Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

'i rt thall constitute separate offense, iisi is A and skction Anr. on rotnr this Code. (b) WORKMANSHIP. All work must ba executed In workman-Ilka manner, tn accordance with the provlsiona of thia Code. (c) PROTECTION AOAINST TRAP gYPHONAGM.

Everr fixture trap ahall be protected (rem eyphnnage and air circulation insured where necessary by a vent or back vent pips. (d) DR AD B.vns. All dead ands In pipes snail be avoided in the Installation ot any plumbing system. CAPACITY FOH Fl.tSHINO. All systems.

Installation and pipes supplying water for tha flushing of closets, urinals or similar fixtures ahall ba of sufficient capacity and sise to provide flushing adequately to keep them In aanltary condition. (f) liRINKINU WATER. Systems and installations supplying drinking When the house drain ia teatad asp-srately from (he vertlcsl stacks a pressure equivalent to two feet of water head above the basem*nt floor ahall be applied. (dl TnLK AND GARtGtt TEM'S. if a stable, garage or any part thereof la used for human habitation, or la so constructed that It may be used aa auch, the same testa shall be made aa for ordinary dwelling.

lei HUN- LEADER TESTS. Rain water leaders and their roof connections where they are permitted within the walla of any building, ahall ba teated ith water or air. (f) COt EH I NU OF WORK, No part of any plumbing or drainaga system ahall be covered until It has been Inspected, teated and approved If any part Is covered before being tested and approved, It shall ba un lent to cleanse each mdiMdcial urinal atall 'lnsls of the trough or stall and gutter pattern shall be flushed either by automatic flushing tanks or yalves as prescribed above, ur by an adequate ddect waier aupply through a brasa pipe perforated every 3 Inches and extended the full length of the trough or gutter. Tha backs of gutter stalls to the height of Ji fast aball be kepi constantly tnalst with an adeqtiHie aupply of water while tba fixture IS In use SUCTION ISI Hvrii Tens, SINKS. Lit NIIIIV TRllS AND Ulfttt WAMIEH.

Until tubs ahall be ma.lf of earths nwnitj. vitreoua chlnawate. enameled Ironware or other Impervious material. Sinks and laundry tubs may be made of otoer material here conditions make it necessary. lih washers shall be constructed 24 im-r-e than eel deep.

if aio fce. tinn 1 rrt No nui-'h mm shall t-e crtrnei-t'd In the ae.r svei twtlxnit permit frnm I1! cily fntme'r. 8FVTI0N liAR UK liar rtieirs shs 1 te in-i-n-epied; before enirrlaa" tr.e sewer suitar.e Haapsd and cf thn inmee diameter 1 hn 4 ft iNft (Aire av't jl I rnv. MIMCR. i.

a rase bui.d::' ir.a, sting three or mote e.Tnpotirneiits e'thrr fca an open (utter leading the rat h-bann. ur a f-imh or larear drain fit to tne t-ateh I'isin. r.ie. hooifwr. r.ot i.i jffd Itntrh fu-m th i destan Inside d'amfe- arid located within I feet of any lot line or 10 fet of any cletrn or 'it fset from any well, spring or other aourc of water supply uaed for domestic purposes, and where practicable greater distances thould be provided.

SECTION 51. CESSPOOLS PROHIBITED. No cesspool or other system for sewsge disposal shall be constructed where a sewer It available, nor shall any connection from such cesspool mad with house drain or aewar. Ceaspools bow existing In premltet arcesslbl to a sewr and cesspools that niav hereafter become accessible to a sewer, muat be discontinued and when neceasary emptied of their content! and filled with earth or ahea. and the hoase sewer must be disconnected from the old cesspool arsfl be reconnected with the public sewer.

SECTION PENALTY. Any contracting plumber, or master or Journeyman plumber. dralnlayer, pro.rtv owner or other person who ahail wilfully vlolat any of the pro-vlaione of ihie ordinance, or who ahall Install or allow to be Installed any plumbing or drainaga in the city of JJadieon contrary to the provisions of (hla ordinance, ahall deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor and ahlll be subject to a fine of not leas than ten dollars dldc' and not exceeding fifty dollars (150) or Imprisonment In 1- 1. I thlrtt NOTE: Revocation of Licenses-Sea Chapter 14S of the 'Wlacoiiain Statutes. HKCTIOV fl T.

CONFLICTING ORDINANCE! REPEALED. All or pane of ordinance! lit conflict with the provisions ot (hit ordinance ara hereby repealed. SKCTION M. WHEN IN FORCE. Thia ordinance ahall lake effect and ha In fore from and after ltt passage and publication.

1'sssed May 1937. I Approved May II, 192T. A. U. HCHiit.DE.MAN Mayor.

Thlt Is to certify that the foregoing ordinance waa adopted by th Common Council of th City of Madison, Wisconsin, on th 27th day of May, IfiT. W. R. W'lNCKUCn City Clerk. Pub.

WS June S3, 1927. The three empresses of France Josephine, Marie Louise and Eugenie lost each their respective Impartiality, Embattled architecture was never favored hy the Spaniards, hence th proverbial scarcity ot "a castle In Spain." Whalebone, once used sn much In the maklng'of corsets, Is now mainly employed as brittle! In hair and othcr brushes, Th. of and ohara tifoaaaary with supply plplnu toll llii' walls or unuir the floor 01 nuy building shall bs lasted by a water or air teat to a pressure of not leaa than the olty water pressure, After the teat has been applied the piping shall ba drained. (0) BRASS FIXTI HE IIPPLIES, All brass exposed supply pipes extending from wall or floor lo plumb-Ing fixtures ahall be ot the following sisea: Bath suppllei not less than lnh Iron pip sis. Wasn baalne not lass than Inch Iron pipe else.

