Clarksville Weekly Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee (2024)

reckon you would't care to hear "Can' there be happiness where Sheriff's Salcof Ileal1 F-t the HEIIEY FEEGH FOX SMITH, oadliiirst Jastitute (CHABTERKD AND UNDENOMINATIONAL.) Comprises Six Departments, under Six Thorough Teachers. 4 The "next 'session begin 23th AUGUST, 1879. This institution offers advantages, found in few. A pupil can acquire as good a knowledge of German and French as can be gained in Europe, for it Is the native language of the teachers of this department. Thorough instruction in Book-keeping, Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Classics and English.

Eor full information and a catalogue apply to llOBT. A CO. BROADHURST, August), 1879-tf Clarksville, Tenn. Thy bark lim spread its aaowy sail. As on it bears before the gait, On life's wide sea The san, late risen from theavst, His arrows goldea-haetl relets 4 To shower oa thee, A nd form ft track of molten lUht, Tbttt gfadas bark flit at of sight "ailemlneeJoBg th shore lays, rappei la ejoud of purple haze, And, tdly "Where wild bird build, and eea-gulla soar, And Memory's shell hag canglit once mors Thy lut l.wt.

From bfe2eatfciiid that round me tsow, Whon gentle wings have fanned tiiy brow, My bar 3c did once attempt to sail In seas high thine, too, would fail, And-alnk, and die. Eat floating sH, and topmost men i 'Were hotter! and shivered by the bJUft That swept tberja by. And row it seems contest to float Bound mousy rooks and slxjre remote, "Where thro' the mist andtHammer rain. Come on the waves with their refraai, -f And dreams of thee. And yet they bring eure be? kef, That thou In times of Joy and grief, Dost think of me.

Andnhould my bartt, ta mood auk fed. If pos sp Start from its mooring, bent to And Thine own afar, A on the ocean -path It sped. The ripple from tta helm that spread Tby calm would mar. Tbtn let it rest, far oat of sight, Pilot of the raagie might, Away from thee. i -s i' el other hear thy lote low algb.

As o'er the sea thy bark dost fly Manufacturers of Stoves, Sheet House-Furnishing Goods, CHIIil. Mi) OUEEiiSWARE. 4 and Dealers in Tinware; ronware. Clarksville, Tenn. i CROCKERY, ETC, have many useful articles in the and see for yourselves.

Franklin Street, We are fully prepared to furnish all kinds of goods in our line as cheap aa the cheapest, consisting of French China, White Granite and vj, u. aro in every variety. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES, PLAIN AND ENAMELED GItATES, WALLACE PATENT IRON MANTELS, ETCT SOLID SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS, Alao Chimnrv Tops, Patent Flues. Drain Tile and Fire Brick. We are prepared to do Tin and Slate Rooflne.

Galvanized Iron Work, Gut tering, at bottom prices. We House-Furnishing linei Please call Kincannon, Wood Co. N. B. If you want to go to house-keeping we can fix.

you. January 11, 1879 tf Watchmaker, Jeweler Optician And dealer in Fine Gold and Silver Watches, of all kinds and qualities. Come Jewelry and Fancy Goods of every description. Spectacles and Ey Ulasses, tne newest and latest styles just received. Lowest prices in the city and warranted to be genuine.

Special attention given to the Makinq and repairing of fine Watches and Jewelry also Music Boxes. As I dave had5 16 years constant ness, I can defy anyone to compete with me. Watches Made to Order hy Hand and We wonld moi rtixt-t t'1 rtfttfro fr Mtx-k nblio that velmve niott Chrsaos, Steal Zsrrarbgs. Fictu-9 Frames and Paitor lira' Wall pew er biuuj, iti tliis Wf nh tU ni I lepniritig ,1 u', new tn lso maktf ultlee it ltd uns msr hos.t itehim. snd Hutvtvinjj Ut U.tief, uuf tnriiis are sirlotly cash.

itaspeetruHy, LOVELL March! lJ7-tf M. S. Meriwether, Operative, MiHihsnlcul and Burgeon DE1TTIST. tens of CloikHVllie and surrtmndinK i-ountrr, Clhee over (VKtke'e, Franklin strreU August 3, lK79-tf i J. T.

D. AVootls, Carpenter and Builder. I am now prepared todraiJ liioda tf -p. peltter Work suit Kepnlrinif. Kene.n bmJt ClKtern.

reimli-eti, and HhiuKhna dttnn on' short notice and Ht rt-uwiiiiibn- tii iee. Ing Nen at work In the pinning mill of 1. B. Wilson tv. Kr lu ytum.

nti tiara now gone Into buslnews for mywHf, I tnvlv the tiltlarns of Cinrksvlll. an'l vicinity ta jive me a trial. Whop No I Flri u. ired ficnt) near Franklin, Clarksville, Tenn. i SOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN' IMRIT Clarksville Tin; Faculty and Courses Reorganized.

Rev. J. WADDEL, T). LI Chancellor, and l'rofeswtr of Phikwoptty, etc. Ttev.

C. H. HEM Mil LL, A. Profeasor of Ancient Laiigungea, JAM Ef DIS WIDD1K, A JProfosnor or Mathematics, J. W.

CALDWELL, A. Professor of Nutural Sciences. H. J. COFFMAN, ProfcMK of- Modern Langungea, i Rev.

