Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (2024)

One question we get asked when we’re building business websites, is, “Should we have employee bios?” Webpages with lists of staff are often one of the most-viewed pages on a company’s website.

However, some companies don’t have any people represented in detail. They say it’s too much work to maintain, they receive spam emails, or that they’re worried other companies will pilfer their best employees. Those are indeed risks, but the bigger risk is leaving your business faceless. The benefits of website employee bios outweigh the risks.

We recommend adding bios to your business website, and here’s why.

Customers Are Getting to Know You

Today’s users want to do more than just purchase from a company. Many consumers – especially younger consumers – want to see who they’re doing business with, to put faces with the names, and to get to know more about who they’ll be meeting. Studies show that younger generations want to do business with a company that aligns with their personal values, such as giving back to the community. They are looking for a company with an easy-to-use website with people that are approachable, friendly, and accessible.

Employee profiles can help achieve all those goals and build trust with your users.

For companies that do have a “Meet the Staff” page with photos, titles and bios, these pages are often among your most popular pages, and can mean that your prospect is looking to do business with you. What does that tell you? People want to know who you are. Whether they’re looking for a job, want to start a project with you or buy your widgets, people want to know the source of their purchases and investments. Help them get to know you.

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (1)

Bios are Great for Conversions and Good for SEO

These pages are also a prime indicator that people are close to converting on your site – that is, filling out the form, adding to their shopping cart, tapping a phone link, or something else. They want to get to know you before they take the next step.

If a prospective client met a company staff at an event, he or she may look at the online bio before reaching out again. Staff bios put faces with names and titles, so people don’t just know who to contact, but gain a sense of comfort before they even pick up the phone, knowing the face behind the name. What expertise do they have? What certifications and awards have they achieved?

Not only do bios help your users familiarize themselves with your company, but it can help your SEO when you pair industry keywords with your people’s expertise.

How to Write an Employee Bio for a Website

Ready to write some bios? Let’s do this! Having your people’s names, titles and faces is a great start. But adding personal and professional details can help, too. This gives you and your company additional expertise, authority, and trust.

Who should write the bio? Let employees write a first draft of their bio, but make sure your marketing team keeps them brief and consistent. Great employee bio pages align with the company’s brand tone.

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (2)

What Should I Include in an Employee Bio?


  • Name and Title – These are obvious, but make sure you include the correct names and spellings and the correct titles, which can change. Update them when needed.
  • Date of Hire – Use the year they were hired “John joined in 2016” instead of “John has worked here 8 years.” If you put the number of years they’ve been with your company, you will have to update it every year, and who wants to remember that detail for all your employees?
  • Portraits – These photos are more important than you think. It could be the first – and lasting -- impression of your company. Don’t just let your employees submit a photo or use old company portrait from 10 years ago. Invest in professional portraits. Think about your company’s style and the image you want to convey. Make sure the photo is of good quality for website and as professional or casual as matches your brand.
  • Tone – Again, think of your company culture. Are you ultra-casual? Mega professional? Super friendly? Formal? Bios should be written in the same style as the rest of your website. (Hint: casual but professional is the best, conveying that you are approachable, but know your stuff.)
  • Keywords – Staff bios are low-hanging fruit for a little SEO boost. Don’t stuff keywords but think about what keywords you could naturally insert into bios based on the staffer’s skills. For example, if you have an employee with 10 years of grant-writing experience, or certification in Human Resources Management, or expertise in environmentally-sustainable engineering, that can be valuable for SEO and make you attractive to potential clients. They’ll have more confidence in the team when they can see the breadth and depth of skills that match their needs.
  • Structure – Avoid long paragraphs of text. Users prefer to “skim” through text. I favor bulleted lists for easy reading. But you may consider a mix of a couple of short paragraphs, followed by bullets.
  • Social Media – Be careful about adding links to an employee’s social media accounts. You don’t want to mix personal social media with professional expertise. Your employees’ personal social media pages may not align with your company’s values. And back to personal privacy, they may not want to share it on their workplace page. For SEO purposes, you want your viewers to stay on your site as long as possible. Avoid taking them offsite to read your employees’ opinions on Twitter or see them doing a dance on TikTok. In most cases, it’s best to keep social channels out of your employee bios.
  • Internal Links - While people are interested in who you are, they really want to know what you can do for them. What service or product pages align with the employee? Add internal links to those pages to keep people on your site after they’ve looked at your staff. Also, link to that employee’s blog posts, white papers, projects, speeches, office location, etc.