Closet tsnke not lets than Inch Iron pip sis. The connection at the floor or wan ahall made by means of a screw thread or brass sweat hushing. The connection et the faucet or cloaet tank ahall mad with a screw thread or other approved Joint. In any case tha Joint shall rigid durable, and capable of withstanding th sam preasur as other parts of the svstem. (p) HF.I.IEF VALVBS.

WHERE RE(tl'IREi). Whenvr a check valve Is Installed on th cold-water supply pip between th stret main and the domestic hot water tank, heated by means of a coll, stov front or ifas water heater, ther shall be inatalled on ths hot-water distributing ayatem a relief valve, approved by ths (A. S. M. E.

American Society uf Mechanical Engineers. (q) PHEVSNTION OF WATER WASTE. All flush-tank valves, Ilx-tur valves and other taps, rocks, or fauoata shall be so Installed and maintained as to prevent unnecessary waste of water. (r) At THOR1TY OF THE INSPECTOR. Th plumbing Inspeotur ia hereby authorised to cause any necessary changes to mad to bring any water supply work up to the prescribed standards.

Failure ao to do when so directed shall be suf-ficlent cause for action to revoke a master or Journeyman plumber a license aa la provided by Chapter 145 of the statutes. SECTION NO. -WATER SOFTENER, AND RELIEF VALVE. All water softeners shall ba Installed In accordance with the provisions ot this of-trl inw j-ii days for each and every violation II 11 IN rav, lut npttini ttt f.nor bav- i-on ona-ojartar nd.l and p.r,-r of ct iron nip on 'Ua hor.aontal pa-t and connarlad to the ti.a dr.tm an.i nip. ttrt in ronrrrt to tnaura atablllty.

CI.EAMM!. yard, ma Ma and araae oat and ec-eptacVa "nuft bf 4 kr' ar.4 air.Tary. Tha adi-f ment must ba oftan nuith tj prevent iion of the dra.n.aca pip jtft'TICN ai rJErTORf Tn ail build. nita in huh trta whola rr a part of tba drair asa trui piumbir.c ytara there of the fiow of tltej rtiain sfafr, te ese or nouae) Taiee fna.t oe tiriei oy artinciat riitna ar.a the house cru'ri or mair $er IMP3 AND RKrEniNG TlKf. Ail hiua Drains diatharf in: ka.ov the flow of tha mam awer aha'l ba connectea tf a sump of adequate capacity with air-tight rover, it shaii ba ao locatad ai to rrfiv euch drainaga by trrarlty I aind nr.a.l ba provided villi a frrsh a.

air in.pi ami mr.n an igfl i air iniet am! wanted vttn an fjuate vani ripe not less tnan 2 incna axtend.r.t from tha drainaga vent eyetern or carried aerarsta throuKh tna roof, provided that no vant pir or freah air miet ahall be required for email aump raceivirc only waate water from bubblers ar.d drain tile tor floor drains not receiving indus trial wate. HRAlt PECTK1.N S. ta) AND I ri YOUR PRESE IS REQUESTED JUNE 29 th 9 2 7 a at the first showing of three f.ROl M) FLOOH DRAIN. Cellar, taaement or ftround floor drains ahall ha cf a i to eerva efficiently tha purpose for which it la Intended, equipped with an adequate back water valve and permitted only hen connected to a. deep aeal trap ao constructed that tha trap and waste line can be readily clear.aeal 'and ao instailed aa to Insure a.

per manent water seal, and the floor Inlet or strainer to the trap shall arher-ever practicable be an located that I'a view may at all timea be unoe-cured. (Aieo see Paction 41). fb VET RKQIIKEI). All auch floor dratna located mora than fifteen feat from their connection to the main drain or a branch or waata line thereof, and thoee branched Into tha e- baae of a aoll or waata stack or con-a nected into the drain Jesa than five feet from the nana of tha soil slack ahall be rented by an adequate vent pipe and provided that a floor dram1 a may be installed In the same manner as prescribed in Section i (c) ir a water eloeet. COJ(TIrors VESTING.

'Where "Where continuoua Tenting ia era. i ployed for a aeriea of auch floor drains, tha distance from the center of tha trap to tha center of the main drain or waste tine shall not exceed J5 feet and provided that the total fall does not exceed the inside diameter of the waate pipe. (Sea Sketch No SKETCH NO. Showing con- waste and vent method of floor drain installation. Section IJ entirely new series of cars featuring new and lower body designs, new radiator design, II greater smoothness, new alloy steel springs, smaller wheels and new color harmonies an the greatest values Nash at new lower prices.

NASH CO. Badger 5260 interior finishes a has ever offered MADISON 702 E. Washington Avenue IlHtla. wntn pormiufq in cir up. eaiiiiary or nouse eyi'en, the armu drama from sn.aii rrn arid court may be toaeiher And their Into an adequate tlunr drain or a deep aeal trap, so lix-aied that it readily (or and la pro-t.

lei from frott. The sur(a-e Open- Irs of th dram to the floor dram muat be provided an adequaie strainer, and inhere necessary uh i hii-k flow valve SKi TION 46. Kt.KVaTOH All hydraulic elevalore and iiMors In order to present ba. pleasure any eewer drain, anil cr waie pipe, shall discharite Into a t-t adequate capacity. Sum tank provided w.tn ad'-ouatc dp aa trap or intartru walfr t5rc Sctiona 10 and fKCTTON' 4T HI Blil.ER STK How To lHIV Waa! pip'a from n.

into art opan fitura trappad funrii or floor drain A i nuDn.fr waste pities must be trapped to preciuae the use as a l.n-ai yent. When bubblers are connected dl-rectlv to soil, waste or drain pipes, they' shall be trapped and vented tn the manner prescribed for other plumbing fixtures. (See Sketch No. 34. SKETCH NO- 54.

Illustrating three approyed methods of connecting bubbler waste Section 47. SECTION 44. IIENTAI. Cl'SPI" Its. rental cuspidors when connected to a waste pipe must be effectively trapped and vented, as ehown in Sketch No J.