J. a SHEARER. I. Profesaorof History, Englisli Uteratttre mill "Kheutric. The Mchon Is of Biblical Instruction and of Commercial science will be dlslrlbutrtl tor the preaunt.

Session 1879-80 bogln? Sept. 1, 1879. i TERMBi TUITION (In advnnoet, per annrtm, Tj0 INCIDENTAL FEU (la advance), per annum, 10 HOARD to per week for all rttarga except washing, psyabla nionUily la advance, Esttcclnl aUcnUon given to English; and practical Address the Chancellor for copy of tha "Auiiouncemeut," and fur fuller lofwnt-Uon. Can Have a House Prices of Lumber reduced at RTAR SAW MILL so that anyone can build honttns or barns cheaper than In the past tan rears. On hand i Ihjtw Red Oak Boards.

Superior Red ldar Posta. I hit of cut Shingles, nld by parpen ters bo have used them to be the pft la the city. HO.Oot) seasoned IUts ft pltwtering, JO. T. JOHNSON, Angust 1, lCTKhn TAKE-NOTICE.

I have removed my Irsl street, to my old Ue of business from rwtuleuce, citrner of MAIN and SEVENTH Hm Wiier am prepared to renoVHte Bugsles and Carrlsgea on ns LOW TERMS as any inod.t man would have It done. I rtwiwctfully poiidt the patronage of my old friends nnd the public. BiUNUHL lU-ST, fcr. march 22, 1879-U. OLD AND RELIABLE.

Da. Sakpors's Lrrau XjmooaaTov ia a tjutnaarj amity ItTnedy for -v of the Liver, Stomach mill Bowols, It ia Purtly vegotauia. nevtvr Debilitatoa -It ia C.ithartio and All Ml j'jt -d" iV 0-a rt. ij' -1 a- acd bv the ptiblic. fc for more I linn 513 yours, .1 .11.

SEND FOR CIRCULAR. aw rot tt. ax i us i uuut a iul i t) 1 1 i wi i v. COAL! GOAL St. Bernard Coal per ear load, IS cent, pe bushel.

St. Bernard Coal per wagon load, 17 cent, per bushel. Plttburg Coal per car load, 18 eenta per buxhel. PI ttsborg Coal per wagon load, 20 cents per bushel. V.

P. UIIACEY A BUO. Aogust Sd, 1878 tf. AeculaiinB! fensisnj Mra Cincinnati. II.

A. CURRENT, FRASKUN STREET, CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE. A good lot of work al way. on" hand, Taty, aubtntil chairs a Work of any given description made to order. Itepalriug promptly attended to.

July UKf Musical Instruments of all kind for wile low at IlyprV. 4t Come Tonic. SW Wmm set i r- -I 1 i Ani v- ifWaS UiVfli- 'il RSfefSiO' tni' Prtf lire P. SillSM there is no love?" solemnly queries an author in a book on marriage. Not much haj-plness, perhaps, tut if the girl awfully rich, there can be lots of fun.

Leadviexk isn't as healthy a country as many people suppose. Four suicides, eight hangings, find two cases of tar und feathers is the record for the month. Maw Women Vote. VWere the question admitted to th4 ballot, and women were allowed Tote, every woman in the land who has used Dri Pierce's Favorite Prescription would ote it to be an unfailing remedy for the diseases peculiar to her Dr. Pierce has received hundreds of grateful testimonials of Its caratl ve power.

Jowa OrTYj Iowa, Mch. 4, 1878. Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Dear Sir For many months I was great eufferer.

Physicians could afford me no relief. In my despair commenced the us of your Favorite Prescription. It speedily effected my entire and permanent cure. Yours thankfully, Sirs, Paitiu B. Baxter.

extracted from Vegetable Tirtxiaets, combining in them tkeMandrake or May Apple, which ta raoognteedTby phywintnrta as a subatitnto for ealomel, possessing all the virtue of that tainaral, without its bad'after-effecta. AS AM AHTI-BIL10US KEDHSIUE thy are tooom parable. They sthntaata the TQ5iSIJVlna, Invigorate the firSRVWS SYBTlM, and give tone to fiwl)lQlS3TlVfe OSSAliB.oVeating per-fect digestion and" thorough assimilation of food. They exert a powerful influence era the KIDNEYS and tJYEa, and through these organs remove all impurities, tnua vitalisin tissues of the body and causing a healthy condition of the gystem, AS AN AHT141ALAH1AL REMEDY' They hare pa equal and aa areenlt act aa a preventive and tnitten Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, and fever and Agu. Upon ths healthy action ef the Stomach, depends, almost wholly the health cf the human race.

