The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville News-Sentineli

Knoxville, Tennessee

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TIk Knoxville News-Sentinel Saturday January 31 1970 Pt 3 GRAFFITI By Leary Words for Dissidents In the Bridal March wo Pnai Piw nimtcMs i limn also was reported mlss- Jima Prestige High in Asia Agnew Says Forolmi mm a YoMjtSjNS dent Asian policy are to stand by Irmly commitments to protect nations regardless of whether their governments are analogous to and to demonstrate a "willingness to forsake attitudes of paternalism for attitudes of Miss Shirley Ann Hume and Sgt Herbert ileidle pledged nuptml vows recently at St Church in Sydney Australia lhe Rev Mosley officiated at the ceremony 1 he bride is the daughter nf Mr and Mrs Henry Dennis liuine of Sydney Australia 'lhe groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Herbert II Ileidle of Warlliiirg The newlyweds arc making their home at 5231 Chicago Avr 'I aroma Washington The groom is serving with the Air Force Following the groom's discharge from the Air Force on March 26 the newlyweds will make their home in Wartburg rii 4 GMlWl Against TV Newsmen Called BALTIMORE Jan 31-Vic President Spiro Agnew says his 25-day trip to Asia convinced him US prestige is high and it is time for the American people to stop eating themselves up over the few malcontcntnd words of dissidents who know what is going on in the world" Speaking to 1IHKI friends and political supporters from both parlies at a testimonial dinner Friday night the Vice President said the trip reinforced his belief that "what wc have in the United States is not a prime operating target for national masochism regard that the United States is held in the rest of the he added something that every American should have a chance to sec and something that I would hope more American conveyors of information would see fit to portray" Agnew also told the gathering that the major goals of Prcsi- Erred Says Son of NY Candidate ing A NATIONALIST CHINESE law professor who defected in protest against the Chiang Kai-shek regime has been granted political asylum in Sweden Prof Ming-min Peng 47 who was sentenced to eight years imprisonment for antigovernment activities in 1964 fled Formosa earlier this month leaving his wife two children and aging behind Prof Peng who was horn in Formosa was released from prison after l't months hut he was not allowed to return In his teaching post EL SALVADOR rharged for the second time in two days that troops from neighboring Honduras had invaded its territory but had been driven back across the border The statement by El defense minister Gen Fidel Torres was the latest in an exchange of charges IN OTTAWA Fisheries Minis ter Tack Davis announced that Canada and Norway have agreed to extend the ban on killing baby seals to thr international waters of the North Atlantic off I abradnr A delayed opening date for the annual seal harvest will give the furry pups time to develop beyond the vulnerable whitecoat stage thereby ensuring that almost no baby seals are taken SIX PERSONS were dead and 44 others ill in Manila after eating what officials said was poisoned fish Authorities said dogs pigs chickens and other livestock which had been fed the MR AND MRS THOMASSON (Peggy McBcc) SGT AND MRS IIEIDIK (Shirley Hume) SIX PERSONS and numerous others injured in a violent aftermath of Prime Minister Indira award of the model t-ity of Chandigarh to the Sikh religious community in Punjab State Her decision not only hrough expected clashes between Sikhs and Hindus hut also among Sikhs themselves in protest against their agreement handling over more than IIW Punjab villages to Hindu domination in Mrs Gandhi's compromise settlement THE GREEK FERRY lpims struck a fug-shrouded reef in the Northern Aegean Sea and burst into flame hut all 88 persons aboard clambered into lifeboats and reached shore safely 'lhe skipper stayed at the helm and steered the sinking ship into the harbor of the village of Daipori where he ran it aground IN FREEPORT Bahamas Deputy US Atty Gen Richard Kleindienst proposed that criminal defen-d a considered potentially dangerous kept in jail while awaiting trial "No other alternative can be condoned by a society be- sieged with Klein- Kklndicnst dienst told the midwinter meeting of the American Trial Iaw-yiears Association "Pretrial detention is made necessary by the indisputable fact that many defendants are