SKETCH NO. 3. Illustrating a dental cuspidor waste trap and revert Installation. Section 4J. Trie length of the horiiontal waste pipe between the vent pipe and trap must not exceed teei.

1 ne fall of the horiiontal wajt pipe between trap and vent shall rot exceed the inside diameter of said waste pipe, SECTION- 4 CISTERN" OVERFLOW. Overflow pipe from cisterns shall not connect directly or indirectly with any house sewer. (Sea also Pirt U. SECTION OVERFLOW PIPES FROM PI MPf MOTORS. The d.s-charce of aste pipea from air pumps, water motors.

automatic sprinkler systems, overflow pipas from water aupply tanka, expanalon tanks and drip pane shall not connect directly with a drain, soil or waata pipe, but may ba provided for In (he same manner aa for refrigerator or similar wastes fLl HIRING FUTl'RES SECTION 51. (SI METHOD OF INSTALLING. All plumbing fixtures shall ba sat or Installed in such a manner aa to afford access readily for cleaning. No fixture enclosures except those forming an Integral part of tha fixture will ba permitted. Where practicable, all pipea in connection with the fixture shall ba run to the wall.

No objectionable fixture enclosure will be permitted- For 10-; cal fixture vent, see Section 5 (d. MATERIALS AND CONSTRI'C TION. I.KMIKAL. All plumbing fix turea shall be of such design, niater- iaia and construction aa to insure durability, proper servics and aanl- tation and ao aa not to entail undue effort to keep them clean and in nroner orveratin condition. (c) WATER-CLOSET BOWL.

All water-closets shall ba made of por celain or vitreous chlnaware. tne bowl and trap must ba of tha combined pattern made in orre piece. They ahall hold, (when filled up to tha trop overflow) sufficient quantity of water to aubmerge any fecal depoaita made in them and ba of such shape and form that no fecal matter will be depoaited or collect under proper use and operation on tha in-aide eurface walla of tha bowl. All water-closets ahall be provided with adequate flushing rims so per forated as to cause the entire insioe surface of tha bowl to ba properly flushed when diacharged. The seats shall be of wood or other non-heat-abaorbing materials.

'an8 sll wood easts shall be finished with varnish or other substance ao as to ba Impervious water. All water-olbseta in connection with new installations In schools, theatera, hotels, office buildings, mercantile and Industrial buildings library snd museums, or similar public buildings shall be of the extended lip and open seat type. (dl FROST -PROOF CLOSETS WHEN PERMITTED. Out-door frost proof closets may be installed only in compartments which have no direr! rrection with sny building used for human habitation and muH be at least five feet from auch build-ng. The soil pipe between the hopper and the trap shall be of csst Iron free from offsets, four inches In diameter.

When frost-proof closets are installed within a building used for human habitation the bowl must be of porcelain or vitreous china-ware, of the flush rim pattern and provided with an adequate flushing tank; only In buildings where extreme conditiona neceaaitata the use of frost-proof closets will they be permitted. NOTE: The Inatsllation and use of the above type of fixture Is to be discouraged as much as possible. Un der the most ravoraoie conTiiiioiis little can be said for this closet from a practical and sanitary standpoint. (e) WATER -CLOSETS FU SUING OF. Every water-closet shall be equipped with an efficient operating tank or valve.

All such flushing tanks or valves shall have, a flushing capacity from 3 to 6 gallons per flush, depending upon the slie, design and construction of the bowl and the effectiveness of the appliance and flush In no case shall the flush be less than 3 gallons for each discharge of the bowl. (fl FIXTIRES IN" l.NHEATED BITLDINGS. In buildings where extreme unavoidable frost conditions prevail the trap serving sinks, wash basins, or similar fixtures may be properly protected against frost, but ail such traps shall be as close to the fixture as is practicable. SECTION 12. (ai IRIN'ALS.

als shall be mads of material impervious to moisture and which will not corrode under the action of urine, and be of such design, materials, and construction that they may be properly flushed nd kept in a sanitary condition. If cast Iron is used in the construction of urinals it must be enameled on the inside of the trough or bowl and coated with durable paint or be enameled on the outside. No sheet iron urinals will be permitted except In Out-buildings such as private or aimiiar enclosures situated whera a public or private sewage system is not avauapie. In all new installationa in hools, theaters, "hotels. office buildings, mercantile buildings, llhrarles and museums, or similar public buildings, only individual urinals shall be used Such individual urinala shall be of porcelain or vitreous china, set into the fio'ir and the fioor graded toward the urinal and shall be equipped with an effective automatic tank or valce or a satisfactory foot- operating flushing device.

SKETCH NO. Zi. showing modern urinal set into the floor and the floor graded toward the urinal. For ntethods of installation see cross section A. Cro sections and illustrate methods of equipping such urinals with a local vent.

Section 'a. IRINAI.S FI.ISHI.NG OF. All stall pedestal or trough urlnaia con- to sewerage systems shall. ex.ept. when otherwise permitted pursuant to a written permit signed by the inspector, be provided with an effective automatic tank or valve or a satisfactory foot-operating flushing device.

All automatic flushing devices shall be so adjusted as to cause thorough flushing of the urinal at regular intervals, not to exceed ten minutes during the hours that the fixtures are in ure. The volume of water for single trough urinal shall be not less than 3 gallons for each flush; for long trough urinals not less than l'-4 gallons for each 4 feet of trough or urinal space; for pedestal urinals not less than 1 gallon for each flush, and for an individual porcelain staii urinal from 1 to 2 nallons pr atall. depending upon the sue and construction of the urinal and effectiveness of the flush. A battery of porcelain atall urinals may be flushed with one automatic tank providing the flush pipe is so graded as to In sure equal distribution of the tank contents, that oath urinal receive. not less than one gallon of water at each flushing, and that the dis charge Is ot A force god volume auf- as or or AND rl.1 CONNECTION'S.