DYSPEPSIA IS THE BANE cf the preeent generation. Tt ie for tha Cure of this disease and its attendants, FOMDEKOT, qjSKflJl61frHLE6, tkat TUTT'S PILLS have gained such a wide spread reputation. No Remedy haa ever been di acov-ered that acta eo speedily and gently on the digestive organs giving them tone and vigor to aasimilate food. This being accomplished, of course the HERVGUS SYSTEM BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AND THE BODY ROBUST. Being oomposed of the juioes of plants extracted, by porful chemical agen-iee, an prepared in a ytttted farm, teey are raaTantoed from any thine: iRat can injure the del icate A notes chemist who hue analysed thum, lays THKBS IS KORT TIMBI IK ONE OP TUTT'S ILL, TEAH CAN 33 rOUHfl IS A PIST Of ABT OTHEH." We therefore say te the afflicted not harm yaw, you have nothing to loe, but will surely gain a Vigorous Body, Purs Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind.

Principal Office, S-o Marry Ti. Y. PRICE 35 CENTS. Bold by DrubTpists the ircirid. TDTT'S EAIR DYE.

Grit H.ra on Wibi rhunr-d to n. Gi.ost slack bj an. rl tr.ia OTS. It lm-mt Oohir, sn-1 JT fUnniaM JtBpnnj wmt. Sod by lJrUis.s, 01 spnt hy eipr receipt fl.

Office 35 Murray New York. Chancery Sale OF Two Tracts of Land AND Steam Saw Mill Moses Smith vs. Henry Freeh. Pursuant to a decree of the Chancery Court, at Its July term, 1K7M, I will sell at puhlic auction, to the iiiinem Didder, at the office DOOU OF THE LEltK AND OH Friday, October 31st, 1879, the following described tract of land in Dis trict o. li ot Montgomery county: a ACRKH, more or les, bounded as follows Beninnint? at a blacs Ktim and pointers Brown's line, running eant 319 pol-'H to a black oal? and pointers in Henry line thence sout lofi poles to a hickory and pointers In Henry Cromer's line; thence 219 poles to a poplar and pointers In Nelson Brown's line thence loti poles to the beginning.

Another tract of 135 ACRES, moie or less, bounded as follows: Beginning at the east line of the above tract at a white oak and pointers, running 97 poles east to James Brown's corner a rock; thence south poles with Brown's to a white oak aud pointer in Richard Brown's line; theiice with said Brown's line to a poplar and pointer in Henry Crotzer's line; thenoe north 137 poles to the beginning. Also one STF.ATI SAW 1TI I inch J-ing boiler and the machinery of every kiad therewith attached. TKUMH One-third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years witli interest. Notes with good security required und a lien required. POLK a.

JOHNSON, U. A M. and Oct. H.l.HT'J-tds-prfSlO 110. Boots Boots John Rick, 42 Court House Block, Franklin having.just returned from the Eastern cities, where he has selected a first-class stock of material and manufactured goods, is now prepared to furnish of every class.

will make to order, or sell ready-made iioods of his own make. or supply a good custom-made article from the test Eastern manufacturers. All these he offers at a small margin of profit and defies competition If AND PRICE are considered. He has purchased this timea very superior assortment of ladles' Shoes I in the most fashionable styles and of the finest material, which he Invites the attention of the fair sex. Customers desiring goods made to ordt-r will find him sup-i plii-d with the finest a-ticle of IMPORTED FRENCH CALF, which they can have made up in any style desired bv SKILLED WORKMEN in the most finished and substantial workmanship, Oct.

11, l79-tl. J.T.WMBEEiaCO. 64 66 W. SECOND ST. CINCINNATI.

Foreigrn and Domestic dried and canned Fruits and Vegetables. Canned, dried and salt Fish. Pickles, Sauces, Oils and Condiments. Boup stuffs, Baking Powders, ground whole Spices. Toilet and Laundry Soaps.

Seeds, Jellies, Preserves, Fancy Groceries and Grocers' Sundries. Stock unparalleled in the West. SEND FOR OUR "6R0CERS' MANUAL" j. rra BOOTS, SHOES, He to the like from "Jshe did't say nothinj after that for a eood lone suell. tlii I bfiran to be afraid she was otftnded then ays she, ou may sit down here beside mel If voa like.

i ma so. ana then, after another good long spell, says, she stroking my nana witn one or hers, You're the best and and kindest man in the world, Ben and I like you better any of iiy shirt sleeves were by this time wet enough to wring, and tha chill guste that swept down from the tree-tops er enough to make ewiomroiana aog aniver but 1 never felt warmer or more comfort able in my life than when Susie said that. I never felt my slowness of speech so in my life, though it seemed as if I couldn't think of any worn inai meant enougn. eo I nau to sit and listen to Susie without being able to say a word myself, but she didn't appear to mind it a bit. "Well, the first thing I knew.

It had stopped raining, and the moon was peeping down through a drift In the clouds. I found the path in no time, and Susie made me put on my coai again, i ''When we got home to Susie's, her father was just turning out to look for ns, and met as at the yard gate. 'oaked but Bays he. What on earth has happened to make you look so you both are as wet as a couple of. drowned kittens He had a lantern, you see, and flashed it right In our faces.

didn't tell hitrj anything then, but he found out! about afterwhen i I came to ask for Susie." Just at this moment we were in terrupted by a pretty, scolding voice from the house, exclaiming, hy, uen, you will eaten your death of cold. Bitting out there without your coat when the dew is fallinsr." Simpson haa been over hour tellinsr his storv. Our niDes had gone out ana tne suu haa gone down, but there was still light enough to mark the placid expres sion, of delight that came over his face at the mere souna or his wire's voice: and I thought saw plain er than ever before how it had happened that the lively little Susie had married my slow friend, and had done wisely in so doing. Things In General. Dress with the weather no matter how often clothing.

you must change your The bird concerts are at their full- est swing at an early hour in the morning. i The enthusiasm of reckless, speculations is very apt to set a nation crazy on financial matters. It Is a slur on the present to speak of "old fashioned honesty" of earlier days. You never knew a lazy man that did not have a good appetite and a square digestion. It takes something more than good clothes to make a gentleman he can be distinguished in any garb.