committing addi Bussing Row Boy in Private School NEW YORK Jan 31 Howard Samuels Jr 17-year-old son of a Democratic candidate for governor went to court on charges of possessing hash ish Friday then declared he had made big mistake" 'I he cider Samuels stood with his arm around his wife Bar barn as youth court Judge Aloy-sius Melia referred their son to the youth counsel bureau Samuels a millionaire in-dustrialist who headed the Small Business Administration in the Johnson administration said after the hearing he did not his actions but believed laws on marijuana were overly punitive lhe younger Samuels one of eight Samuels children was arrested Nov 2 in the East Village on charges of possessing a pipe containing a residue of hashish and three tablets originally described as amphetamines but identified Friday as tional rimes during the period ncooked fih also were killed MR AND MRS ERWIN (Veronica Wheeler) Cupninqtam Photo Dovton MR AND MRS BALL (Patricia Ditmore) BALTIMORE Md Jan 31 Vice President Spiro Agnew has declared an armistice in his war on television hut apparently the truce docs not include newspa pers Agnew told a gathering here Friday night that his critical comments on television news broadcasts had achieved modicum of "I acted only in the best inter csts of what I thought should he said at that Agnew said at the $100-a-plate testimonial Back he announced calling off the But Agnew former Maryland governor then delivered a scathing attack on two Baltimore newspapers currently in strike The Vice President said he was glad to be hack in Maryland in "that wonderful time of year the Sunpapers are on He then said Baltimore's sanitation problems may have grown since the strike because "you know how they get rid of the they print "Of course really just kidding" he continued have no quarrel with The Sunpapers Their editorial policy is their own business and besides it's so much easier to read editorials when they're disguised as news on the front page" he said Critical of Agnew The Baltimore Sun morning and evening papers both shut down by a four-week Pressman's strike were editorial critical nf Agnew when he puh-licly chastised the moderate Negro leadership during his term as governor for not condemning black militants during the rioting that followed the death of Rev Martin Luther King Jr in April 1968 Agnew also jokingly once called a Sunpapers reporter a during the 1968 presidential campaign Agnew later apologized for the remark of pretrial release RETIRED Col Oscar Giron Perrone who headed the coup that overthrow the government of Col Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in 1954 was found shot dead in Guatemala Giron Perrone had been missing since he left his home In Guatemala City Thursday with a friend The friend Carlos Ar- Officials said the fish apnarentlv had been caught by use of poison HEAVY RAINS coded a rec nrd 53-day dry spell in the Tokyo area but national police said the high winds and floods that came with the storm caused eight deaths Floods destroyed 30 buildings and damaged 1500 others Rail ferry and air service also was disrupted AS THE FIRST MOVE in a campaign against drunkenness the Soviet government has shortened the hours each dav during which rpiritscan be bought Vodka end other liquors are banned in shops near factories as an attempt to cut absenteeism TWO YOUNG CANADIANS llev-l lonifjvwm Miss Peggy Jeanne McBee became the bride of Roger Eric Thomasson recently at Norris Religious Fellowship The Rev Robert Puckett officiated at the ceremony Parents of the newlyweds are Mr and Mrs William McBee of Norris and Mr and Mrs Thomasson 1704 Foxhoro Drive The newlyweds went on a trip to Gatlinhurg The groom is a student at Cumberland College Cumberland Ky and the bride is employed by U-T Legal Department Miss Veronica Mae Wheeler and Robert Scott Erwin were married recently at Sandcrs-viile Baptist Church in Sand-ersville Miss The Rev Norman Hester of Millry Ala was officiating minister Parents of the newlvweds are Mr and Mrs Virgil Thomas Wheeler of Sandersvillc Miss and Mr and Mrs Jesse Holston Erwin of Concord The newlyweds went on a trip to Louisville Ky where they will make their home at Southern Baptist Seminary DUmme-Hall Miss Patricia Ann Ditmore became the bride of James William Ball at the First Baptist Church of Madisonvilie The Rev James A Hutson officiated The bride is the daughter nf Mrs Sadie I Hensley of Madisonvilie and of William Dit-morc