Horiiontal venta to floor drain traps ahall be avoided under the floor, and to In- aura a direct rieine: vent a distance of 15 feet from tha vent atack will permitted. (Sea Sketch No, it.) SKETVH NO, JS. Illustrating individual' revent method of installing a floor drain. Section 39 (d), When a floor drain is located more thaa 15 feet from the vent stack, it may ba connected with the waste line of another floor drain, the trap of which ia located within the pre-, ecribed 15-foot limit, provided that a the traps are properly protected agaiast ajphonage. (Sea' Sketch No SI SKETCH NO.

31. IHuntrating floor drains. Sr Pectioo 3J d. a SKCTIOX 40 (a) 8lHSOL DRAINS HKCE1VER3. The discharge from drain tiia feom footinga of buildings shall ba collected in a aueaoll receiver or trap of adequate capacity, and connected to drainage yiem with the approval of the plumbing; inspector.

b) BACK FLOW VALVES, Bub-(Oil traps shall be provided with back flow valvea Installed a as to be easily accessible and prevent sewage back flow contaminating the auhnoil in. Sketch Xo. SECTION 41. a WASTES FROK -I. A I VI1KIKS AN' I) "II-JILAR KSTAB- 8, IHHSEMS.

Waste pipes in dye bouses, breweries, bottline works. water ahall be of durable material tend so constructed and Installed that. pollution or contamination (by fix lurs or cross connection) la But tea-aonably possible. (g) CONTAMINATION? FROM Fl-Tl HE CONNECTION. Tha Wgtsr supply to any nature shall be so placed as to reasonably preclude the possibility of the contenta of such natures being ayphoned or drained Into the water aupply pipes.

Fixtures or plumbing appliances In connection with hospitals, clinics or similar Institutions must be designed and Installed aa to comply with the provisions of this section. (h) INSANITARY INSTALLATION. No fixturea or Installations shall be maintained which are Insanitary or of Improper design. l) CATCH BASI.N CLEANING. All sediment collected In catch baslna ahall be removed at least ones a year and oftener when necesaary.

All sediment, grease or other waste liable to cause a nuisance shall be hauled away or burled, or disposed of In some other approved manner. WATER SIPPLY DISTRlBtTION. PIPING AND APPLIANCES (See Also Psrt II for water serv-Icea from curb to meter and also sections (c) 13-51, nd 1, Fsrt III.) SECTION fl. 4UAI.1TY OF WATER. The water aupply shall meet the standards of purity set by the state and city departments of public hesith.

(h) CROSS CONNECTIONS PRO IIIR1TED. Connections between pipea carrying a water of accepted standard of purity and pipea carrying a water from well, cistern, lake or stream which does not or may not at all times meet accepted standsrds of nurlty. regardlesa of tha provi slons of gat valves, check valves, or other safeguards, sra prohibited. (See also Section il. Plumbing Fixtures (c) ATER SERVICE.

Ths water- service pipe of any building shall be of aufflcient slae to permit a continuous amnla flow of water on all floors at a given time. (Sea also Sections 51 and It.) Id) SI7.E OF WATER-SrPPLY PIPES. The minimum sias of lead or copper water servlc pipes from tne curb to the water meter shall Si- inch, and to fixturea aa follows inch Inch Sill co*ck hi Lavatories Hot water Bath tuba 'i boilers ater cloaet Laundry trays. 4 tanks Sinks 'k (el ADEtl ACY OF SI PPLY AND niSTRlBlTlON. The main water ssip Dlv oiDing whether it extends below or above the basem*nt floor shall bs ao graded In sise as to make for eijual distribution or tne w-ater to ins respective risers and fixture branches In accordance with ths needs of the fixture and flushing medium em ployed.

No fixture branch except short connecting links ahall less than one-half inch In diameter. No branch from a riser shall less than onerhalf Inch In diameter, unless such branch ba for the sup Ply of one lavatory, bubbler, urinal or water-closet tank, and Is leas than 5 feet in length, in which case Inch pipe may be used. Proviaed that no such inch branch ahall serve more than one sink faucet, on bath faucet, one basin faucet and one tank or taps having an eoual flow (f) INSTLLATION Or 1IIILDINO St PPLY PIPES. All building supply Dine ahall ba laid in the ground oe low the fmat Una not leas than I feet below established grad of street or lot, and shall be laid in euch a man ner and be of auch surplus length as to prevent breakage or rupture bv settlement. (g) WATEII-Sl PPLY, PIPES AND FITTINGS.

MATERIALS. All water supply pipes for a plumbing system shall be of lead, galvanized wrought iron, or steel, brass or cast Iron with brass or galvanised cast iron or galvanised malleable Iron fittings or approved copper pepe and fittings. ao pipe or ratings tnat nave neen used for other purposes shall be used for distributing Water. No galxanized wrought iron or steel pipe shall be laid under ground or under basem*nt floor. (h) INSTALLATION OF 'PIPING.

All piping shall be so supported as to prevent undue strains upon con nections or fixtures and shall be ao aligned and graded, where possible, that the entire system and various portions thereof can pe controlled and drained. No cold water drinking water aupply pipe shall be so placed as to come In contact with or be affected by any heat carrying pipe without being adequately insulated in an approved manner. All piping shall be so arranged, supported, stayed and Installed as to be and stay permanently rigid. The spaiing; alignment, arrangement, grading, changes in direction, hangers and supports shall be such as to make for durability, neatness and a good workmanlike installation. (I) JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS.

Joints In lead supply pip within the building Shall be plumbers wiped Joints. Joints In copper piping shall be of an approved make. Joints In screw thread sjlplng shall conform with Section 23. Slip Joints are prohibited except auch as will be approved by the inspector of plumbing. Samples of such approved slip joints will be on exhibition In the office of the plumbing Inspector.

(j) JOINT COMPOO'DS. No red or white lead or other pipe Joint compound shall be used In the Inner thread of any fitting but may be placed on the cuter thread. (k) STOPS. VALVES AND DRAIN'S. There slsall he a curb (op properly Installed on the water aervlce line located near the curb.