The average American done up in a bathing suit is not a pretty object. The love of home was a virtue especially cultivated by the anci-enui. In all ag-es handsome jewels have been a ready incentive to tempt people to crime. Boiled itarch Is much improved by the addition of a little salt or dissolved gum arable. But few soils are benefitted by plowing as deep as twelve inches.

The old practice of banking up celery plants as they grow is being abandoned. Moistened baking soda is the best application that can be made to burns. Ripe tomatoes, it is paid, will remove ink and other stains from white clothes. Swimming is a healthful recreation when properly carried out, as well as useful and necessary. When the digestive power is enfeebled the nutrition is degraded in every part.

Short basks are again revived on account of the panier drapery of overskirt which must be next to the belt. A lamp lifted suddenly, which contains but a poor quality of oil, is very apt to Blowing down a lamp chimney to extinguish the light is a frequent cause of explosion. The American climate makes a sudden, leap from distressing heat to severe cold. It is a common tendency to talk more of the evil than of. the good known of a neighbor.

The manufacture of artificial is becoming an important industry. Bathing too long dulls the nervous system in the same manner as does too long confinement in a badly ventilated room. The Norristown Herald Pays "Brisrham Young's grave i said to be 'neglected and Btoneless.7 He, left too many afflicted widows. What is everybody's business is nobody's business. When the condition' of her late husband's grave is mentioned to Mrs.

Young No. 10, she replies, "Well, if he wants a tombstone, let that proud, stuck-up Belinda Jane Young get him one it's as much her business as mine And when the subject is brought to the attention of Belinda Jane, who is widow Young No. 14, she retorts, "Let Sarah Jerusha Young (widow No. 4) attend to it, She has known him longer than And it locks now ad if he would never get a tombstone." It is a singular fact that not one of the imperial Napoleons has died in France, or on French soil. Napoleon the founder of the family, died a prisoner on the British island of St.

Helena, in the South Atlantic ocean; his son, Napoleon died in Austria his nephew, Napoleon died an exile in England, and' his grand-nephew, the young man whom the French Imperialists hoped would one day rule France as Napoleon met his fate at the point of Zulu spears in South Africa. It is not hasty but seriously reading, meditating upon holy truths, that makes them profitable to the soul. It is not the bee's touching on the flowers that gathers honey, but her abiding for a time upon them, and drawing out the sweet. It is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most on Divine truth, that will prove the choicest, wisest, strongest Christian. Bishop Hall.

The Nashville American says: "Within less than three years two Tennessee officers of the United States Army have been killed while gallantly leading their commands against the Indians Maj. T. T. Thornburgh, in Colorado, last Tuesday, and Lieut. Jno.

A. McKinrey, of Memphis, in au attack upon hs-tile Sioux, in Dakota, Nov. 2o, 1876." A very large fish was captured at Mackinaw, Michigan, lately. It was about ten feet in length, and its weight is estimated at about four hundred pounds. It is perfectly transparent, and the action of the heart and other functional organs can De plainly seen.

Sunday religion is good as far as it goe, but suppose a man dies on a week day to a I State of Tennessee Mont. Coxir.ty. Darden and Weatherford vs. M. and IX A.

Ev vlrtuo of a writ of venditioni exponas I me Uuw.teiJ, IVom the Circuit Court uf county, I wulsi-tl to the i highest bkiru-r. It cash, at tuo Court House doos la CUu 1 Monday, November 3d, 1879, seventy acres of Ifind.tho property of D. C. Herring, lu District No. 5 of Si ontgomsry eomitv.

imunfled iia follows: on tha north bv the Port Koval road. tiMsoitlhwest by O. frY Herring, south by A. A. Herring, west ny J.

i iuy. IjeviMl on the nrooert of l. C. Harrlnut to satL-tfy a Jndmuent ia favor of garden i ana weataeriuru. i JAM 33 K.

MOSEI.EY, Oct. 11, ISTMtprlW 00 Wierifl. Sheriffs Sale of Real Estate. State of Tennessee Mont. Cbunty.

Ben Gill vs. Lewis Johusou, ool. R- vtrtueof a writ of venditioni exponas to iuo direcUid, from the Circuit Court of Montgomery county, I will aril to the highest biUdcr, for cuah, at the Court Uouse floor in ciarKsvuie, on Monday Novem ber 3d, 1870, the following tleecribel tract of land to-wlt liceinnln at a black oak. Hen Nevtl'B aootheftHt corner, running thence south thy. e'VHl iO-tJJ (K)tt'fi IAI thence north 1 east 70 poles to a pile of stone aud pointers in Dad ley's south line; thonre north ss4 we.t 1S-20 poles ta a swiie, his line 14 west 70 poles to the beginning.