How Should We Organize Company Bios?

Should you separate out your leadership, management, and staff or group everyone together in alphabetical order? Really, it’s up to you. Think about your business strategy and brand. What makes the most sense?

Some prefer to only list the leadership, to promote those brand ambassadors. Some companies list everybody in alphabetical order, hiding the hierarchy. Or you might want to break it down by department. Find the right structure for your company. Think about who will be using your page and who they might be looking for. Think of your clients first, and design the page to please them.

Resumes/CVs - Some companies will post pdfs of their experts’ resumes. Avoid this. Resumes can often contain a deluge of personal data that identity thieves love: home addresses, family statistics, birthdays, professional certification numbers, etc. You’re opening your staff to strangers. For example, a doctor might receive calls from patients to his home. If you really want to have resumes available, ask the employee to create an abridged version for the website that omits personal data.

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (3)

How Personal Should the Bio Be?

Now that you've got the basics and eliminated private info, what should be included in a company bio?

Many companies favor a mix of professional and personal. The percentage depends on how you want to present your company. Consider a 70/30 percentage of business and personal.

Be careful with asking employees for personal details. They may be concerned about their personal privacy for themselves and their families. Don’t force staff to share more than they’re comfortable sharing with the world.

Offer several questions for them to consider when they write their bio. Tell them they don’t have to answer all of them. The top 3-5 answers will be used on the website, and they can change them at any time.

Get Creative With Portraits

Bio pages don’t have to be boring. Depending on your brand style, go casual (or business casual) or get creative with employee photography.

A lot of collections of “best employee webpages” give kudos to marketing and creative agencies, who may have exceptionally creative portraiture, animations, illustrations or off-beat photos. Fun, but that style may not work for all companies. Financial and other business industries may want to be a little more traditional in their approach. Here’s where hiring a professional photographer is critical to have quality photographs that match the quality of your business. A professional can create engaging visuals with professional, yet unique backgrounds, including office environments or other indoor workspaces. You might show off your building’s exterior and landscaping with outdoor portraits.

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (4)

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (5)

Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (6)
Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (7)

Personal details can allow your employees individual personality to shine through without giving specifics. One example I liked asked employees about what they do in their free time. One executive’s response makes me chuckle:

When I’m not working, you will find me:“Doing what my wife tells me.”

Show the lighthearted side of your employees and business. What personal question could align with your company’s business? For example, a landscaping company might list a staff’s favorite flower. A financial firm might ask about the best piece of financial advice. If you sell products, what’s your staffer’s favorite item?

Your bio’s big goal is to show your prospects that they should do business with you. If you were looking for your company’s services, what information would convince you choose your company above the others?

Your bio’s goal is to persuade your prospects to do business with you. If you were looking for your company’s services, what information would convince you to choose your company above the others?

Add Videos

To really make your staff page stand out, add 1–2-minute videos of your leaders or high-profile staff. This really adds good insight into who the people are, and users love them. It’s especially useful for doctors and lawyers, but can give an edge to bankers, investment professionals, engineers, small business owners – really any industry to show off personality, values, and expertise.

Invest in Your People Pages

Your users want to get to know your company, and for some companies, they claim that “our best product is our people.” So why not show them who you are? Remember that Meet the Team pages are often one of the most viewed pages. So be sure to invest time and effort in creating a team page that will wow your customers.

Download our checklist of what to include in an employee website bio



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Employee bio on business website | LRS Web Solutions (2024)


How to write an employee bio for a website? ›

  1. Introduce yourself. Begin your bio by stating your first and last name. ...
  2. State your company or brand name. ...
  3. Explain your professional role. ...
  4. Include professional achievements. ...
  5. Discuss your passions and values. ...
  6. Mention your personal interests.