There shall also be an approved valve or stop at a point just inside the foundation wall of the building to be known aa the meter stop or main building con trol valve, and it shall be located so as to be readily accessible. On 1 inch and larger services an additional approved valve or stop shall be placed on outlet side of meter. I.awn sprinklers shall be provided with an approved stop and waste properly located. Separate valves placed In the line near the fixture for each hot water boiler or other water heating unit and for each closet tjnk. urlnel or other like flashing medium sh.tll he provided.

There shall be placed approved stops or valves i(h bleeds-at the base or point of connection of all wakor pipe risers, serving separate apartments, offices or detached plumbing fixturea which may be sub ject to frost when such room or rooms are not occupied, or where other conditions make tha draining of the supply line and appliancea ne cessary. When the piping extends along the basem*nt celling It shall be Installed an adequate drain valve for this purpose at the meter, where the piping is laid below tn base ment floor the control valves and bleeds shall be located at a point near (he basem*nt floor or a may be otherwise satisfactory to serve the purpose. The formation of trap In the piping Installation shall be avoided as far as possible, but when unavoidable such sags, traps, or Inverts shall have auitable, properly located drain valves (1) AIR CHAMBERS. Each water supply riser and fixture branch shall terminate with an air chamber, the diameter of which shall be not less than the riser or branch It serves, and where possible It shall have a length not leas than 15 times tha diameter of the riser or branch pipe It serves. In general such air chambers shall be adequate to prevent undue water hammer.

(m) PROTECTION FROM FROST. All concealed water pipes, storage of flushing tanks, and all exposed pipes or tanks subject to freezing temperatures shall he satisfactorily protected against freezing. All piping and appliances shall be so Installed as tn drain by gravity or by approved bleeds. (Also Se. Section (C.) (n) TESTl.Nti.

All concealed water covered al th direction or tns in apector, exeept lu cases where the house drain ia laid at a depth ot five feet or mors below the surface of the basem*nt or ground floor. It shall be Inspected, but th test herein provided If found sstisfactory by the inspector, need not bs, ap- ullei (gi FINAL INSPECTION'. When umh hi or drainage syetem is com ph-ted, and fixtures are Installed, the Una) Inspection anall maue. ana no such plumbing or drainage ays-tem shall be used until it haa been inspected and unless spe clal nermlssion la given by ths pro per authorities for ita temporary use. 1 Alan see following subsec tion fil and Section 3.

Fart II.) (hi IN PEtTION FOR CHANGE OR ALTERATIONS. When additional fixtures are Installed or the style or location of any fixture is changed or when changes ire maae in ine piping system, the work ahall ba In- nsrtf4 til SOILS. WASTE AND VENT TESTS. Soil, wsste snd vent pipes, rain water leaders and all work known as "roughing In" and "under-floor work" between the house drain connections to points above the finished floors and hevond th finished face of walls and partitions shall be tested. (jl WATER AND AIR TEST.

The water test shall he applied by closing all openings in the pipes with proper testing plugs, to the highest opening above tha root, and completely filling the svstem with water or an air test with pressure of at least five pounds shall be used. If the pipea are found free from defects and leaking Joints, the test shall be considered complete and satisfactory. Buildings five ator-iee or more in height may be tested In sections aa directed by tha plumbing Inspector. When water Is not available, or when there ia danger of freesing. the air test, with a pressure of at lsaat Ave pounds, shall be used.

(k) smoke TEST. The smoke teat shall be used In testing the sanitary condition of the drainage or plumbing system of all buildings where there Is reason to believe it has become dangerous or defective on account of settlement of (he building, abuse, accident, or other cause. A smoke test niav be required by the inspector ss a part of the final Inspection and test on all new work or important alterations ot existing work where the Inspection disclosea questionable methods of connecting fixtures or traps, or where apparent defects in fixturea, traps or general workmanship and materiala ars observed. All windows, doors and other openings admitting outside air to tha building must be closed. The smoke machine ahall be connected to any suitable opening or outlet In the system.

When the eystem is filled completely with dense pungent smoke, and the openings emit amoks, they shall be closed air tight and an air pressure equivalent to a 1-inch water column may he applied and left standing at least ten minutes. (Due allowance is to be made by the inspector for shrinkage due to cooling of heated smoke.) If these la M10 leakage or forcing of trap seais or other defects the system ahall be con-sldoied air and gas-tight. Nothing in this sectloa. however, shall be, construed to prohibit the inspector from requiring the removal of any clean-out or unsealing of any trap or test plug to ascertain 1f the smoke hae reached all parts of the aystem. No fixture or any part of the system shall he used while the test ia being applied.

tin) TESTS FOR REPAIRS. Inspections may be made, but tests snail not be required after the repairing or replacing of any old fixtures, faucet or valve by a new one to be used for the same purpose, forcing out stoppage, repairing leaks or relieving frown pipes and fittings. Such repairs or alterations may not be construed to Include cases where new vertical or horizontal lines of soil, waste, vent or interior rain water leaders are used or their relativ locations changed. In a building condemned by the proper authorities because of insanitary conditions of house drainage or plumbing, tests snd inspections shall be made as for new buildings. In such cases repaira or alterations shall be made which are necessary to make the plumbing sanitary.

Any addition to the plumbing system when deemed necessary ahall be tested, NOTE: No test nor inspection shall be required where a house drainage and plumbing system or part thereof is set up for exhibition purposes: nor shall a test be required, aithoiigli inspection shall be made. where the plumbing is placed in an outhouse, stable or detached building used exclusively for such purpose. In) PREPARATIONS FOR INSPECTION. hen work is ready for insiiection the plumber in charge shall make such arrangement aa will enable the inspector (0 reach all parts of the building roadiiy. Shall have present the proper apparatus.

materials, and appliances for making the teats, and shall furnish auch aa-aiatanoe aa may he necessary in mak ing proper Inspection. (C) FOR INSPECTION-. The plumber in charge shall notify the inspector, in person, by telephone or in writing, when the work is ready for inspection. Ail notifications for inspection must, give the correct location of the premises. (p) DISCRETIONARY POWERS.