Ix-vled on as the protierty of Lewis Jolin- son, to (tatixfy Judgment in my hands in favor of Ben mil. Oct. 11. lS79-4tprfS 00 Hherirr. Sheriff 's Sale of Real Estate.

State of Tennessee Mont. County. F. Johnnton vs. A.

J. Allensworth. Ev virtue of a writof venditioni exponas to me directed, from the Circuit Court of Montgoinerv county, Tenn- I will 11 the highest bidder, for ciish, at the Court House door in ciarnsviiie, on Monday, November 3d, :1879, the individual interest of defendant In the and of Jno. C. AllenKwortli.his fitln died seized and- vosvmnA of.

In Montiromery county, in the 81 Civil liistrlct of said coonty, sltuntel as follows, it lin the same land nnd ailjoining tracts where John Allensworth lived and died, ftnd where Jesxie F. Allensworth now lives Bounded on the north by the Kentucky line, on the west by the lands of Mrs. enry Herndon nnd W. IT. Elliott, on the south by the lands of W.

H. Klliott, nnd on the east by the land of Jan. it. Harris and Win. Settle, Levied on as the property of A.

J. Allens- to satisfy a judgment in favorof F. Johnston. A MKS K. MOSKI.KY, Oct.

II, lK7-4tprfs 00 Sheritr. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. State of Tennessee Mont. County. J.

D. Neblett vs. Mat Overton. Bv virtue of a writ nditiont exponas to me directed, from tint Circuit Court of Btohtiroiti M-v county, 1 I will totue hie'fst biil'l -r. for i il tlv Hotlse d(MU- In Clarksville, tm Monday, November 3d, 1875).

a tract of Ian in Montgomery county, and lounded as follows: I us at a dogwood and runs ca-st 02 poles to Hamlin's corner naiice soutu to Ham lin's corner In Mrs. Paeaiid's Hue; thence with said lln to a slake thence north 92' west IS) poles t( beginning, containing by survey 73 ncnis. more or ieviea on as the Droocrtv oi Jiat uvenon to satisfy a judgment in favor of .1. D. Neb- letr, JAMKH K.

MOSKLKY, Oct. 11, 00 Sheriff. Great Tennessee Land Sale! 14,000 Acres Eicb. Hill and Biver Bottom Land. Divided Into 94 Farnu, A part of the Cumberland Iron Works property, fronting Ave wiles on Cumberland itiver, 35 miles below Clarksville, Ti-nn.

Rich soil, nbun-lance of tine timber, liu-xiinustioiu springs oi pure waier, convenient to market, cheap transportation, bealihy climate, etc. Will be sold without reserve, under order of court. JSov. 20, 1K7SI, by J. Hteger, Trustee title perfect terms liberal.

No personal security required. Much of it is tine state or cultivation growing wheat, corn and tobacco, and is unsurpassed for sheep-raising. No greater inducements are onerea tor reaiiy eneap lauds and good homes. For map and a full description of the property, address The Tobacco Leaf, Clarksville, Tenn. Real estate agents will address Dr.

J. C. Sieger, Cumberland Iron Works, Stewart county, Tenn. Sept. 27, 1879 4w Change of Firm.

The firm of CaBtner, Irwin 4 was this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. (ieo. S. Irwin having disposed of his interest to Mr. H.

F. Beaumont. The new firm, Cast-ner, Beaumont will continue the business, and will collect all assets and pay all liabilities of the old firm. Parties indebted will please come forward and settle prompUy. GEO.

L. CASTNER, GEO. S. IRWIN, Oct. 1, 1379.

HAS. B. CASTNER. In retiring as above I beg to cordiaUy recommend the new firm to the entire confidence and generous support of our former kind patrous and the community generally. GEO.

S. IRWIN. Appresiating the kind sup i port bestowed irm, the under oy the menus or tne oiu signed hope, by the same unceasing energy and enterprise to merit a continuance-of the same. Respectfully, CASTNER, BEAUMONT CO. October 4, 1879-it no turn, 54 Franklin Street, Clarksville, Is just opened and ready for guests.

Everything new and in elegant style. Sample Rooms ftT Commercial Men. Meals at all hours. The Bar is supplied With the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BsJrReceiving Daily Fresh Oysters.

CHAS. LEHMAN, Sept. 13, lS79-tf Proprietor, EXCHANGEAND RESTAURANT G. A. IIOTH, AT HIS OLD STAND, 40 FRANKLIN STREET, has opened a first-class Restaurant and Saloon, and solicitsthe patronage of his former friends and the public in general.

Nothing but the riest Wines ami Liquors served over his counter, and his Cigars are the heat imported and domestic. His tables are always supplied with all the delicacies in their season. He has engaged the services of a first-class cook, and guarantees to give entire satisfaction to his customers. April 6, lS78-tf. E.

H. Williams, Real state and Claim Agent. Special attention given to negotiating loans. aLso to rentinar nronertv in city and cou nty. Office, Franklin street, over A Settle's store.

sep30-4t Dissolution Notice. The firm of C. Shubinskl A of the New York Store, has been dissolved by mutual consent, J. P. Harris retiring.