The parents are Mr and Mrs Earnest Ball of Englewood The bride is attending Hi-wassce College The groom Is a graduate of U-T and is now in Officers Candidate School at Ft Knox Ky Iluffaltcr-Ilealh Miss Beverly Kay Huffaker became the bride of Robert Alex Heath on Jan 16 at the home of the groom The Rev Gene Chcsney officiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Carroll Huffaker nf Rt 1 Strawberry Plains The groom is the son of Mrs Robert A Heath also of Rt 1 Strawberry Plains and the late Mr Heath The bride is employed at South Central Bell Telephone Co and the groom is with Newport Welding Co The couple will reside on Washington Ave Nine Killed in Head-on Crash HENDERSON Jan 31 (U I i persons were killed today in a head-on enlii- who said they were apostles of sion that exploded one nf the vc-1 peace shouted across the Hong hides in flames on US Highway KoJR border and wavpd Pac-1 about five miles south nf Hen ards in an effort to get their CtmpHtf Fran Pms tXmnlctiM OKLAHOMA CITY Jan 31-Ray York the 14-year-old boy who was led away from a public school by US marshals after he ignored a order to transfer has been enrolled in a private school Mr and Mrs Raymond York enrolled Ray on Friday in The Galilean School a nondenomina-tional parochial school about 8' miles from the York home That's about five miles farther than Harding Junior High the only public school in Oklahoma City that Judge Luther Bohanon of US District Court will allow Ray to attend Ray's father an investment company employe said he was able to afford the private school because some of the many donations sent to help in the York fight wore marked for Ray's cd ucation Others were for legal fees Held in Custody Buhanon redrew school district lines in August in an order aimed at balancing the racial makeup of schools This moved Ray from the district of Taft Junior High which he attended in 9 to the Harding district The Harding school is about three blocks farther from the York home than Taft He continued to attend Taft until US marshals led him away from the school and held him in custody during school hours on Jan 19 He has attended no school since His parents said the main objection was to busing and that they had bought a house in the Taft district specifically for him to attend that school Mr and Mrs York were sentenced to 30 days in jail and $1000 fines each last Friday for disobeying the court order lhe sentences were delayed pending appeals Cost $500 a Year Mrs York said Friday night thev chose a private school "rather than be illegally forced to transfer Ray to Harding If we allowed him to go there have to sacrifice our prin Son Gets 2-Year Probation BRIDGEPORT Conn Jan 31 The son of a judge who once ordered the prosecution of parents who held a drinking party for teen-agers has received suspended sentence for possession of herein Rodney Fielson Jr 18 son nf Circuit Court Judge Rodney Eielson was placed on two probation on the recommendation nf his attorney Joseph Mirskv Judge Eielson stood by his side as a two-year sentence was suspended by Circuit Judge Thomas Sullivan The younger Eielson had pleaded guilty to narcotics possession Police said he had 17 envelopes of heroin when arrested May 14 Judge Eielson received national attention in 1964 for ordering the prosecution of adults in-Darien who arranged a party for teen-agers where drinks were served The traffic death of a 17-year-old girl followed the party The adults were prosecuted under a law prohibiting any one except a physician from authorizing drinks for minors and several received fines MR AND Mrs JOHNSON (Joan McEachcm) message to Communist China Pop Singer Ronnie Hawkins and journalist Ritchie Yorke shouted and waved signs that said Is Police forced them to quit warning they might get shot at hv the Chinese IRELAND'S PREMIER Jack Lynch fainted and collapsed at a political testimonial dinner in County Galway He was treated at a local hospital and returned to Dublin by automobile Aides to the 52-yea r-o Id premier who came to office in 1961 said the fainting was probably brought on by tiredness and overwork Seven Panthers Are Indicted derson One person identified as a 34 year-old Negro woman from Washington survived the crash and was reported in shock The Impact was so great the cars had to be towed to a garage where wreckers were then used to pull apart the twisted metal and free the victims There were six persons he lieved to be four Negro males