Wht-n for specific reasons It may be impractical to make an Installation in existing buildings s. as to comply strictly with the provisions of thia Code, or where additions or alterations are made to an Installation under construction reasonably In conformance with this Code aa it pertains to plumbing and drainage design, materials, construction and appliances the inspector of plumbing employed by the City of Madison shall have discretionary power to permit such modifications as are not inconsistent with the spirit and substance thereof. All such modifications must be recorded in writing and (lied with application as official rec.ird: provided further that such inspection reports, orders, permits and recommends! Ions shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 14.1, (Wisconsin Statutes. 1 SECTION 1.11 DEFECTS IN MATERIAL. If tests or Inspection discloses defective material, leakage, or unworkmanlike construction, which does not coaiform to the requirements of this Code und which Is condemned by the inspector of plumb-jng, the same shaii be removed and replaced within three days, and when nev essary retested.

Any split fittings, hubs or defer-five msterinl which do not conform to the requirements of this Code, and which hae been condemned by the inspector, shall be removed from the vvm and not used acain. The presence of any foreign, substance, other than provided for In thij Code, about a joint or any part of a plumbing or drainage system shall be sunicient cause for condem-insr -su- Jomt or part of the system. lb) Poor workmanship, design or methods of Installation likewise shall be sufficient eausefor the condemnation of the whole or anv part of the svstem. (c) LICENSE REHtTRED. It shall be the duty of the plumbing Inspector to ascertain whether the plumber Installing the plumbing or drainage work has complied with licensing requirements prescribed in the state law or local ordinances of Madison In cases where doubt exists he shall ask the plumber to show hla license and take his name and address and record same as a part of the Inspection record.

niMTATION I SKrTTON RI. (31 DRAINAGE IN. ST ILLATIONS. All drainage systems and installations, including piping, traps and back venting In connection therewith, must be made In a sanitary manner, and in accordance with good practice and the provision 4) The Erskine Six has all the beauty and comfort designed into it by Dietrich, combined with all the power and performance built into, it by Studebaker. See it today America's first fine car of small size.

of suitable material. (Sea following eeotion (bl WnOllRN TRAVS AND SINKS. Wooden or sinks, with or. without metallic iinlus. shall be only fjr bar smke, soda fountain ati'ka or dish sinks in note.

resiaurar.ta and public kitchens and may be lind only with copper, white tne'al or lead. They may alaa be used in any building where such trays are in dally use, such as public laundries and dye housea. Sinks or traya made tn approved manner of heavy black or galvanised Iron may be permitted by the Inspector for special purposes. (o WS.TKK Psil'N TAIN'S, HI B- RI.E'RS A 11 DRINKING DEVICES. Ail bubblera and drinking devices shall be of approved sanitary design and construction.

Water presaure and volume shall ba such (hat the drinker niay obtain a drink without the lips coming In contact with the bubbler head or orifice. No fountain bubbler or device ahall be maintained that la an apparent transmitter of disease. The wate from these fix turea shall discharge aa provided fur in Section 47. SECTION 54. a LOCATION or Fl ATI ES.

All toilet rooms and bath rooms in private hul'dlngs (residences) shall have at least one outside window or be provided with a local vent pipe or lr shaft so In stalled as to insure at least four changes of air per hour. Local vents or air shafts for toilet rooms shall not be connected with the plumbing system, and must he so installed as to provide adequate ventilation. For public toilet rooms see State Build ing Code and State numbing Code. tb) FIXTIRK STRAIN ER. ThO outlets of all plumbing futures other than water-closets and pedes tal urinals shall be provided with adequate, substantial and well-se cured metallic strainers.

The com bined area of the strainer openings hall equal or nearly equal the area of the trap Inlet or w-asta pipe. (c FIVTIIIE OtERFLOVf. The overflow pipe from the fixtures ahall In every case be connected on the house or inlet side of trap and be so arranged that it can be easily and effectively cleaned and when plunger is used, it shall ba ground faced. (dl W4.TER SIPPLY TO Fit TIKE, GENERAL, All plumbing fix tures requiring flushing shall be pro vided with a sufficient supply of water for flushing to keep them in proper and sanilrv condition. (e) FLI SHl.NG ANKs.

All automatic flushing devices (either tank or valve) ahall be of such design, construction and adjustment that they may be operated so as to pre vent the waste of water. (f) WVTER SIPPI.V POLI.tTION BY FIATIHE CONNECTION PRO MiRITED. All flushometer valves shall be placed higher than the closet bowl or fixture and the con nection made to the top of the bowl or flxtu)e so as to preclude the possibility of the contenta being sy phoned or drained into the water aupply. Bell supplies (o hath tuba or similar fixturea shall be placed at a point higher than the overflow pipe. Vertical running jet supply for clinic sinks, unless so installed aa tn preclude the possibility of reversal of flow by syphonagn.

Is prohibited. The drain from frostproof valves shall be ao connected to tne drainage system as not to be subject to backflow into the water piping avstTtv 'Bl FIXTI RES REPS.IR OR HE. All Installed plumbing fix tures found to be defective, broken or Insanitary shall be repaired or replaced upon written notice from the inspector within the time stated In such notice (hi FIXTt RES PROHIBITED. No plumbing fixture of the following description or type shall hereafter be installed In any building or part of anv building designed or used for human habitation: (1) Fixed wooden wash trays or sinks except as provided in the following section. (21 No new or old copper-lined wooden bath tub shall be inatalled or an old fixture of this type reconnected if taken out.