C. Shn-Wnski will continue the. business at the old stand, and isauthorized to collect and settle all debis. All having claims aeainst the firm are requested to present them at once for payment. Those owing the firm Avill please "come forward and settle immediately.


27, 1879-4t Executor's Notice. Having qualified as the Executor ofO. C. Smith, deceased, his creditors are requested to file their claims with roe as soon as con- venient, and his debtors are requested to pay. 1 wish to wind up the estate at tne earliest practicable time.

POLK a. JOHNSON. Executor of O. C. Smith.

Rept. 27, IS79 iw. Estray Mule, Taken tip and postad. Sept, 25, 1879, by C. N.

Meriwether, in Civil-District No. 2 of Montgomery county, one dark bay horse mule, about 14 or 15 years old, and about hands high. No marks or brands. Valued at twenty-two and 30-100 dollars. Oct.

4, 1879-3t R. D. READ, Ranger. TENN. North Missouri Kye, Fu'ltx Seed Wheat.

Gold Dust Whsat' TGrtilinsr Guano, Hour 15 aw Hone, Land Plaster. Choice Seed! Timqthy; 3' viover Red Toiy Orchard Grass. llocs, Plows, Cutting Boxes, Corn Shellers, low for Cash. August 10, lifflMf Clarksville Female Academy I one of the lending schools of the fonrtn Flrst-clnss Teacher, handsome Jhilliltnua and complete in nil lis appoint ments, ai-ohoc, vocal and instrumental Music lu charge of a Oertrtan PrufesHor emi nent aa a Composer mid Teacher, i All mod era appliances used. Will bctrtn its 84th Annual Session Kept.

1. For new Catalogue KKV. J. B. PLUMmKPL A.

Prest. Clarksville, TennJuue lo, Julyl9-tf F.J.YOUNG, FahionablQ'Tailorv lljaving returned to Clarksville, offers hit services to bis old lends and all Other who may wish good tailoring done. Also renovating and refialiing done on short notice. Prices ireasoBHble. Shop V.

L. Wil liams' boot and shoe store, next door to bar- oer snop. a i 1879-1 CU.BMITB, MOUACK H. LURTON feMITH i lURTON, Solicitor anjiAttGfneysal Law CLtUKSTILLK, TENS. Will practice In an the Courts of Mont gomery, Houston and Stewart.

Ji Wt Scales. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Chancery CLARKSVILLE, TENN November 2, lOT8-tf J. RICE, Attorney at Law CLARKSVILLE, TENN. Will practice In the Courts of Montgomery and adjoining counties, and in the bupreme Court. Ofllee over Settle's Orocery, with entrance irora ran nn ana Btrawtwrry mreets.


OFFICE ON STRAWBERRY STREET WSpecial attention paid to collections. Dec 1, 1877-tf JOHN J. WEST. iHtonicTj at Xtaw i- Ofllee on Strawberry Alley, 'JLAkKSVILLE, TENN. apecUd attention paid to Collections.


Wilt practice In courts of Montgomery and wltolning counties, and. in If upreine aud Federal Courts. October T. M. RILEY ATTORNEY A.rL' XVAV Ct.AKIaM I1.LK, TBIS.

Will practice In the Courts of Montgom ery, Stewart and Houston counties. tJtnoe stairs, south side sutwberry St. March WOOD LYNES Are prepared to do House Painting, on lurt notice. Give us a trial. We will guaran tee satUdaotlon.

Shop on First street near rankiln. leos-iy Hecla Goal. Car loiad (side track) per Car loud (delivered per Wagon load per bushel B. F. POSTON, Agent.

August 10th. 1S78-U A. HJMUNFORD, L. O. MUNFORD.

MUNFOHD MUNF0RD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW -AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY W1H practice in all the Courts of oommon law and equity In Montgomery, Stewart and Houston counties, and the Federal and Supreme Courts at Nashville. Special attention to collections. Jan. 8 l7-tf CLARKSVILLE fill Mill! AUD MACHINE SHOP VJmJmMMCU 0TMMJKT. MANUFACTURE Steam Engines, Saw Mills, PLANTER'S PRIZE SCREWS i MachlBery Repaired at Snort lotlee.

Call and see our STUM 1CT rCMP, and throw away your cold water Pumps no more use for them when you can do better. WHITFIELD. BATES A CO. Aug. 28, Tl-tf J.

S. Woodson Agents lbr Diamond CoalCo. Keeps on hand a roll supply el No. Trta-mond (Xial, best quality of Timothy Ilay, Corn etc. Office and store-room next door to Franklin House.

July 28 ls7IMf R. B. TAKPLEY. L. McQUIRE.

Taipley McGuire, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS! jPapeir Hanging a Specially, AIll Job neatly -execatM, and order, promptly filled. on First street, aext door to the Tobacco Exclianaa. Mnrcb 15, lwrv-tf ffdm -nrrj IIARDt7ME Ml Keep on band a full line of Hardware, Farmer Hardware, Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Shovels, i Collars, Traces, Avery's Steel and Cast Flows, Clarksville Cast and Steel Flows, John Sssre's Steel Flows, The Oliver Chilled Plows, which we guarantee to be superior to any cuuiea now made, i Buckeye Grain Drills With or without Guano Attachment. McSherry "Grain Drill, liagerstown ertihzer Drill. 13r1J IL Ef We sell the OlarkBYille Wagon, a home-made article, which we know to lie a belter Wagon than the Imported article.

