What Is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It? (2024)

What is a CVV number?

CVV stands for “card verification value,”which is a unique code printed on payment cards that’s used to authorize payments made online or over the phone. CVV numbers help protect you if your credit or debit card number is stolen. If someone gets hold of your card number, but not the CVV, it’s harder for them to make fraudulent transactions.

Scams — like phishing attacks or social engineering attacks — can sometimes lead to identity theft, which is exactly what the CVV on a debit card and credit card can help prevent.

Does a CVV have 3 or 4 digits?

Most card issuers use a three-digit code on credit and debit cards, including VISA, Mastercard, and Discover. But American Express uses a four-digit CVV. Each CVV is unique to the card and account holder, meaning there’s no universal CVV code.

Different issuer acronyms

CVV is the standard industry term, but card issuers use different acronyms. Here’s what the security code on a debit card or credit card is called by each issuer:



Card issuer


Card Verification Value 2



Card Verification Value 2



Card Identification Number

American Express


Card Verification Value


What’s the difference between a CVV and CVV2?

The only difference between a CVV and a CVV2 is how the number is generated. The ‘2’ signifies that a CVV2 was created using a second-generation algorithm, meaning the code is more secure and harder to guess. But functionally, a CVV and a CVV2 are the same.

How do I find my CVV number?

Visa, Mastercard, and Discover add the CVV number to the back of your card either as the last number on the signature strip or just to the right of it. American Express puts the security code on the front of the card above the account number — usually on the right.

What Is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It? (2)The CVV number can be on the front or the back of a card.

How are CVVs generated?

What may seem like a random number is actually a security code generated using a complex algorithm. Each CVV is created specifically for the card, and it’s based on unique factors like the card number, expiration date, and particular codes from the card issuer. That means your CVV changes each time a replacement card is issued.

What is a dynamic CVV?

A dynamic CVV is a temporary card verification code that some banks use instead of the static CVV number on a card, meaning the CVV changes frequently. Dynamic CVVs work in a similar way to multi-factor or two-factor authentication (2FA), making them the next evolution of secure online payments. Usually, you access a dynamic CVV through your banking app.

Is there a difference between a CVV and a PIN?

A CVV and a PIN (Personal Identification Number) are two different numbers that serve distinct purposes. A CVV is used to verify payments online and over the phone, which provides a layer of protection against identity theft. A PIN is used in person to authorize account access at an ATM or during an in-store transaction.

CVV numbers are generated by the card issuer and printed onto the card, so you can’t change them. In contrast, a PIN is usually a four-digit code that you can (and should) change.

Is it safe to share your CVV number?

Your CVV number is safe to share with legitimate online retailers so they can confirm your identity and verify that you have the physical card in your possession. Although most e-commerce sites always ask for your CVV, some let you pay for your online shopping without a CVV code once you’ve made your first purchase.

Don’t share your CVV numbers with someone you don’t know or trust, or with a vendor you don’t remember purchasing from.

Should I share my CVV in person?

Never give out your CVV when using your credit or debit card in person. Anyone asking for your CVV during an in-person transaction could be trying to steal your information. It’s only safe to give your CVV number over the phone or on a secure site.

What Is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It? (3)Never give out your CVV when paying in person.

How to protect your CVV and credit card number

Here are some tips to help keep your CVV and credit card number safe:

  • Only enter your details on trusted websites. Check that you’re shopping on an https site, which means the website holds an SSL certificate and your data is encrypted.

  • Don’t save your card details to your browser or a retailer’s website. Although auto-fill is convenient, it’s better to enter your card details manually for every purchase. But if you have to, there are safe ways to manage your passwords in Google Chrome .

  • Don’t share your CVV in person. Don’t share your CVV with anyone unless you’re making a purchase online or over the phone.

  • Don’t share photos of your cards with family or friends. Photos of your card details often end up stored in places like iCloud or Google Photos, where they can more easily be part of a data breach or hacking attempt. If this happens to you, act quickly and remove personal information from online.

  • Use a VPN when not on your home network. Whenever you’re traveling or using public Wi-Fi, make sure you use a VPN. A VPN will help protect the personal information you send and receive online, keeping hackers away from your data.

  • Install antivirus software. Protect your devices with antivirus software. Aside from scanning for viruses, it also keeps your device free of keystroke logging software and other malicious tools hackers use to steal personal information.

  • Use a password manager to protect your accounts. A good password manager reduces the risk of being hacked, and it should secure any accounts where you’ve entered your card details previously.

  • Watch out for phishing scams. Beware of clicking suspicious links in emails and text messages — they may be infected with malware. And never provide card or financial details over email or text message.

  • Monitor your accounts for suspicious activity. Check your card statements regularly so you can spot fraudulent activity quickly. If there’s a charge you don’t recognize, contact your bank immediately.

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What Is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It? (2024)


What Is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It? ›

For Visa®, Mastercard® and Discover® cards, the CVV is a three-digit number, and it usually appears on the back of the card, typically next to the signature box. American Express cards have four-digit CVV numbers, and they appear on the front of the card.

How can I find out my CVV without my card? ›

One way to do this is to simply call up your credit card issuer and ask them for your CVV number. They will be able to look up your account information and give you the number. This is probably the easiest way to get your CVV number if you don't have your card with you.

How to figure out a CVV number? ›

How do I find my CVV number? Visa, Mastercard, and Discover add the CVV number to the back of your card either as the last number on the signature strip or just to the right of it. American Express puts the security code on the front of the card above the account number — usually on the right.

Where is CVV number found? ›

Your CVV is the three-digit number available on the back side of your debit card. If you're using a Virtual Debit Card (for 811 customers only), you'll need to click on the debit card image to flip and see the three-digit CVV number.

Can I lookup my CVV number online? ›

It is not possible to find your CVV number online. Since the purpose of the CVV code is to safeguard your identity and card information, it cannot be searched online. You have to physically check your card for the CVV code. However, if you only use a virtual or digital card, you can still search for your CVV online.

How do I find my CVV number on my debit card without a debit card? ›

If you are searching for 'how to know CVV number on debit card online', there is no way to do so. You can access your CVV only from your physical card. But in case you have a virtual card, you can check your CVV by logging into your bank app.

Can you make a payment without CVV? ›

It's absolutely legal for retailers or service providers to ask for your card's CVV code when you're making a purchase. A merchant can't complete the card verification process without one. So if you're making card-not-present purchases, you can expect to be asked to provide your card's CVV code each time.

How do I get a 3 digit CVV? ›

Where to find your credit card's CVV. Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards have a three-digit CVV printed on the back of the card, usually next to the signature panel.

Are CVV numbers stored? ›

The code is either 3 or 4 digits long and acts as an added layer of security for “card not present” transactions. Essentially, it provides a check of the information embossed on the card. This information is not permanently stored because that action is prohibited by law.

What is the CVV code on a debit card? ›

A CVV is a security code typically found on the back of your debit card on the signature panel. Locate it by flipping over your card and looking for the three or four-digit code on the back. Think of the CVV code as a way to authorize your purchases.

How can I use my debit card without CVV online? ›

However, some debit cards may not have a CVV number printed on the back. In such cases, you may still be able to use your debit card for online purchases by entering your card number, expiration date, and billing address. Some merchants may also ask for additional information, such as your name and card type.

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