. Mrs Mc Pride. Mrs Garvcy, Mrs Nolan, Mrs Can by, Mrs Hi nan, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Bell and taa Misses Lynch, Mand Marshall, Wynd. A Faehev.

Peabody. Russell. Hines. Walab. and Smith.

Committee Williams. Ed Sweeney, Chriav Sporls, A Benedict, Bradley, Thos Dunn, at Garvey, Wm Hanan and Jac.lrsdn. S'l JUHN M'lilfi 'AAUAlK St Park and assistants. Committee Messrs Rapier, Moloney. Wm Gorman.

Jno McGrath. Hamilton, Andrew Folev, Mr Raymond and A O'Meallie. COU NCI TA BLE Mrs Samuel Stewart assisted by Mrs Foley and the Misses Stewart. Committee Dr Donmeing, Kernagnaa. Scanlan and Wm Hart.

GENERAL COMMITTEE. Messrs Brady. Frank Laybrook. Michas Clongher, Gerald Riley, Hugh Flynn. Dr Kennedy, Peter Fry, Domisick Madden, John Breen, nam el umrnws.

wm noaan, Kooetx Htrong. John Hurley, Daniel Hurley, Pat Conaher, Ro fecit Diamond, Taylor Gauche, Richard ConOafa Jr, Jacob Zoelly, Dohartv, John Ryan. Michael Fgan. Gannon, Patrick Keur, James Maher, Thomas McKenna, Edward. Burke.

John Aikens, John Devees, Joha Farrell, Henry Uthoff, Davey, Edward. Hayden, Patrick Rowan, Thos O'Keefe, Ec Kea nedv, John O'Neil, John Ryan, Wm Harris. Andrew Doyle, Phil Smith, Patrick Haraan, Jas Gallagher, Gogarty, wm Murphy, Jno Mnr ny. Hngn Murphy, m. uonoota, ratnek Haipta.

Ted Coloaboun. Edward Colcohoaa. Par ker, Michael Haley, Philip Fitspatriok, Slmms, Ponrsine, Simms, Judge Thos Collins. Wm Lee, John Ford, Thomas agan. John.

Heirne. Jas McKeon. Thomas MeArdle. Wflliam Sheridan, Nicholas Long, John Douglass, Joaav Power, George Swarbriek, Weeteott, Hugk McCloskey. Bruening, Wm Vol km an, Wm McDonald, Kathman.

Ooartney, John Kir wan, Geo Cronaa, Thos Markey, Geo Mcdoakey. Thomas Cavanaugh, Dr Mylard, Dr Hnrd. John Tierney. Jaa Fleney, Daniel tic oily. Christy Deweev, Coleman, O'JJonneU.

Jaa McLoughlin, wm Glenn on. Andy Parle, Joha Sporls. Glbney, Shnmacber, Kebert Wyna. John Pauley, PDempsey, Hlbee, Keel, O'NeUl, Craig, Powers, O'Brien. Pendergast.

Patrick Irwin, Nicholas Barke. Cass. Walker, John French, Christopher Connell.John Stewart, Mathew Ward. Law nee Nolan, Patriok Fltzsimrnona, MiohaeC I lizsimmons, John Qnilter, Daniel DriseoU. Nicholas callsn, MrsGillen, Chiistopher Roily.

Mr Goodwin. Mr Forrester. Michael Hacket. Joe Hackett. Mr McEvoy, James MeaUle, Henry MC Mesllie, PJ Meallie, Mr Mmrphy, Mr Clansy, Patrick Johnson, Mr Kilbride, Christopher McEvoy.

Mr Mulligan, Ed Cpnery, Ed Conory, Jr. fi'1'onnelL Thomas Moore, Moore. Jtr. Castell, MrHawrel, Capt Badger Mr Moran, Mr Chism, Mr Ceok, Mr Llneoln, Resrty, Green. Coyle.