These Wagons have been reduced In price, ana we can now suit anyone. Having added to our business that of Hoofing, Guttering, Sheet Iron Work, Galvanized Iron Work, Plumbing, And General Tin Business, we are now prepared to undertake work in this line, having a good stock of material and good workmen. Mr. M. H.

MALON will superintend this department. We have a good Plumber, and parties wisning water put meir houses will do well to see us. Call and see us. We will treat you well-both in goods and prices. FOJSL SMITH.

August lfl. 1879-tf W. A. MILLIKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery. Chancery Block, 1st Floor, Front Room ClarksvIUe, Tenn.

Will practice his profession in all the Courts of Montgomery, Stewart and Houston counties. Refers to Hon. Jas. E. Bailey, Hon.

Jno. F. House, Hon. C. O.

Smith, and Hon. II. H. Lurton. aug23-79tf Giles' Liniment! Lame and Sick Horses CUREU.

FBEE OF COST Giles' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. Spavins, Splints and Ringbones cured without blemish. Send for pamphlet containing full information to Win. M. Giles, 120 West Broadway, N.

Y. Use only for horses the Liniment in yellow wrappers. Sold by all druggists, In quarts at 82 oO. in which there is a great saving. Trial bottle, 25 cents.

Sold by OWEN MOORE, aug23-4m Druggist, Clarksville, Tenn. To the Public. A trial of OWEN'S WONDERFUL SORE WASH and EYE LOTION will oonvince the afflicted these remedies will atford quick relief and cure the most painful and obstinate sore on man or beast. For Erysipelatous and other cutaneous affections a few applications oi the Sore Wash will suffice. uarooncies, oicers, nunu or cieeu- lnc Piles.DiDthertaor Ulcerated SoreThroat.

Scald Head, Shingles it has never (tiled to cure. For Scratches, Fistula. Withers, Sweeny, Saddle or Harness Galls, Setfasts, or sores of any character on beasts, the sore wash will be found an lnfalabla specific. Try the Eye Lotion for Weak or Sore Eyes The Sore Wash is the quickest andmosi efficacious cure for Blind or Jileeding Piles on the market, for sale by STEWART. Clarksville, May 84,1878 E.

C. Howell, SHOE MAKER CLARKSVILLE, TENN. I ha ve on hand the verv finest French Calf and Morocco, and am prepared to make Boots and Shoes at very reduced prices: when I say reduced prices I mean what I say, and ofa style superior to any ever made in Clarksville. Many thanks to all my old customers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. Repairing done neatlv and substantially.

Don't forget the place, opposite Chancery Building. April 3, 1879-lv In County Court at Clarksville State of Tennessee. Clerk's Office, Oct. 2, 1S79. i Jessie Allensworth et Complainants, vs.

Jas. I. Reeks et Defendants. It appearing from aflldavit filed In this cause, that the Defendants, James I. Reeks and wife Mary D.

Reeks, and A. J. Allensworth, are non-residents of the State of Tennessee It is therefore ordered that they enter their appearance, herein, before or within the first three davs of the next term-of the County Court, to be held at Clarksville, on the first Monday in November next, 1879, and plead, answer or demur to Complainants' Bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to them and set for hearingex parte; and that a. copy of this order be published for four con-aeoutive weeks In the Clarksville Chronicle. tt.

u. auw.t,Bi, Clerk. Bv CD. Bat lev. D.

C. Smith 4 Lcrtos, Sol'rs for Compl'ts. Oct. 4. l7-4t Fine Residence and Grounds We offer for sale, irlvatel 'for'dy' the late region Oreenwood dence of Thoa.

j. nil avenue. Jr or terms apply to Ivto K.D. MOSELEY, acrk. June 7, -T JtHXh-.

and see my stock of Watches, Clocks experience at the watchmaking bus! All work warranted to give foil Prices the very lowest. customers for past favors, the patronage Kespect fully, HENRY ATTLING General Tennessee. Associo and warranted perfectime keepers. satisfaction or the money refunded. With thanks to my friends and oi tne puoiic generally is solicited.

August 9, 1879-tf OUSG Tobacco and Tls best for me that I should hear SLOW BUT SCBE. BY K. K. W. How- on earth.