and two females in the tur which burned and three persons a man the and a hov in the car which did not catch fire Man Dies as Car Hits Rail Bridge A 23-year-old Lenoir City man apparently died instantly KxFy when his car struck a guard tail and bridge abutment on Alcoa Highway's Cate Bridge just south of the Knox County line the highway patrol said The victim Charles A Hart MRS HEATH (Beverly Huffaker) Loudon The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Cecil Johnson Rt 7 Beaver Ridge Rd Following a trip the newlyweds are making their home at Owl Hollow Rd Hidden Valiev The groom is employed as salesman for Albers Drug Co Cinhrtnt-Clcinnns Miss Dorothy Ann Cochran became Mrs Dennis Wayne Clemons in Fort Payne Ala The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Floyd Cochran Rt 21 Dutchtown Rd The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Oliver Clemons Rt 24 Gleason Rd Mrs Clemons is making her home with her parents while the groom is serving in the Army in Oakland Calif I Mrs James will speak about her missionary work Brazil at the quarterly meeting of the Kno County Young Women's Auxiliary at 6 pm Tv-c-d at the SAW National Brody Gets Pleas in London CHICAGO Jan 31 UPI) A Cook County grand jury Friday returned indictments charging seven members of the Black Panther party in a shootout with police Dec 4 in which two Panthers were killed The indictments included charges of attempted murder and armed violence The seven were occupants of a West Side apartment which police raided in a search for weapons I red Hampton Illinois chairman of the Panthers and Mark Chirk a downstate Pa nth- THE GARY ID teachers union has accepted a new contract offer ending a 25-day strike against the city's public landm (wtu tmn LONDON Jan Two bulging sacks nf begging letters Khwlsfhe 'twrvve'ar' coiitrart wre delivered Friday to a May-provides for an across the hoard i fair hotel and sent up to a $72-a- ciplcs1 salary increase of S58H this year night suite she said the total yrarlv cost and it 61 per cent cost-of-living There American "give away" including books will he 55KI increase in 1971 millionaire Michael Brndv ho- yr! y(rk said sheishapny MRS CLEMONS I Dorothy CacYun) I in hcrn-l iJmsori Miss Joan McFachern and Charles Franklin Johnson pledged nuptial vows recently at 1 ou-ltin Presbyterian or lender were killed pan to open them and deiid' vkIh the decision although she' charged thev wrrr upon as they entered the aoirtnient Panther spokesmen I'm A Bi'l Camp I A meet at pm ITiCJ-y at the school e'egivn viH le presented hv t'ie Cali Scouts and Bov Scouts the opened fire and Church I oudon The Rev Iliriptcn was shot as hr Jack Potiplas officiated at the in Ivd Panther Combat raner VUIJ1WUI ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Julian of Law Is THE UNITED STATES has whilh nook was in the car and more working satellites in orbit Was deserving heading toward Knoxville when than anV other na'ion as the Brody and his the accident occurred at 8 am devadr ol the re "Ut in I rdn Fridav ndit be(r here than in a ht A doctor who happened hv the I -S- Aerospace Defense Lotn-i jut hp supposed to appear in scene about five minutes later niand which keeps track of hi role of pop singer at a ron-p'ronnunerd the victim dead sc-1 objects reported in tom- rt the Albert Hull Saturday cording to State Troopers Kyle rado Springs The 1 night in aid of charity Conway and Claude Gardner earth satellites in orbit with Is i Trooper Conway STMSTplKfS Man Sloifl blocked of Treffic The jgjJ 75 Mrth body was taken to Blount Me-' and mortal Hospital Maryville fro of the pleading appeals owed earlier Ray would fired 01 do so personally I think he'll pet said public st honl Whatever person- slept lal attention he needs especially' coch up he'ii pet lhe school has about 100 st i- dents from prev hol through I the 12th grade 2 More Frenchmen A rm was to death early Bum Selves to Death News man a iim ian 1 uj Friday quot'd a spokes-' 4- jj'i ir AI Fatah as saving tha 1 YORK Jan 31 ih-CBS for Hamblen Man Killed in Wreck CMDR LLOYD BUCHER last mpht and his wife was I BEZIERS France Jan 31 former skipper of the spy ship harped wth his murder dctcc- Two Frenchmen a lives said dent and a methane nmnvtted Rivhard Chapm-in 67 of 1H5I ui ide by burning lheretvi I Groner Drive was dead of a 'alive yestrrdav in Southere gun-N-t wund the Scad when Erjrtc They brought the tot taken ti University Hospital af-of deaths