In the remodeling of any existing work. (3) No pan or valve, long hopper and valve, plunger, offset, washout, or any other type of water-closet having invisible seals or unventllated fais? or the walls of which are not thoroughly washed and cleaned at each discharge or reconnected if removed in remodeling of any existing work. All Installed fixtures of this type found by the inspector to be defective i-r unclean shall be treated as prescribed in the previous section. fii No new or old latrine or range water-closet shall be installed or be reconnected if takn out in the remodeling of exiting work. Any existing -n found by tlie inspector in a fiitlic, unclean condl-tfori shall be treated as prescribed in the previous section, providing that approved iairine or range closets may be installed In places of detention and In toilet rooms used by occupants mentally or physically deficient so as to make it impossible for them to properly use individual bowis or to operate flushing devices REPAIRS AND HE 4NSTHt CTIONS SEC TION 55 la I OLD IIE-ISEI).

Ail soil, waste and ver.r pipes removed from an old building, if found upon examination to be in gool condi: ion. and cunform- inir with the provisions of this Code, mav be re-used iti the same Ibl OLD 11(11 SE DRAINS. Old housij drains may be used In connection with new buildinirs or new plumbing only when they are found on examination or test to conform to the requirements of this Code gov erning new sewers and drains. If the old work is found defective, the inspector shall notify the owner of the changes necessary to make it conform to the requirements of this Code. (c) FIYTtRSS REPLACED.

When an old or d-fective pun. plunger, offset or hopper closet, or ofher fixture is removed, to be replaced by a new one. auch n'-w fixitln be prop erly trapped una vented, to2etner wiih nil of the fixtures disclmrK-ine the r-nrne soil pi'. The vent pipe and house drain shall be mado so far us is pnrtuai to conform with the t'odc. When it becomes necessary, in remodeling the or 'liaiiiage piping, to remove or diKCOnnc-t an old iron hopper closet, it shall not be reflet, but shall be replaced by a closet that conforms with the requirements of this Code, or the opening serving the fixtures so removed snail he properlv nealed.

(dl ItEt'ONSTHI CTiDN. When old or defective plumbing is to be remodeled, additional fixtures Installed or the whole plumbing system moved to another part of the buiidiog, then th remodeled system shall lie made to conform reasonably to this Code. When chuiiglna the luxation or mov ing a hoiiFe or bunding, all plumbum fixtures in connection therewith he trapped and ventilated to conform reasonably to this Code. (a aEPAIHu. All repairs to fixtures or piping shall be done In a suostantiai.

sanitary and workmanlike manner. IV.PECTIO.T ANTJ TESTS SECTION (a I INSPECTION'S. Ali piping of a drainage or plumbing system (except In case of repairs specified in subsection M) shall be Tested by the plumber in charge In the manner herein provided. In the presence of the inspector of plumb ing or nis auinorized deputy (b) AND LABOR. The materia labor for tests shall be furbished hy the plumber in charge, the recipient of a HOISE DRAIN VESTS.

The entire house drain with ait Its branches, receptacles and tions shall be brouvht so far us piac-litRble tr the surface or grade of hisercenr floor snd tested with water ah. I'pon being found free from leaking jolrts and other deferts, the teatibjll be considered satisfactory, oairies, laundries and similar estab Water softeners equipped with check valve or so constructed at to prevent back flow of water by expanalon from the heating unit shall be equipped with an efficient relief valve approved by the A. 8. M. E.

properlv placed 1st the water suppiy line to tha heating unit. Th dlacharg from th relief valv ahall discharge Into a sink, floor drain or onto th cellar floor SECTION NO. 64. (a) GAS WATER HF.ATEHSi It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, or inatall. or caus to erected or Installed any gas wster heater without first obtaining from the plumbing Inspector a permit in wrtiing so to do, and fe therefor paid as provided In Section 40.

Part IL(b) Every gaa water heater shall be provided with an adequate auppiy pipe. No such supply pipe shall have a diameter leas than tha Inlet pipe of the heater. The connection shall be made with screw thread iron or ateel pip. (c) Every gaa water heater shall have are entirely separate and Independent vent pip (except when connected to a chimney), of adequate sis, extended vertically or nearly ao through the roof, and have a suitable anti-down draft hood, cowl or rap attachment satisfactory to the Inspector, and must be furnished and installed by the person, firm or corporation installing the heater. (d) Every gas water heater vent pipe ahall be conatructed and Installed In a safe, secure and workmanlike manner, so aa not to ba a fir hazard to the building In any way, or a menace to tne neaitn o.

the occupants thereof. Every such vent or smoke flue pipe contained in or passing through a combustible Dartition or floor, shall be placed in aide another pipe on all sidea; or the pipe shall be securely covered with inch corrugated asoeaioa. Any part of an exposed uncovered pipe shall be kept at least two inches away from any woodwork or com bustlbla material. (e) Any person firm or corporation who shall fail to report to the plumbing Inspector any gas water heater which may nave oeen or enau nere-after be installed on which there is no vent pipe or a defective vent pipe, or who shall Install or maintain an; auch gas water heater in an unsafe operating condition or who shall install such heater in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall ne subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars (125) for each and every offense. (f) No gas water heater shall hereafter be installed in any baih room.

SECTION 5. SKETCHES 1LLIS Til ATING TABLES, RILES AND CALCULATIONS. The sketches ac compacting the various sections of this code, illustrating metnoas 01 plumbing design and conatruction water aupply and drainage Installa tion, and the following tables, tules and calculations necessary for the aoiutlon of plumbing problems are hereby adopted as an integral part of this code. PRIVATE WATER SIPPLY SYSTEMS (For Further Particulars See The Wisconsin State Plumbing Code.) SECTION 5. (a) PRIt.VTE WAT Ell SIPPLIES, All private water supplies hereafter conatructed must be from a aource which is not con taminated and which can be pro tected readily from contamination All supplies subject to pollution must be either discontinued or made safe by filtration or sterilization with hypochlorite or other aimiiar disin fectant which Is not dangerous t' human life, or as may be otherwise directed by the health officer or su perintendent of waterworka.