Dillon, sC Ilsllahnn, Dunne, O'Brien, John. O'Brien, Mark Glllen, Kavanah, Ora men, Mr Kellv, Jas MeKendiick, Mr O'Hearn, Thos McKendrick, Mr Heslin, John MePbelaa. McGrath. DOC Brady, Geo Lanaux, The Bouchard Arc hen ard, A Rousseau, Thee Lanaux, Planhard, Deanles, Dwyer.B Bermudes, Kirkpatrick, Thomas Green. Lancaster, Thomas Layton, John Devereux, Or DeArmas.

HALL COMMITTEE FitzwiUlam, LsV faye, A O'MeaTlie, Wm Byrnes. GRAND PRIZES. A Grand Prize ef Twelve Altar Candlesticks, and Cmctnx to match, with twelve spring tabea rilty eight inches high, will bOiOffered by tha Council to the Church having the largest auav ber of votes, at fifty cents each vote. Ed. Sweeney, offers for St Peter's Parish, aa a Firemen's prize, a five year old bright Bay Horse, sixteen hands high, four black legs, star on front ot neaa in fact, tne nnesc engine Horse that could be secured In St.

Louis. et. Joseph's Conference offers as nrize a new Hibernian Silk Flag, limb MoCUnakev. has donated a Gentle man's Gold Watch, patent lever, 13 Jewels, aa. Tobias, Liverpool, maker, wnicn win oe uraww at the St.

Joseph's Tables. Tickets for sale by the ladles, at fifty cents each. M. Delery. of St.

Ann's Conference, offers Ladv's Gold Watch, which will be drawn for at the Annunciation Tables. Tickets for sale by the ladies, at tiny eent each. Mr. McNulty. of St.

John's, offers one ef Singer's best sewing machines. Tickets for sal by the ladies of St, John's Tables, at fifty cents each. St. Arnaon ms's Conference offers aa a nri sa a. fine black walnut waehatand.

Italian marble too and fancy China ware. To be drawn at St. Pat rick's Tables. Tickets for sale by the ladies. a fifty cents each.

Annunciation uonrerence oners a miuiaiure silver base ball set, together with a. silver mounted umpire bat. That the nnbllc mav be satisfied of the Imeor tsnce attached to the maintenance of this instl tnuon by the Most Rev. Archbishop of New Orleans, the following extract la reonbllahed from the Morning Star, rf May 2, of hfs Oraoea circular, adding that the eoleetioa then terse up is entirely expended CIRCULAR LETTER of his Grace the Area bishop of New Orleans, to the Reverend Pastors of his Diocese. Reverend and Dear Sir Among theworkset charity which do honor to our diooese, and cots sole us in our ministry, there is one established within the last few years, in order to supply a want long and grievously felt We refer to Ht.

Vincent's Home for destitute boys, who, not being admiseable Into the asylums for younger children, would be abandoned in the midst of vice and corruption, and exposed to be miserably loet, here and hereafter. Unhapplhv, this establishment, founded and hitherto chiefly supported by the Society of St. Vincent of Paul, has not met from the public at large that support which we were led to eroect. The Directors Inform us by letter that, If not sufficiently aided, they shall be bilged to eloee the ir stltu tion though ft contains at present sixtv fonr destitute boys. It would be a souroo ot shame and grief to us, and I doubt not, to yosi also, rev.

and dear sir, and to your faithful flock, did it become necessary, through want of re sources, to allow these poor boys back again lnte the midst of the world's dangers, there te become a pert to society and a disgrace to tba Church, whereas, with a little help we might make of them worthy citizens and goodC'hne extremity, while awaiting the tfm when we shall be able to place this estabUaa ment on a permanent foootfng. we are obugea have again recourse to public charity, Weremain, rev. dar dr wrsWthfnlly Chlist. JOHN MABV. Kew Orleans.

Ap rrt 8t J300LK ft HUNT Manufacturers of STEAK ENGINES, BOIL ER8. etc, BalUmore. Agent, e2B 119, 1Z1, 122 and 125 Kagaelae sx 1 i li it sr.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.