hv elf-nemoliti teethe la pin irvidenl 1 1 tan iwrr the pat two ks I IFs wfe A'heMa was hemp rt 10 The hodv of Gilbert hr'd at fitv Jail under JJiXM I apes JO was found a rvV 1 in I'riilce Oll(' ilV To Top 1 osini I Jiir OnV A VII JU DRY VfoMi lenirm towen s'! i-vchl ive sa1 a-e ere ways of p'avs ev NEW Palestine guerilla organization is raining Panthers in actual cnmhjt agaipst Israel to pr-pire them for a sabitage and assassination ca-trrgn in the United Stit In a hroukis! froei Vgi-T the riJn retw'rk said it was told that as a f'rst nj'itg- Cleaver flip-live Blok Pirtr leader now that Norih Vn- Alpha group of Alpha Delta Pi Alumnje Association will meet at I 30 a rt Monday at the hiiire 4 Mr Daniel IVur M1' Neilwnvi Drue Hemy a wi'l sjvik on erfer eivent A the p-eg-am NORTH AKJ4 AT AJ9873 WF5T IT AM75 I11 4 WJ85 43 W4 A At 52 ronn vD) AA93 VAK JL Fast-Wes r-Ineiahla West NiHth last boulH 1ST Tim 2 NT Taw 3NT fw Fm 1 Cpepir v) Pueblo is at the a I a Naval Hospital for treatment of MORRIS! OWN Jar vye A Hamblen fourty in lem" accord- was kiled at 4 a tr today in a mg to tar-tractor-trailer collision 'ut But he we: of town in US I1E1 sent i (iarrv Davi of Wet ptj from the Hills' Rt I Morristown was aVy's post accord- the Navy er 42 was the tins- K-rd Mm I1J (vine he 'bit from home near Mori Plane bn with a I'm jliber Polne found the hodv of ClriJe1 iuM sjvrd t- or when he threatened hit hrrChabrv 26 rear the I 'v at I-at ih i wth an iron pipe 1 Spanish border pronounced dead on arrival at graduate school Mrrnstown lljnh Hiispita' at Monterey alrnlinrs for I lu'ir t'l -i III I a 1 LlShiUUlS I li where he has been enrolled sime tat fall or- Ns p-a: la is Jhs i a I tealv 1 You Canft Pin It on Her of t'-m i irJ a rvrvr S- "ii" 1 'J drT 1 IV Baby Proves Heroin in Drug Coverup I as ca s' re d- es'v a 'f 1 I Law Change Sought I HtVlYi' 1 1" l''js to! 1 Is 9 s-V I Ce -t IN OLYMP1 A the Wahmcr sta'e senate passed 25-23 a ht-l trg a nt alter ti- ng ae'ende'enls wh-i i ir into isxsi on in the Hsj-c IV ovld i hat a wrwjn ha ht hi- eard's I'tip-rn! aM tha a under I have her par "ert -t 1 pe' tvlh as a 1 is jse pe- of 1' a a in 'ca'rt She 1 os-: rc 'V a i iw'fs if De I I Is a I i--: 1 a hive t-cir ii-isi'i at 1' t' I- hie V-1 KJ IV AC Ver ivc- Vs "ivr i lv eetfd at a ba rv-s r1" V-s p-h V-C rVey 1 hse- I loilM Itr Mrs Sliaip t-e -e Stage A Courtv deputies Richard Baxter and Charles I eng that Davis apparently pu'Vd car into the path of a fra tir-tMie owned by ETAWNC lhe J-ivc' of the fru Ri is-e" 46 of A-hcv Nf was rot irured Te i i if itT was t-w IS vehic'e 5 Counties Want Man in Forgeries A 31 yrsr-oM man ft- trial pest week on i -i I wperv and two onje's i -vs irp ha-J heme tamed me-- to F'ourl V'vtee I '-1 Vv dem i on sin- iha'cr Chat In) -li- hey HmwiKJw VKVrfV rtv Ses t- -t a 'ay s- s-ra nr it' 1 12 raHed 5er- I1- at Park Natataui It la wav RN Cal ih is ev -lt -1: at 1 I A bah ha fv -rp a fr thts a aevone ard However IVpat ivrv loTstble searches of bnnev J-eph A Burns at cvsrd 1 or her daprr without the that ie 4ih A-endr tent wh 'infant's -rnsenl are utKonstitu-' pmtets against urwarranted tora" eirhe iIJ t'v a has orJrred S-fhia Loten to came in Manic ra! baby Dslo ill the pet-al Has Right Pet sew hejrirp of a min a-J wvitrjn however Mjei Ss were a'testel after dries- pi xi Screen (IAIL COA RT TaJua It Iilv) pteTabrisaVd given la bv a buJJer of II ha Sen ihj'gsi lrt wsh threat e-irg IS sivin-r: Site dut a sjw N-ne an e-ti-t-vd jv- a r1 ra i-' leti I'i'k ti 4 1 "1 SO qjc-n a--T ta piv a- a )6e r'iv 1 i-f s'fml A ba'" bts tee t-cm ape-se wad Drivers Charged 1 tS'f re if'vl av ray a hxie her wh wert bak--r A lawva't had been uSi fn-ro the 'V 'a ir se IV A)Kv VU 4752 AAJ7S I ve diamonds A'aur patlner makur some anrt sianv i bvn yen aitl) iMe a I vrm -I tise hero- in the diapers rf a 9 nelVj fiN piri 1 i-sea 'U her pe Rvrrt tp tw-isa Nh 't- CaM were arrested li iV lhe ng wc 1 -ve-e-t -i daprrs by veer te ves Varch Called ITtrgal The Vwse argvvd 1 mi- 5 la 1 It ills ve i i 2 1 1 1 -v ss- Vve 4i- V- a'd 7 1 we-R: 1 i ef IV HV n--sr-ar Swphaa I isf ve V-s 'ft 'e b-tktjv ve-ti-riiv Vie ha 'lira ard 26 j-eit piivkh 1 linjij" She that tve s-ae I df Pot tjS fi bratO vt Tharstav Mran iher w-ej t-f fViTg id a d-'s bejrrp that Ve vraevhe knew held fa tVsph Ja srJer $I7 -ssie orittiiv (rte in the bav was beeane tV ran 4 aihnL 'ae iFTT dJ wl ve keroeeri pets'.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.