Simpson," said I the other day to a rural friend ot mine whom i was vlsittng "how on earth did a backward, diffident fellow like you ever manage tosa Vill your to a witty, saucy, sel noised woman like your wife?" I reallv was curious to know. Simmon was such a alow, sedate and his wife was such a lit tle firefly, that there always seemed to me something mnniiy incongruous in their union. -Simrjson made his tKual deliber ate pause before answering. "Well, I reekon' my friend is a Hoosia "I reckon it was queer 1 ever asked her, and the way it happened was queerer We had carried our clfliirs out in to the front yard, in order to smoke in trreater com fort and I now tilt ed mine back against a tree, knowing that the story that was brewing tu my friend's mind would not be over in a I condene it for the benefit of the readers who may not have as much leisure and tienee as I had "You see," be began slowly clear int his throat and crossin? his letrs "I was always rather soft -like about Susie, from the time I used to sit bv her iu school and work her sums. She hadn't a particle of head for fieures.

and I had. so we suited very well as long as school lasted and Susie, though she laughed at me more than any of the girls liked me a little, too for it isn human nature not to like the per son that works your sums. 1 know because that was atout all the way I had of maklne friends, when I was a boy, and I made a good many But when our school days were over most of them forgot, bat Susie never did. She was the prettiest and most popular girl in the country, and had no end of beaux, but she always had, God bless her! as bright a smile for slow Ben as any of them. 1 knew I wasn't as brisk and lively as the best of them, and when I saw that she didn't make any difference, it went right through ana through me, and I'd have died for her any minute; but I couldn't tell her so.

Seemed like I was slower and dumber with her than any body else. "For this rea-on I didn't often call On her or ask her company to parties and the like but wheh I did she was always so kind and pleas ant-like that I was happy for a month afterwards. "Well, there was a party one nt 'Souire Coon's and, as it wasn't far, and Susie would only have to be bored with me going and coming, I asked her to go with me. and she said and smiled as if it was the greatest treat in the world. "As the 'Souire's was only half a mile from Susie's home and there was a nice dry rath through the woods, we walked.

It was about the middle of October, and the path we took was heaped with dry leaves that made a pleasant rustle under our feet. A watery moon and a siim turnout of stars gave just light enough to make the tree trunks on either side of the path look like anything else but what they were. "The only remark I remember to have made on the way to the 'Souire's was that it was going to rain before morning, "and that I honed it would. I little thought how much reason I had to hope. "I don't recollect much about the imrtv.

except that I sat most of the "time in a particular corner and watched Susie as much as "When the party had broken up, ane we were started home, I no ticed that the sky was thickly clouded and the- pight dark. The 'Souire. who was sitting on the front porch smoking a late pipe called after us 'Better stay al niizht. Beniy, it's goin' to rain. But we thought not.

When we got into the woods, however, we began to tind out it was dark and no mistake. The farther we went the deeper became the darkness. I knew the path we had to follow, every crook and curve in it. But the carpet of dead leaves bothered me. I had to stop two or three times, and grope about on either side, to make sure that I was in the the right track and tha Jast time I found I was not in it, and what was worse, couldn't find it.

"I kept up the search as long as possible, dreading to tell Susie of the stupid blunder I had committed. But the truth had to come out at last and, as if to make matters really serious, it began to raia a dull pattering fall, that would probably hist till daylight, and Susie exposed to it. She tried to make a joke of it at first but, as the rain canw more and more steadily, she became frightened and nervous. I found her the test shelter I could at the roots of a great tree, but the rain reached her even there, Hhe had nothing round her but a light shawl for the evening had been unusually warm for the season and I knew she would be thoroughly chilled so, being very touh myself, and use to nil sorts of exposure, I just took off my coat and begged her to wrap it round her shoulders, hut she would hear to nothing of the sort, and hade me quite brisquely to put on my coat. But the rain increased, arid the night grew damper and coider.

I resolved to take matters into my own hands. Without saying a word I just wrapped the coat around her shoulders myself, and, for fear she wouldn't take it, I said, by way of apology, yon see, 'I'd give my life for you any minute, Susie, and it don't stand to reason I shouldn't give my "She kept as mute as a mouse whil I WA fixing the coat; but When I was done, she took my hand in both of hers and, says she, 1 1 think so very wulu m-, never tell me so before "Well uiv 'you know I'm rather slow of rech; and, 'Store than I can 'tell or youcn think of, I i sue. 'Why did you Commission Clarksville, T. HERNDON, Superintendent JAS H. SMITH, Inspector.

Tobacco will be insured while in store In our Warehouse in Clarksville, until sold, at the expense of the owner, whether advanced on or not, unless we have written orders from the owner not to insure. All BOARD OF W. F. TayIOR, Pres. B.

W. U88BKY, G. W. Jesup, September 28 1878. W.

W. Gill, Vlce E. 15. Rons, J. H.

Dusk, Seraee Flani S. lS2aSOM, 30.. Manufacturers of DIRECTORS; Pres. T. M.

Atkiws, Sec'y. T. M. Barker, J. IS.

Flowebs, R. Y. Jorssow, O. W. Lewis, L.

B. Bins. no Dealers in of Every Description. AS THE LOWEST; Clarksville, lei. THE IMPROVED atei Elevator mm SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, And Builders' Material PRICES AS LOW Cor.

Spring and Commerce June 8. 1878-tf mmh And Purifying Pump; has no wood or iron tubing to wear out or rust and spoil the water. It will purify the foulest well or cistern in a few days time. It ia made of heavy galvanized iron ana will last more than twice as long as any other pump. GEO.

RUESCH Manufacturers and Proprietors, 4G and 47 Charleston Memphis, Tenn Temporary address, ,286 and 288 Main street, Louisville, Ky. For sale by JNO. S. ELDER, Agent, CLARKSVILLE, TENN,.

Clarksville Weekly Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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