(b) PRIVATE WATER SIPPLY SYSTEMS. All private water supply systems serving plumbing and drainage installations must be of suffic ient capacity and sise to provide ade quate flushing facilities for main taining tne piumDing nxtures at an times in a sanitary condition. No such water supply shall come from a well, spring or other source situated within apparent danger of pollutlcn (c) WELLS AND PIMPS. Pumpt for dug wells serving Schools or pub lic buildings must be placed on water-tight concrete, cement faced platform not less than six feet In diameter; for drilled or driven point wells, on a platform not less than 4x4 feet. The platform must be placed at least tlx tnches above the natural grade line, and graded up around same to within two inches of the top of the platform In such manner.es to conduct all surface water away irom the pump and well.

The pump when located over the well must attached directly to the well casing in drilled wells, and to the platform in dug wells, In such a manner aa to insure a water-tight Joint. Pumps located in pita over the w-ell or with in buildings must have the Intake or delivery pipes ao extended into the well or spring that they cannot become a factor In the pollution of the water supplv. SEVV.GE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL PLANTS FOR RI HAL Hlll.DINGS WHEN A PI SEWER IS AVAILABLE SECTION 57. (a) SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANTS. Septic, biological or other sewage treatment and disposal tanka may he constructed and used where a public sewerage system is not available or likely to become available within a reasonable time.

(b) PERMISSION TO CONSTRICT. Permission to construct and approval of the system to be installed must be obtained from the inspector of plumbing or as may be directed by him. fc) MATERIALS, CAPACITY AND LOCATION. All tanks of this kind to receive domestic sewage must have I one or more compartments constructed of substantial water-tight materials. The sewage from the building must be discharged Into a treatment tank and thenoe by inverted outlet to a leaching compartment, drainage tile or filter beds or Into a permissible natural outlet, providing such disposition does not cause a nuisance or other objectionable conditiona.

Th alze of the tank must be bated on the number of persons using or occupying the building to be served or volume snd character of sewage lo be treated. The discharge of surface snd rain water leaders and cistern and other Overflow pipes carrying large amounts of clear water Into a septic, biological or other tank used for the treatment of. aewag It prohibited. .0 sura treatment tank snail oe lnhments where much water is used -may discharge directly onto a non-v absorbent floor, provided with an adequate number of floor drains, which drains may be connected to fc 3 ard 'Tatch-basin by means of cast t'ic. uuiitu met can no easily rJeanett ard Went tn ftiint i The Erskine Six lias upkeep on the downgrade.

This Little Aristocrat offers the lowest operating and maintenance cost of any car in the United States. ERSKINE SIX $945 to 995 o. b. factory, including front and rear Studebaker models from $1165 to $2495. ng condition may be provided for Collecting and 'onducting wastea to i i.oor drains, equipped where neces afy with a suitable screen for ar- resting tha coarser maleriaia tr.at would otherwise enter tha system, jr Se also provlsiona of Part li).

SKETCH NO. 32. Showing aubsoll receiver ar.d various methods of in- atallation. 40 (b) Floor drains loca'ed above base ment floor shall be considered p.unibing fixture ami shall be of adequate size. IFor a method of In ptallation see Sketches Nos.

-'J and Sit). (ti fJO.vPV WASTES. To avoid the formation of soapsuds in the pipes. waste water from laundries and similar industries lorated above floor should have an inde pendent waste pipe. SECTION 42.

BAR WASTES. Tha waata pipes from serving I. are of oda fountains may be connected directly or indirectly to the drainage aystem by meane of a drum trap Monona Motor Sales Co. 653 W. Washington Ave.

Tel. 1V4936 STUDEBAKER' ERSKINE SIX 4 CHOOSE A CANADIAN NATIONAL VACA'l'loN YPAlt aced on or into the rioor or at the ceiling below, aa close as practicable to the fixture. The waste from the washing com-partmenie may discharge into one common, conveyor pipe connected to firt'ire side of the trap. The total horizontal developed distance of auch conveyor pipe shall not 4 exceed 5" fee. (Fee Sketch No.

23). Mi ETCH NO- 33. Outlining methods of connecting bar. s'-da fountain and similar fixtures. Section 42 NOTE: For sanitary reasons it Is recommended that the washing torn.

partmenta be provided with a atand-" ing waste and overflow, pipe and that a continuoua flow of fresh water be maintained while the fountain or bar Ja in use. SECTION 4J. ICE HOI'S AND STOHAOE DH4INS. The floor drains i' in ice-house and refrigerator roorrs. market, slaughter-houses, storage rooms for provisions, or any riom where Ice Is stored or used shall be.

i riot less than 4 inches and may dis-charge Into a catch-basin. Or SILVER SUMMERS BY THE SEA Canada's jaTafafjaTaTafjaTaV 11 MARITIME PROVINCES SECTION 44. REFRIGERATOR The waste pipe from refrigerator. Ice box or trap, or any receptacle ia which provisions are stored ahall not connect directly with any drain, aoll or waste pipea. ucii waste pipea ahall he so arranged that tbev may he flushed properly.

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Ill West Ailanis Hni, ill. Waatea from refrigeratora equipped with ica matting processes shall be of adeouate alia lo serve the pun pose. Tha waata connection to the drainaga system shall ba made to conform with tha provisions of this Please send me your free Booklet on Mac of Canada. na i (If student, state trade) ordinance. v' Minimum sixe of Mfrleerator wastes shall ba one and one-fourth (lit) inches for one to two refrigerators; for three to four, one ni one-half erl 4 inch pipe: over four, two '2) inrh pipe.

In ail building Over four stories in heifc'ht refrigerator wane utachs ahall extend full caliber through root. All pipes and Airings ud in connection with refrigerator wastes shall be of the ram pattern and quality and shall be Installed its prescribed by this code for waste atndvent pipes, (See Section II, glad the Maritime Provincea, also Tourist Address, C(r i. Stat afK-f Sytttm in America ju-joor- nnANOlUNK-rANADIAN NATIONAL The Largest Hpilway.

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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