How to write a bio about your business? ›

The 3 things you need to include in a company bio
  1. When was the company started?
  2. Who started it?
  3. Where was the business started?
  4. Why did you start the business?
  5. How did you get from then until now? Any important milestones along the way?
  6. What's the story behind the company name?
Jun 4, 2024

Should you list your employees on your website? ›

Employee profiles can help achieve all those goals and build trust with your users. For companies that do have a “Meet the Staff” page with photos, titles and bios, these pages are often among your most popular pages, and can mean that your prospect is looking to do business with you.

What is the bio of a company profile? ›

A company bio is a brief description of a company, usually found on the company's website. It gives an overview of the company's history, products, or services. A personal bio, on the other hand, is a brief description of a person, usually found on that person's website or social media profile.

What is an example of a short professional bio? ›

An example of a short professional bio is: "Katie is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in digital advertising strategies. She has helped numerous brands achieve their online marketing goals, leading to increased visibility and 3x revenue YoY."

How to write a personal profile for a company website? ›

How to Write a Professional Bio
  1. Create an 'About' page for your website or profile.
  2. Begin writing your bio with your first and last name.
  3. Mention any associated brand name you might use.
  4. State your current position and what you do.
  5. Include at least one professional accomplishment.
Dec 20, 2023

What are some good bio? ›

Some inspirational bio ideas:
  • Stop living your fear and start living your dream.
  • Live like today is your last day on earth.
  • When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
  • Be the hero of your own story.
  • Love, laugh, live. Never compromise. ...
  • Swimming like there is no tomorrow.
  • Striving to dazzle myself.
  • Work hard. Be kind.
May 6, 2024

Can an employer post photos of their employees on their website? ›

In California, employers' use of employee's photographs for marketing purposes such as on its company website or promotional literature requires prior employee consent for each use, unless the employer meets very limited exceptions.

Should employee files be kept on site? ›

Employee personnel files contain confidential information, so they must be kept secure and protected from damage. Store personnel files in a locked location where only people with permission can access them. This could be a file room or lockable filing cabinet in the HR department.

What is the most important position on a website? ›

Your homepage is the most important page on your website. It's often the most visited by new and returning users, playing a major role in your website experience. Yet, deciding its content can be tricky.

How to write a catchy business bio? ›

How to Write a Good Professional Bio
  1. Start with your name. ...
  2. Mention your company's name. ...
  3. Include details about what you do. ...
  4. State at least one professional accomplishment. ...
  5. Explain your values and how this guides the way you do business. ...
  6. Wrap your bio up by telling your readers who you are outside of work.

What's a good business bio? ›

A good professional bio should include the following bits of information, regardless of your writing style or your goals: - Start with who you are and what you do. The basics of a bio include your name and a brief summary of your professional endeavors and goals. - Describe what you're currently doing.

How to write a bio for a website? ›

It's generally a good idea to include:
  1. Your name.
  2. Your current role or professional tagline.
  3. Your company or personal brand.
  4. Your goals and aspirations.
  5. Your 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements.
  6. One quirky fact about you (if it's appropriate to the site)
Apr 20, 2023

How do I write a bio about myself for work? ›

It's a good idea to include:
  1. Your name.
  2. Your current job title.
  3. Your company name or personal brand statement.
  4. Your hometown.
  5. Your alma mater.
  6. Your personal and professional goals.
  7. A relevant achievement or accomplishment.
  8. Your hobbies.
Apr 8, 2024

How to write a third person bio? ›

Write in the third person

For example, a bio written in the third person should be written as “Smith is a credit analyst in New York” rather than “I am a credit analyst in New York.” Personal bios for an online profile can be written in the first person to create a more personalized tone.

What is an example of a professional bio in HR? ›

Human Resource (HR) Bio Summary

With 20 years of expertise in HR and Operations, John Doe is a results-focused leader who delivers talent acquisition, retention and motivation solutions that help companies harness the full power of one of their most valuable assets – their people.

What is an example of a professional profile? ›

I am a keen, hard working, reliable and excellent time keeper. I am a bright and receptive person, able to communicate well with people at all levels. I am good at working using my own initiative and I am flexible in my approach to work duties. I have a good sense of humour and a pleasant approach.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.